A Poisson Problem

Lets go through a code for the Poisson equation on a unit square

\[\Omega = (0,1)^2\]


\[\Gamma = \partial \Omega\]

with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions given by

\[\begin{aligned} -\Delta y = s &\quad \text{in}\; \Omega\\ y = 0 &\quad \text{on}\; \Gamma. \end{aligned}\]

First we have to load the package MinFEM. We then import a mesh file generated with GMSH. Here it is assumed that square.msh is located inside a mesh/ folder in the parent directory ../. This has to be adjusted if using Windows. Notice the line being commented out. For simplicitity we could also generate a uniform mesh for the unit square $(0,1)^2$ with, e.g., 30 nodes in each direction:

using MinFEM
mesh = import_mesh("../meshes/square.msh");
#mesh = unit_square(30);

Now we can inspect the content of the new object:

(:d, :nnodes, :nelems, :nboundelems, :Nodes, :Elements, :BoundaryElements, :ParentElements, :ParentBoundaries, :Boundaries, :Domains, :Entities)

Important for us is the field Boundaries assigning markers to the physical boundaries:

KeySet for a Dict{Int64, Boundary} with 4 entries. Keys:

We can thus see that there are four boundaries. The naming scheme (1001, 1002, 1003, 1004) was more or less arbitrarily chosen during the creation of the mesh and could be changed. Lets inspect one of them:

(:Name, :Nodes, :Elements)
Boundary("bottom", Set([5, 16, 20, 12, 24, 28, 8, 17, 30, 1  …  25, 4, 13, 15, 2, 10, 18, 21, 26, 27]), Set([5, 16, 20, 12, 24, 28, 8, 17, 1, 19  …  25, 4, 13, 15, 2, 10, 18, 21, 26, 27]))

The next step is to assemble the matrices which discretize the weak formulation:

Find $y \in H_0^1(\Omega)$ such that

\[\int_\Omega \nabla y \cdot \nabla v\, dx = \int_\Omega s v\, dx\]

for all $v \in H_0^1(\Omega)$.

So we need a stiffness matrix

L = assemble_laplacian(mesh)
900×900 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4380 stored entries:

and a mass matrix

M = assemble_massmatrix(mesh)
900×900 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 6062 stored entries:

We now want to set

\[s_{m,n}(x) = \sin(n x_1 \pi)\,\sin(m x_2 \pi)\]

as an eigenfunction of the Laplacian multiplied with the corresponding eigenvalue

\[\lambda_{m,n} = (n\pi)^2 + (m\pi)^2\]

f(x) = ((n*pi)^2 + (m*pi)^2) * sin(n*x[1]*pi) * sin(m*x[2]*pi)
s = evaluate_mesh_function(mesh, f)

Finally we plan to solve: Find $y \in H_0^1(\Omega)$ such that

\[\int_\Omega \nabla y \cdot \nabla v\, dx = \int_\Omega \lambda_{m,n} s_{m,n} v\, dx\]

for all $v \in H_0^1(\Omega)$. Where we know that the exact, also classical solution, is given by

\[y(x) = s_{m,n}(x).\]

Therefore, we set up a PDESystem structure, which holds all necessary information for the PDE. These are the stiffness matrix, the load vector, Dirichlet values and indices of the boundary nodes:

boundary = select_boundaries(mesh, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004)
boundaryNodes = extract_nodes(boundary)

pde = PDESystem(A=L, b=M*s, bc=zeros(mesh.nnodes), DI=boundaryNodes)

Remember that the mesh was designed to have four physical boundaries identified by the indices 1001-1004.

Finally, we solve the PDE and write the solution as well as the prescribed load to a .vtu-file for visualization with Paraview:


write_to_vtk([pde.state, s], mesh, ["Y","S"], "poisson")

In Paraview, the visualization of the solution should then look similar to the following:
