
Plasmo.jl supports JuMP/MOI enabled solvers, as well as the PIPS-NLP parallel optimization solver.

JuMP/MOI Solvers

Plasmo.jl can use JuMP/MOI solvers by means of its aggregate function. The example below solves an optigraph using Ipopt, where underneath, optimize! produces a single OptiNode (which encapsulates a JuMP.Model), solves the optinode, and populates the solution of the optigraph with the result.

using Plasmo
using Ipopt

graph = OptiGraph()


@variable(n1,0 <= x <= 2)
@variable(n1,0 <= y <= 3)
@constraint(n1,x+y <= 4)

@NLnodeconstraint(n2,exp(x) >= 2)

@linkconstraint(graph,n1[:x] == n2[:x])

ipopt = Ipopt.Optimizer

A result specific to an optinode can be accessed using the nodevalue function. Here we see that the value of x on optinodes n1 and n2 can be queried (and are consistent with the linking constraint).

julia> println("n1[:x]= ",round(nodevalue(n1[:x]),digits = 5))
n1[:x]= 0.69315

julia> println("n2[:x]= ",round(nodevalue(n2[:x]),digits = 5))
n2[:x]= 0.69315


The PipsSolver interface can be used to solve structured nonlinear optimization problems with PIPS-NLP. To do so, we use the MPClusterManagers package and Julia's Distributed module to distribute an optigraph among worker CPUs. We then execute PIPS-NLP using MPI using @mpi_do (available from MPIClusterManagers) which runs MPI on each worker. The below example shows how this is done for a simple optigraph with two optinodes and two MPI ranks.

using MPIClusterManagers
using Distributed

# specify 2 MPI workers

# uses Distributed to add processors to a manager

@everywhere using Plasmo
@everywhere using PipsSolver

julia_workers = collect(values(manager.mpi2j))

graph = OptiGraph()


@variable(n1,0 <= x <= 2)
@variable(n1,0 <= y <= 3)
@variable(n1, z >= 0)
@constraint(n1,x+y+z >= 4)

@NLnodeconstraint(n2,ref,exp(x) >= 2)
@variable(n2,z >= 0)
@constraint(n2,z + x >= 4)

@linkconstraint(graph,n1[:x] == n2[:x])

#Distribute the graph to workers.  #create the variable pipsgraph on each worker
remote_references = PipsSolver.distribute(graph,julia_workers,remote_name = :pipsgraph)

#Execute MPI
@mpi_do manager begin
    using MPI


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