
Approximate the map aspect ratio via minimum and maximum latitude of the projected area.


Define OSMPlot plotting function with some attribute defaults.



Keyword arguments

graphplotkwargs::NamedTuple = (; ) : All kwargs are passed on to GraphMakie.graphplot!. All kwargs that work with graphplot will also work here (see GraphMakie docs for reference). Extending the defaults can be done by providing graphplotkwargs = (; kwargs...). hide_elabels::Bool = false : Show or hide edge labels. hide_nlabels::Bool = true : Show or hide node labels. buildings::Union{Dict{Integer, LightOSM.Building}, Nothing} = nothing : Buildings polygons are plotted if this is not nothing. buildingskwargs::NamedTuple = (; ) : All kwargs are passed on to Makie.poly and will overwrite the default plotting behaviour inspect_nodes::Bool = false : Enables/disables inspection of OpenStreetMap nodes. inspect_edges::Bool = true : Enables/disables inspection of OpenStreetMap ways.