Rosetta Stone for converting Scilab function names to Julia

(min,+) core functions

Scilab/ScicosLab/NSP does not implement (min,+) algebra natively.

(max,+) core functions

In the Julia REPL, type ? and the name of the function to show its documentation and examples. Functions are given in the alphabetical order of ScicosLab functions.

astarbastarbReturn the x of the equation x = A x + b
/ (division)Base.:(/)(max,+) division operator on scalar, dense or sparse matrix.
fullfull, dense, ArrayTransform a (max,+) sparse matrix to a (max,+) dense matrix.
howardhowardmpeigenReturn eigenvalues and eigenvectors from a sparse matrix using Howard algorithm.
invBase.inv, Base.:(^,-1)Compute the inverse of the (max,+) matrix
karphowardmpeigenKarp algorithm is not implemented since Howard algorithm is faster.
LaTeX, show MIME"text/latex"Output a (max,+) matrix to LaTeX code.
# (maxplus)MPCreate a (max,+) number or dense array or sparse array.
& (min)Base.minReturn the min of two (max,+) scalars or matrix.
- (minus)Base.:(-)(max,+) minus unary and binary operators on scalar, dense or sparse matrix.
mnormnormCompute the norm of a (max,+) dense or sparse matrix.
mptracetrCompute the trace of a (max,+) dense or sparse matrix.
percent0,, zero, mp0, MaxPlus.εReturn the (max,+) element zero.
percent1,, one, mp1,mpeReturn the (max,+) element one.
percenteye, %eyeeyeReturn the (max,+) identity matrix.
mpIThe diagonal elements used for creating (max,+) identity matrix.
percentones, %onesonesReturn the once (max,+) matrix or column vector.
percenttop, %topmptopReturn the min+ element zero.
percentzeros, %zerosspzerosReturn the zero (max,+) sparse matrix or column vector (Julia builtin).
zerosReturn the zero (max,+) dense matrix or column vector.
+ (plus)Base.:(+)(max,+) plus operator on scalar, dense or sparse matrix.
plusplusCompute the (max,+) matrix A^+
plustimesplustimesConvert a (max,+) number or matrix to a standard number or matrix (where plus and times operators are the classic operators).
^ (power)Base.:(^)Compute the power of a (max,+) number or matrix.
Base.showDisplay a (max,+) number or sparse or dense matrix.
SparseArrays.sparseCreate a (max,+) sparse matrix or convert a (max,+) dense matrix.
\ (residu)Base.:(\)Return the x of the equation A x = b
semihowardsemihowardCritical cycles
starstarCompute the (max,+) matrix A^*
* (times)Base.:(*)(max,+) times operator on scalar, dense or sparse matrix.
typeofBase.typeofReturn the type of the (max,+) number.

Dynamic linear (max,+) system

mpsyslinMPSysLinStructure holding state matrices of the syslin. In Scilab its a function.
LaTeXOutput a (max,+) syslin to a LaTeX formula.
simulmpsimulSimulation of the (max,+) linear system.
explicitmpexplicitConversion of an implicit dynamic linear (max,+) system to an explicit form (where D state matrix is zero'ed).
Base.showDisplay the (max,+) syslin.
plus, +Base.:(+)(max,+) plus operator, or product with a (max,+) scalar or (max,+) matrix.
times, *Base.:(*)Series composition.
/.Base.:(/)Feedback composition.
[;]Base.:vcat, [;]Inputs in common and concatenation of outputs.
[,]Base.:hcat, [,]Concatenation of inputs and addition of outputs.
typeoftypeofReturn the type of the (max,+) syslin.


flowshopFlowshop maxplus linear system builder.
LaTeXGenerate the flowshop graph as a LaTeX formula.
flowshop_graphFlowshop graph builder.
flowshop_simuMaxplus linear system simulation.
saturation_graphSaturation graph.
showcrgraphFlowshop critical graph.
strongconnexgraphStrong connected component extracting.


length(mpzeros(2,2))2444 is the correct answer
norm, trace, minnot implementednot implementedimplemented
MP^(-x)not implementednot implementedimplementedNegative power (x > 0)