Data importing

We have a number of ways to import data, besides using any of the additional packages in julia to read files.

screenshot_to_GeoData(filename::String, Corner_LowerLeft, Corner_UpperRight; Corner_LowerRight=nothing, Corner_UpperLeft=nothing, Cartesian=false, UTM=false, UTMzone, isnorth=true, fieldname::Symbol=:colors)

Take a screenshot of Georeferenced image either a lat/lon, x,y (if Cartesian=true) or in UTM coordinates (if UTM=true) at a given depth or along profile and converts it to a GeoData, CartData or UTMData struct, which can be saved to Paraview

The lower left and upper right coordinates of the image need to be specified in tuples of (lon,lat,depth) or (UTM_ew, UTM_ns, depth), where depth is negative inside the Earth (and in km).

The lower right and upper left corners can be specified optionally (to take non-orthogonal images into account). If they are not specified, the image is considered orthogonal and the corners are computed from the other two.

Note: if your data is in UTM coordinates you also need to provide the UTMzone and whether we are on the northern hemisphere or not (isnorth).

Data = screenshot_to_CartData(filename::String, Corner_LowerLeft, Corner_UpperRight; Corner_LowerRight=nothing, Corner_UpperLeft=nothing)

Does the same as screenshot_to_GeoData, but returns a CartData structure

Data = screenshot_to_UTMData(filename::String, Corner_LowerLeft, Corner_UpperRight; Corner_LowerRight=nothing, Corner_UpperLeft=nothing, UTMzone::Int64=nothing, isnorth::Bool=true, fieldname=:colors)

Does the same as screenshot_to_GeoData, but returns for UTM data Note that you have to specify the UTMzone and isnorth