
grdview(cmd0::String=""; kwargs...)

Create 3-D perspective image or surface mesh from a grid


Reads a 2-D grid and produces a a 3-D perspective plot by drawing a mesh, painting a colored/grayshaded surface made up of polygons, or by scanline conversion of these polygons to a raster image. Options include draping a data set on top of a surface, plotting of contours on top of the surface, and apply artificial illumination based on intensities provided in a separate grid.

The region option can be used to select a map region larger or smaller than that implied by the extent of the grid.

Required Arguments

  • J or proj : – proj=<parameters>
    Select map projection. More at proj

  • Jz or JZ or zscale or zsize : zscale=scale | zsize=size
    Set z-axis scaling or or z-axis size. $zsize=size$ sets the size to the fixed value size (for example zsize=10 or zsize=4i). $zscale=scale$ sets the vertical scale to UNIT/z-unit.

Optional Arguments

  • B or axes or frame
    Set map boundary frame and axes attributes. More at frame

  • C or color or cmap : – color=cpt
    Where cpt is a GMTcpt type or a cpt file name. Alternatively, supply the name of a GMT color master dynamic CPT [jet] to automatically determine a continuous CPT from the grid's z-range; you may round up/down the z-range by adding +i zinc. Yet another option is to specify $color="color1,color2[,color3 ,...]"$ or $color=((r1,g1,b1),(r2,g2,b2),...)$ to build a linear continuous CPT from those colors automatically (see Setting color). When not explicitly set, but a color map is needed, we will either use the current color map, if available (set by a previous call to makecpt), or the default jet color map. Must be present if you want (1) mesh plot with contours ($surftype=(mesh=true,)$), or (2) shaded/colored perspective image ($surftype=(surface=true,)$ or $surftype=(img=true,)$). For $surftype=(surface=true,)$ you can specify that you want to skip a z-slice by setting the red r/g/b component to -.

  • G or drape : – drape=grid | drape=(grid_r, grid_g, grid_b) | drape=image
    Drape the image in drapegrid on top of the relief provided by reliefgrid. [Default determines colors from reliefgrid]. Note that zsize and plane always refers to the reliefgrid. The drapegrid only provides the information pertaining to colors, which (if drape is a grid) will be looked-up via the CPT (see color). Instead, you may give three grid files via separate drape options in the specified order. These files must contain the red, green, and blue colors directly (in 0-255 range) and no CPT is needed. The drapegrid may be of a different resolution than the reliefgrid. Finally, drapegrid may be an image to be draped over the surface, in which case the color option is not required. For the drape image case it is important that both reliefgrid and drapeimage carry referencing information. In that case, the reliefgrid can be in geograpgic coordinates and drapeimage in any projection system. Otherwise, we try to figure out what to do but things may ofc go wrong.

  • isgeog : – isgeog=true
    When drapping an image that has a projection info, over a grid that is in geographics but does not carry any information about this fact we may need to use this option to help the program finding the common BoundingBox. Used only together with drape

  • I or shade or intensity : – shade=grid | shade=azim | shade=(azimuth=az, norm=params, auto=true)
    Gives the name of a grid with intensities in the (-1,+1) range, or a constant intensity to apply everywhere (affects the ambient light). Alternatively, derive an intensity grid from the input data grid grd_z via a call to grdgradient; use $shade=(azimuth=az,)$ or $shade=(azimuth=az, norm=params)$ to specify azimuth and intensity arguments for that module or just give $shade=(auto=true,)$ to select the default arguments ($azim=-45,norm=:t1$). If you want a more specific intensity scenario then run grdgradient separately first.

  • N or plane : – plane=lev | plane=(lev, fill)
    Draws a plane at this z-level. If the optional color is provided via $plane=(lev, fill)$, and the projection is not oblique, the frontal facade between the plane and the data perimeter is colored. See -Wf for setting the pen used for the outline.

  • Q or surf or surftype : – surftype=(mesh=true, waterfall=(:rows | :cols [,fill]), surface=true, image=true, nan_alpha=true, monochrome=true)
    Select one of following settings. For any of these choices, you may force a monochrome image by setting $monochrome=true$. Colors are then converted to shades of gray using the (monochrome television) YIQ transformation. Note: pay attention to always use a tuple, even when only one option is used. This is correct: surf=(img=true,) but this is wrong: surf=(img=true)

    • Specify $mesh=true$ for mesh plot [Default], and optionally set a color (see Setting color), with $mesh=color$, for a different mesh paint.

    • Specify $waterfall=:rows$ or $:cols$ for waterfall plots (row or column profiles). Specify fill color or patterns with a second argument. For example $waterfall=(:rows, :red)$

    • Specify $surface=true$ for surface plot, and optionally add mesh=true to have mesh lines drawn on top of surface.

    • Specify $image=true$ for image plot. Optionally use $image=dpi$ to set the effective dpi resolution for the rasterization [100].

    • Specify $nan\_alpha=true$, same as $image=true$ but will make nodes with $z = NaN$ transparent, using the colormasking feature in PostScript Level 3.

  • R or region or limits : – limits=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) | limits=(BB=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),) | limits=(LLUR=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),units="unit") | ...more
    Specify the region of interest. More at limits. For perspective view view, optionally add zmin,zmax. This option may be used to indicate the range used for the 3-D axes [Default is region given by the reliefgrid]. You may ask for a larger w/e/s/n region to have more room between the image and the axes. A smaller region than specified in the reliefgrid will result in a subset of the grid.

  • S or smooth : – smooth=smoothfactor
    Used to resample the contour lines at roughly every (gridbox_size/smoothfactor) interval.

  • T or no_interp : – no_interp=(skip=true, outlines=true)
    Plot image without any interpolation. This involves converting each node-centered bin into a polygon which is then painted separately. Use $skip=true$ to skip nodes with z = NaN. This option is useful for categorical data where interpolating between values is meaningless. Optionally, add $outlines=true$ to draw the tile outlines. If the default pen is not to your liking, use $outlines=pen$ (see Pen attributes). As this option produces a flat surface it cannot be combined with -JZ or -Jz.

  • U or time_stamp : – time_stamp=true | time_stamp=(just="code", pos=(dx,dy), label="label", com=true)
    Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot. More at timestamp

  • V or verbose : – verbose=true | verbose=level
    Select verbosity level. More at verbose

  • W or pen or pens

  • pens=(contour=true,)

Draw contour lines on top of surface or mesh (not image). Use $pens=(contour=true, pen)$ to set pen attributes used for the contours. [Default: width = 0.75p, color = black, style = solid].

  • pens=(mesh=true, pen)

Sets the pen attributes used for the mesh. [Default: width = 0.25p, color = black, style = solid]. You must also select $surftype=(mesh=true,)$ or $surftype=(surface=true, mesh=true)$ for meshlines to be drawn.

  • pens=(facade=true, pen)

Sets the pen attributes used for the facade. [Default: width = 0.25p, color = black, style = solid]. You must also select plane for the facade outline to be drawn.

  • X or xshift or x_offset : xshift=[] | *xshift=x-shift | xshift=(shift=x-shift, mov="a|c|f|r")
    Shift plot origin. More at xshift

  • Y or yshift or y_offset : yshift=[] | *yshift=y-shift | yshift=(shift=y-shift, mov="a|c|f|r")
    Shift plot origin. More at yshift

  • n or interp or interpol : interp=params
    Select interpolation mode for grids. More at interp

  • p or view or perspective : view=(azim, elev)
    Selects perspective view and sets the azimuth and elevation of the viewpoint. More at perspective

  • t or transparency or alpha: alpha=50
    Set PDF transparency level for an overlay, in (0-100] percent range. [Default is 0, i.e., opaque]. Works only for the PDF and PNG formats.

  • figname or savefig or name :: figname=name.png
    Save the figure with the figname=name.ext where ext chooses the figure format


See the Example 04 at the Historical Collection gallery.