
Plasmo.jl extends the Plots.plot and Plots.spy methods from the Plots.jl Julia package.

Plots.plot(graph::OptiGraph; node_labels = false, subgraph_colors = false, node_colors = false, linewidth = 2.0,linealpha = 1.0, markersize = 30,labelsize = 20, markercolor = :grey,
layout_options = Dict(:tol => 0.01,:C => 2, :K => 4, :iterations => 2),
plt_options = Dict(:legend => false,:framestyle => :box,:grid => false,:size => (800,800),:axis => nothing),
line_options = Dict(:linecolor => :blue,:linewidth => linewidth,:linealpha => linealpha))

Plot a graph layout of the optigraph graph. The following keyword arguments can be provided to customize the graph layout.

  • node_labels = false: whether to label nodes using the corresponding optinode label attribute.

  • subgraph_colors = false: whether to color nodes according to their subgraph.

  • node_colors = false: whether to color nodes. Only active if subgraph_colors = false.

  • linewidth = 2.0: the linewidth attribute for each edge in graph.

  • linealpha = 1.0: the linealpha attribute for each edge in graph.

  • markersize = 30: the markersize which determines the size of each node in graph.

  • labelsize = 20: the size for each node label. Only active if node_labels = true.

  • markercolor = :grey: the color for each node.

  • layout_options = Dict(:tol => 0.01,:C => 2, :K => 4, :iterations => 2): dictionary with options for the layout algorithm.

    • tol: permitted distance between a current and calculated co-ordinate.
    • C,K: scaling parameters.
    • iterations: number of iterations used to apply forces.
  • plt_options = Dict(:legend => false,:framestyle => :box,:grid => false,:size => (800,800),:axis => nothing): dictionary with primary plotting options.

    • legend: whether to include legend, or legend position.
    • framestyle: style of frame used for plot.
    • size: size of the resulting plot.
    • axis: whether to include the axis. The axis typically does not make sense for a graph layout plot.
    • It is also possible to use various plotting options compatible with Plots.scatter from the Plots.jl package.
  • line_options = Dict(:linecolor => :blue,:linewidth => linewidth,:linealpha => linealpha): line plotting options used to display edges in the graph.

    • linecolor: color to use for each line.
    • linewidth: linewidth to use for each edge. Defaults to the above option.
    • linealpha: linealpha to use for each edge. Default to the above option.
Plots.spy(graph::OptiGraph;node_labels = false,labelsize = 24,subgraph_colors = false,node_colors = false,markersize = 1)

Plot a matrix visualization of the optigraph: graph. The following keyword arguments can be provided to customize the matrix visual.

  • node_labels = false: whether to label nodes using the corresponding optinode label attribute.
  • labelsize: the size for each node label. Only active if node_labels = true.
  • subgraph_colors = false: whether to color nodes according to their subgraph.
  • node_colors = false: whether to color nodes. Only active if subgraph_colors = false.
  • markersize = 1: Size of the linking constraints in the matrix representation.