# MarkdownLiteral.jl

The macro `@markdown` lets you write [Markdown]( inside Pluto notebooks. *Here is an example:*

You can also use the macro to write HTML!

	The macro <code>@markdown</code> lets you write <a href="">HTML</a> inside Pluto notebooks.
	<em>Here is an example:</em>


You can unlock superpowers by combining @markdown with interpolation (using $). For our example, let's create some data:

films = [
	(title="Frances Ha", director="Noah Baumbach", year=2012)
	(title="Portrait de la jeune fille en feu", director="Céline Sciamma", year=2019)
	(title="De noorderlingen", director="Alex van Warmerdam", year=1992)

Now, we can use interpolation to display our data:

My films:
	"- **$(f.title)** ($(f.year)) by _$(f.director)_
	for f in films

This gives us:

My films:

  • Frances Ha (2012) by Noah Baumbach
  • Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019) by Céline Sciamma
  • De noorderlingen (1992) by Alex van Warmerdam

Alternatively, you could write this using HTML instead of Markdown (with the same macro!):

<p>My films:</p>
		<b>$(f.title)</b> ($(f.year)) by <em>$(f.director)</em>
	for f in films

Advanced interpolation

Because interpolation is powered by HypertextLiteral.jl, you can use advanced features:

  • Interpolated attributes are automatically escaped
  • You can use a NamedTuple or Dict for the CSS style attribute
  • Interpolating Julia objects into a <script> will automatically convert to JavaScript code(!)


logs = [
	(text="Info", urgent=false),
	(text="Alert", urgent=true),
	(text="Update", urgent=false),
	@markdown("<div style=$((
		background=log.urgent ? "pink" : "lightblue",
	for log in logs
