
arrows(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Reads (x,y,a,b) data and make arrow plots. The input can either be a file name of a file with at least four columns, but optionally more, or an Mx2 Array or GMTdatset object with the same characteristics in terms of columns number.

This module is a subset of plot to make it simpler to draw arrow plots. So not all (fine) controlling parameters are listed here. For the finest control, user should consult the plot module.


  • B or axes or frame
    Set map boundary frame and axes attributes. Default is to draw and annotate left and bottom axes. More at frame

  • J or proj : proj=<parameters>
    Select map projection. Default is linear and 14 cm width. More at proj

  • R or region or limits : – limits=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) | limits=(BB=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),) | limits=(LLUR=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),units="unit") | ...more
    Specify the region of interest. Default limits are computed from data extents. More at limits

  • G or markerfacecolor or MarkerFaceColor or mc or fill
    Select color or pattern for filling of vector heads [Default is no fill]. See Setting color for extend color selection (including colormap generation).

  • W or pen=pen
    Set pen attributes for the arrow stem [Defaults: width = default, color = black, style = solid]. See Pen attributes

  • arrow
    Direction (in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal) and length must be found in columns 3 and 4, and size, if not specified on the command-line, should be present in column 5. The size is the length of the vector head. Vector stem width is set by pen. By default, a vector head of 0.5 cm is set but see Vector Attributes for overwriting this default and specifying other attributes.

  • U or time_stamp : – time_stamp=true | time_stamp=(just="code", pos=(dx,dy), label="label", com=true)

  • V or verbose : – verbose=true | verbose=level
    Select verbosity level. More at verbose

  • X or xshift or x_offset : xshift=[] | *xshift=x-shift | xshift=(shift=x-shift, mov="a|c|f|r")
    Shift plot origin. More at xshift

  • Y or yshift or y_offset : yshift=[] | *yshift=y-shift | yshift=(shift=y-shift, mov="a|c|f|r")
    Shift plot origin. More at yshift

  • figname or savefig or name :: figname=name.png
    Save the figure with the figname=name.ext where ext chooses the figure format


Plot a single arrow with head and tail.

    arrows([0 8.2 0 6], limits=(-1,4,7,9), arrow=(len=2,start=:arrow,stop=:tail,shape=0.5),
           figsize=(12,4), axes=:a, pen="4p", show=true)

Let us see the effect of the scale factor in quiver plots (components given in u,v). Plot a single vector with length 0f ~7 cm (sqrt(50)). Notice that map limits and map size are equal to 5.

   arrows([0.0 0 5 5], limits=(0,5,0,5), figsize=5, frame=(annot=:a, grid=1),
          arrow=(len=0.5,stop=1,uv=1), show=true)

now, we increase the fig size to 10 cm and because the vector magnitude is half ot it (= 7) we see that the vector is now plot from 0 to ~3.54 figure units. In fact, the vector has exactly the same size as in previous example but the figure is now twice as large.

   arrows([0.0 0 5 5], limits=(0,5,0,5), figsize=10, frame=(annot=1, ticks=0.5, grid=1),
          arrow=(len=0.5,stop=1,uv=1), show=true)

and finally we will change the vector size again but this time by applying a factor scale of 0.5. The vector is now ~1.77 figure units long.

   arrows([0.0 0 5 5], limits=(0,5,0,5), figsize=10, frame=(annot=0.5, ticks=0.25, grid=0.5),
          arrow=(len=0.5,stop=1,uv=0.5), show=true)

See Also

plot, lines, scatter