World-wide seismicity the last 7 days

    using Printf
    D = gmtinfo("@usgs_quakes_22.txt", header=1, F=:i, outcol=2)
    n = D[1].data[1]
    #D = gmtinfo("@usgs_quakes_22.txt", header=1, colinfo="0T",
                 per_column=true, inc=1, par=(TIME_UNIT=:d,))
    #first = D[1].data[1]
    #last  = D[1].data[2]
    # The above commented lines work but give a numeric time. Still have to find howto convert ot Time string
    first = "2017-09-01"
    last  = "2017-10-01"

    # Start plotting. First lay down map, then plot quakes with size = magintude/50":
    coast(region=:global360, land=:burlywood, ocean=:lightblue, area=1000,
          frame=(annot=45, grid=30, title="World-wide earthquake activity"),
          proj=(name=:EckertVI, center=180), figsize=22, yshift=7, portrait=false)
    neis = makecpt(color="red,green,blue", range="0,100,300,10000", nobg=true)
    plot!("@usgs_quakes_22.txt", cmap=neis, marker=:circle, ml=:faint,
          header=1, incol="2,1,3,4+s0.04")

    # Create legend input file for NEIS quake plot
    neis_legend = text_record([
    @sprintf("H 16p,Helvetica-Bold %d events during %s to %s", n, first, last)
    "D 0 1p"
    "N 3"
    "V 0 1p"
    "S 0.1i c 0.1i red 0.25p 0.2i Shallow depth (0-100 km)"
    "S 0.1i c 0.1i green 0.25p 0.2i Intermediate depth (100-300 km)"
    "S 0.1i c 0.1i blue 0.25p 0.2i Very deep (> 300 km)"
    "D 0 1p"
    "V 0 1p"
    "N 7"
    "V 0 1p"
    "S 0.1i c 0.06i - 0.25p 0.3i M 3"
    "S 0.1i c 0.08i - 0.25p 0.3i M 4"
    "S 0.1i c 0.10i - 0.25p 0.3i M 5"
    "S 0.1i c 0.12i - 0.25p 0.3i M 6"
    "S 0.1i c 0.14i - 0.25p 0.3i M 7"
    "S 0.1i c 0.16i - 0.25p 0.3i M 8"
    "S 0.1i c 0.18i - 0.25p 0.3i M 9"
    "D 0 1p"
    "V 0 1p"
    "N 1"
    "G 0.25l"
    "T USGS/NEIS most recent earthquakes for the last seven days. The data were"
    "T obtained automatically from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program page at"
    "T @_ Interested users may also receive email alerts"
    "T from the USGS."
    "T This script can be called daily to update the latest information."
    "G 0.4i"
    "I @USGS.png 1i RT"
    "G -0.3i"
    "L 12p,Times-Italic LB GMT guru @@ GMTbox"])
    # OK, now we can actually run legend. We center the legend below the map.
    legend!(neis_legend, pos=(anchor=:BC, offset=(0,1), width=(18,4.3)),
            box=(pen=1,fill=:lightyellow), par=(:FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY,10), show=true)

See also GMT ex22