Gridding of data and trend surfaces

    plot("@table_5.11", limits=(0,7,0,7), frame=(axes=:WSNe, annot=2, ticks=1),
         marker=:circle, ms=0.15, fill=:black, figsize=(8,8), yshift=17)
    text!("@table_5.11", offset=(0.1,0), font=6,  justify=:LM, noclip=true)
    mean_xyz = blockmean("@table_5.11", region=(0,7,0,7), inc=1);

    # Then draw gmt blockmean cells
    basemap!(region=(0.5,7.5,0.5,7.5), frame=(grid=1,), xshift=8.3)
    plot!(mean_xyz, limits=(0,7,0,7), frame=(axes=:eSNw, annot=2, ticks=1),
          marker=:square, ms=0.15, fill=:black)
    # Label data values using one decimal
    text!(mean_xyz, font=6, justify=:LM, zvalues="%.1f", offset=(0.15,0),
          fill=:white, clearance=0.03, pen=true, noclip=true)

    # Then gmt surface and contour the data
    Gdata = surface(mean_xyz, R="", inc=1);
    grdcontour!(Gdata, frame=(axes=:WSne, annot=2, ticks=1), cont=25, annot=50,
                labels=(dist=7,), smooth=4, xshift=-8.3, yshift=-9)
    plot!(mean_xyz, marker=:square, ms=0.12, fill=:black)

    # Fit bicubic trend to data and compare to gridded gmt surface
    Gtrend = grdtrend(Gdata, N=10, T=true);
    track  = project(C=(0,0), E=(7,7), G=0.1, flat_earth=true);
    grdcontour!(Gtrend, frame=(axes=:wSne, annot=2, ticks=1), cont=25, annot=50,
                smooth=4, labels=(line="CT/CB",), xshift=8.3)
    plot!(track, pen=(:thick, :dot))

    # Sample along diagonal
    data  = grdtrack(track, G=Gdata, outcol="2,3");
    trend = grdtrack(track, G=Gtrend, outcol="2,3");
    t = gmtinfo(data=(trend, data), inc=(0.5,25));
    plot!(data, region=t[1].text[1][3:end], lw=:thick, xaxis=(axes=:WSne, annot=1),
          yaxis=(annot=50,), proj=:linear, figsize=(16.3,4), xshift=-8.3, yshift=-4.8)
    plot!(trend, pen=(:thinner, :dashed), show=1)

See also GMT ex14