Volumes and Spatial Selections

    using Printf
    # Define location of Pratt seamount and the 400 km diameter
    pratt = [-142.65 56.25 400]

    # First generate gravity image w/ shading, label Pratt, and draw a circle
    # of radius = 200 km centered on Pratt.
    grav_cpt = makecpt(color=:rainbow, range=(-60,60));
    grdimage("@AK_gulf_grav.nc", shade=:default, frame=(annot=2,ticks=1),
             proj=:merc, figsize=14, xshift=3.8, yshift=14.9)
    coast!(region="@AK_gulf_grav.nc", land=:gray, shore=:thinnest)
    colorbar!(pos=(anchor=:BC, offset=(0,1)), xaxis=(annot=20, ticks=10), ylabel="mGal")
    text!(text_record(pratt, "Pratt"), pos=(anchor=(0.25,0.25),),
          font=(12,"Helvetica-Bold"), justify=:LB)
    plot!(pratt, marker="E-", markerline=:thinnest)

    # Then draw 10 mGal contours and overlay 50 mGal contour in green
    grdcontour!("@AK_gulf_grav.nc", cont=20, frame=(axes=:WSEn, annot=2, ticks=1), yshift=-12.3)
    # Save 50 mGal contours to individual files, then plot them
    grdcontour!("@AK_gulf_grav.nc", cont=10, range=(49,51), dump="sm_%c.txt")
    plot!("sm_C.txt", lw=:thin, lc=:green)
    coast!(land=:gray, shore=:thinnest)
    plot!(pratt, marker="E-", markerline=:thinnest)

    # Now determine centers of each enclosed seamount > 50 mGal but only plot
    # the ones within 200 km of Pratt seamount.

    # Determine mean location of each closed contour
    centers = gmtspatial("sm_C.txt", length=true, colinfo=:g)
    rm("sm_O.txt");     rm("sm_C.txt")

    # Only plot the ones within 200 km
    t = gmtselect(centers, C=(pratt,"200k"), colinfo=:g)
    plot!(t, marker=:Circle, ms=0.2, mc=:red, MarkerLine=:thinnest)
    plot!(pratt, marker=:Triangle, ms=0.25, fill=:yellow, MarkerLine=:thinnest)

    # Then report the volume and area of these seamounts only
    # by masking out data outside the 200 km-radius circle
    # and then evaluate area/volume for the 50 mGal contour

    Gmask = gmt(string("grdmath -R ", pratt[1], " ", pratt[2], " SDIST ="))
    Gmask = grdclip(Gmask, above=(200, NaN), below=(200, 1))
    Gtmp = gmt("grdmath @AK_gulf_grav.nc ? MUL =", Gmask);
    av   = grdvolume(Gtmp, cont=50, unit=:k);

    T = text_record(["> -149 52.5 14p 2.6i j"
        @sprintf("Volumes: %d mGal\\264km@+2@+", av[1].data[3])
        @sprintf("Areas: %.2f km@+2@+", av[1].data[2])])

    text!(T, paragraph=true, fill=:white, pen=:thin, offset=0.75,
          font=(14,"Helvetica-Bold"), justify=:LB, clearance=0.25, show=true)

See also GMT ex18