
This unit contains linear algebra functions useful in relation to the Riemannian geometry of the manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) or Hermitian Positive Definite (HPD) matrices. In Julia those are Hermitian matrices, see typecasting matrices.

In general they take a matrix as input (some may take other arrays as input) and are divided in eight categories depending on what kind of functions thay are and what they give as output:

1. Utilities- - -
2. Matrix normalizations and approximationsmatrix
3. Boolean functions of matricesmatrix
4. Scalar functions of matricesscalar
5. Diagonal functions of matricesdiagonal matrix
6. Unitary functions of matricesorthogonal/unitary matrix
7. Matrix function of matricesmatrix
8. Spectral decompositions of positive matricesspectral function of input
9. Decompositions involving triangular matricestriangular matrix


typeofMatrix, typeofMatReturn the type of the matrix argument
typeofVector, typeofVecReturn the type of the matrix vector argument
dimlength of the dimensions of matrices and vectors of matrices
removeRemove one or more elements from a vector or one or more
columns or rows from a matrix
isSquareReturn true if matrix arguement is square, false otherwise

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Matrix normalizations and approximations

det1Normalize the determinant
tr1Normalize the trace
nearestPosDefNearest Symmetric/Hermitian Positive Semi-definite matrix
nearestOrthogonalnearestOrthNearest Orthogonal matrix
normalizeCol!Normalize one or more columns

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Missing docstring for normalizeCol!. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Boolean functions of matrices

isposCheck whether a real vector or diagonal matrix are comprised of all positive elements
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Scalar functions of matrices

colProdSum of products of the elements in two columns
sumOfSqr, ssSum of squares of all elements or of specified columns
sumOfSqrDiag, ssdSum of squares of the diagonal elements
colNormEucliden norm of a column
sumOfSqrTril, sstSum of squares of the lower triangle elements up to a given underdiagonal
trFast trace of the product of two Hermitian matrices
quadraticForm, qfFast quadratic form
fidelity(Quantum) Fidelity of two positive matrices

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Missing docstring for sumOfSqrDiag. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

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Diagonal functions of matrices

fDiag, 𝑓𝔻Elemen-wise functions of matrix diagonals
DiagOfProd, dopDiagonal of the product of two matrices

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Unitary functions of matrices

mgsModified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization

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Matrix function of matrices

fVecGeneral function for multi-threaded computation of means and sums of matrix vectors
congruence, congCompute congruent transformations

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Spectral decompositions of positive matrices

evdEigenvalue-Eigenvector decomposition of a matrix in $UΛU'=P$ form
frfFull-rank factorization of an Hermitian matrix
invfrfInverse of the full-rank factorization of an Hermitian matrix (whitening)
spectralFunctionsMother function for creating spectral functions of eigenvalues
powPower of a positive matrix for any number of exponents in one pass
invsqrtPrincipal square root inverse (whitening) of a positive matrix
sqrSquare of a positive matrix
powerIterations, powIterPower method for estimating any number of eigenvectors and associated eigenvalues

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Missing docstring for pow. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for invsqrt. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for sqr. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for powerIterations. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Decompositions involving triangular matrices

choLLower triangular factor of Cholesky decomposition
choInvLower triangular factor of Cholesky decomposition and its inverse in one pass
choInv!as choInv, but destroying the input matrix

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Missing docstring for choInv. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for choInv!. Check Documenter's build log for details.