Line networks, map embellishments, and curved titles

    loc = [-157.8583  21.3069   61 300
        -149.5585 -17.5516 -120 120
            139.6917  35.6895   56 170
            -70.6693 -33.4489  215 322
            151.2070 -33.8675  -10 145
        -118.2437  34.0522  142 306]
    par = [["HNL" "BC" "0.6i"]; ["PPT" "TC" "0.6i"]; ["HND" "RB" "0.3i"];
           ["SCL" "TL" "0.25i"]; ["SYD" "TR" "0.85i"]; ["LAX" "BL" "0.80i"]]

    makecpt(cmap=:lightgray, range="-12000,12000")
    grdimage("", region=:global360, shade=(azim=45, norm="t2"),
             proj=(name=:ortho, center=(205,-10)), figsize=18)
    near_area = sphtriangulate(loc, voronoi=:v)
    t_cpt = makecpt(cmap=:categorical, range=(0,6,1))
    plot!(near_area, close=true, cmap=t_cpt, alpha=65)
    plot!(loc, marker=:W, ms="2000k", fill="white@40")
    coast!(land=:black, area=500, frame=(annot=:auto, ticks=:auto, grid=:auto))
    # Make a 15 degrees by 250 km spiderweb grid around each airport
    # First to the arcs of different radii
    for k in 500:250:2000
        plot!(loc, marker="W" * "$k" * "k+a", ml=0.5)
    # Then do every 15 degree radial lines but in multiples of 15. Also place labels.

    for k = 1:size(loc,1)
        az1 = ceil(loc[k,3]  / daz) * daz
        az2 = floor(loc[k,4] / daz) * daz
        # Generate the radial lines at 15 deg and plot them as geovectors
        a15 = az1:daz:az2
        t = zeros(length(a15), 4);	t .+= [loc[k,1] loc[k,2] 0 2000];	t[:,3] = a15
        arrows!(t, geovec=0.1, pen=0.5)
        text!(text_record(loc[k:k,1:2], par[k,1]),
              offset=(corners=true, shift=par[k,3], line=(0.5,:white)),
              font=16, justify=par[k,2], noclip=true)
        text!(text_record(loc[k:k,1:2], par[k,1]),
              offset=(corners=true, shift=par[k,3], line=0.25),
              font=16, justify=par[k,2], noclip=true, fill=:white, pen=0.25)

    # Plot trimmed lines and overlay airport locations
    lines!(loc, connection=:network,
           pen=(lw=1.5, arrow=(len=0.5,fill=:red,shape=0.5), offset="250k"))
    plot!(loc, symbol="E-500", fill=:orange, ml=0.25)
    # Make an arc of radius 12 cm from 45 to 135 degrees around map
    # center and use it to place text
    path = [cosd.(45:135) sind.(45:135)] .* 12
    # Move up 8 cm so origin is at the map center
    lines!(path, region=(-9.0,9.0,0,15), proj=:linear, figscale=1.0,
           decorated=(quoted=true, n_labels=1, font=32, curved=true,
                      const_label="IMPORTANT PACIFIC AIRPORTS"),
           pen=(:faint,:white), noclip=true, yshift=8, show=true

See also GMT ex48