Trigonometric functions plotted in graph mode

    basemap(region=(0,360,-1.25,1.75), frame=(axes=:WS, title="Two Trigonometric Functions"),
            xaxis=(annot=90, ticks=30, suffix="@."), yaxis=(annot=1, grid=10),
            par=(MAP_FRAME_TYPE=:graph, MAP_VECTOR_SHAPE=0.5), figsize=(20,15), portrait=false)

    #Draw sine an cosine curves
    plot!(cosd.(linspace(0,360,360)), lw=3)
    plot!(sind.(linspace(0,360,360)), pen="3p,0_6:0", par=(:PS_LINE_CAP,:round))

    # Indicate the x-angle = 120 degrees
    plot!([120 -1.25; 120 1.25], pen=(0.5, :dashed))

    T = text_record([360 1; 360 0; 120 -1.25; 370 -1.35; -5 1.85],
        ["18p,Times-Roman RB x = cos(@%12%a@%%)", "18p,Times-Roman RB y = sin(@%12%a@%%)", 
        "14p,Times-Roman LB 120@.", "24p,Symbol LT a", "24p,Times-Roman RT x,y"])

    text!(T, offset=(away=true, shift=0.2), noclip=true, font="", justify="")

    # Draw a circle and indicate the 0-70 degree angle
    plot!([0 0], region=(-1,1,-1,1), proj=:linear, figscale=3.81, marker=:circle,
          ms=5.1, ml=1, noclip=true, xshift=9, yshift=7)
        [NaN NaN
        -1 0
        1 0
        NaN NaN
        0 -1
        0 1
        NaN NaN
        0 0
        1 0
        NaN NaN
        0 0
        -0.5 0.866025])
        [NaN NaN
        -0.3333	0
        0	0
        NaN NaN
        -0.3333 0.57735
        -0.3333 0])

    T = text_record([-0.16666 0 0; -0.3333 0.2888675 0; 0.22 0.27 -30; -0.33333 0.6 30],
        ["12p,Times-Roman CT x", "12p,Times-Roman RM y", "12p,Symbol CB a", "12p,Times-Roman LB 120@."])
    text!(T, offset=(away=true, shift=0.1), font="", angle="", justify="")

    plot!([0 0 1.25 0 120], marker=:matang, ms="0.4+e", ml=1, fill=:black, show=true) 

See also GMT ex30