Here we discuss the models used to describe load modeling in PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl. In a similar fashion of other devices, loads will withdraw power (i.e. current) from the current-injection balances at the nodal level. Based on the specified parameters and model chosen, the equations for computing such withdrawal will change.

Static Loads (or Algebraic Loads)

ZIP + Exponential Load Model

PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl uses all the static ZIP and exponential loads at each bus to obtain a single structure that creates an aggregate ZIP load model and a collection of all exponential loads.

The ZIP load model given by:

\[\begin{align} P_\text{zip} &= P_\text{power} + P_\text{current} \cdot \frac{V}{V_0} + P_\text{impedance} \cdot \left(\frac{V}{V_0}\right)^2 \tag{1a}\\ Q_\text{zip} &= Q_\text{power} + Q_\text{current} \cdot \frac{V}{V_0} + Q_\text{impedance} \cdot \left(\frac{V}{V_0}\right)^2\tag{1b} \end{align}\]

with $V = \sqrt{V_r^2 + V_i^2}$ and $V_0$ the voltage magnitude from the power flow solution.

The current taken for the load is computed as:

\[\begin{align} I_\text{zip} &= \frac{(P_\text{zip} + j Q_\text{zip})^*}{(V_r + j V_i)^*}\tag{1c} \\ I_\text{zip} &= \frac{P_\text{zip} - j Q_\text{zip}}{V_r - j V_i}\tag{1d} \end{align}\]

For constant impedance load, the current obtained is:

\[\begin{align} I_\text{re}^z &= \frac{1}{V_0^2} \cdot (V_r \cdot P_\text{impedance} + V_i \cdot Q_\text{impedance})\tag{1e} \\ I_\text{im}^z &= \frac{1}{V_0^2} \cdot (V_i \cdot P_\text{impedance} - V_r \cdot Q_\text{impedance})\tag{1f} \end{align}\]

For constant current load, the current obtained is:

\[\begin{align} I_\text{re}^i &= \frac{1}{V_0} \cdot \frac{V_r * P_\text{current} + V_i * Q_\text{current}}{V} \tag{1g}\\ I_\text{im}^i &= \frac{1}{V_0} \cdot \frac{V_i * P_\text{current} - V_r * Q_\text{current}}{V} \tag{1h} \end{align}\]

For constant power load, the current obtained is:

\[\begin{align} I_\text{re}^p = \frac{V_r \cdot P_\text{power} + V_i \cdot Q_\text{power}}{V^2} \tag{1i} \\ I_\text{im}^p = \frac{V_i \cdot P_\text{power} - V_r \cdot Q_\text{power}}{V^2} \tag{1j} \end{align}\]

Then the total current withdrawed from the ZIP load model is simply

\[\begin{align} I_\text{zip}^\text{re} &= I_\text{re}^z + I_\text{re}^i + I_\text{re}^p \tag{1k} \\ I_\text{zip}^\text{im} &= I_\text{im}^z + I_\text{im}^i + I_\text{im}^p \tag{1l} \end{align}\]

On the case of Exponential Loads, the model is given by:

\[\begin{align} P_\text{exp} = P_0 \cdot \left(\frac{V}{V_0}\right)^\alpha \tag{1m}\\ Q_\text{exp} = Q_0 \cdot \left(\frac{V}{V_0}\right)^\beta \tag{1n} \end{align}\]

The current taken for the load is computed as:

\[\begin{align} I_\text{exp} &= \frac{(P_\text{exp} + j Q_\text{exp})^*}{(V_r + j V_i)^*} \tag{1o} \\ I_\text{exp} &= \frac{P_\text{exp} - j Q_\text{exp}}{V_r - j V_i} \tag{1p} \end{align}\]

that results:

\[\begin{align} I_\text{exp}^\text{re} &= V_r \cdot P_0 \cdot \frac{V^{\alpha - 2}}{V_0^\alpha} + V_i \cdot Q_0 \cdot \frac{V^{\beta - 2}}{V_0^\beta} \tag{1q}\\ I_\text{exp}^\text{im} &= V_i \cdot P_0 \cdot \frac{V^{\alpha - 2}}{V_0^\alpha} - V_r \cdot Q_0 \cdot \frac{V^{\beta - 2}}{V_0^\beta} \tag{1r} \end{align}\]

Dynamic loads

5th-order Single Cage Induction Machine [SingleCageInductionMachine]

The following model is used to model a 5th-order induction machine with a quadratic relationship speed-torque. Refer to "Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems" by Paul Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk and Scott Sudhoff for the equations derivation

\[\begin{align} \dot{\psi}_{qs} &= \Omega_b (v_{qs} - \omega_\text{sys} \psi_{ds} - R_s i_{qs}) \tag{2a}\\ \dot{\psi}_{ds} &= \Omega_b (v_{ds} + \omega_\text{sys} \psi_{qs} - R_s i_{ds}) \tag{2b} \\ \dot{\psi}_{qr} &= \Omega_b \left(v_{qr} - (\omega_\text{sys} - \omega_r) \psi_{dr} + \frac{R_r}{X_{lr}} (\psi_{mq} - \psi_{qr})\right) \tag{2c}\\ \dot{\psi}_{dr} &= \Omega_b \left(v_{dr} + (\omega_\text{sys} - \omega_r) \psi_{qr} + \frac{R_r}{X_{lr}} (\psi_{md} - \psi_{dr})\right) \tag{2d}\\ \dot{\omega}_r &= \frac{1}{2H} (\tau_e - \tau_{m0}(A \omega_r^2 + B \omega_r + C)) \tag{2e} \end{align}\]


\[\begin{align*} X_{ad} = X_{aq} &= \left(\frac{1}{X_m} + \frac{1}{X_{ls}} + \frac{1}{X_{lr}}\right)^{-1} \\ v_{qs} &= V_i^\text{bus} \\ v_{ds} &= V_r^\text{bus} \\ v_{qr} = v_{dr} &= 0 \\ \psi_{mq} &= X_{aq} \left(\frac{\psi_{qs}}{X_{ls}}+ \frac{\psi_{qr}}{X_{lr}}\right) \\ \psi_{md} &= X_{ad} \left(\frac{\psi_{ds}}{X_{ls}}+ \frac{\psi_{dr}}{X_{lr}}\right) \\ i_{qs} &= \frac{1}{X_{ls}} (\psi_{qs} - \psi_{mq}) \\ i_{ds} &= \frac{1}{X_{ls}} (\psi_{ds} - \psi_{md}) \\ \tau_e &= \psi_{ds} i_{qs} - \psi_{qs} i_{ds} \end{align*}\]

Finally, the withdrawed current from the bus is:

\[\begin{align*} I_r = \left(\frac{S_\text{motor}}{S_\text{base}}\right) (i_{ds} - v_{qs} B_{sh}) \\ I_i = \left(\frac{S_\text{motor}}{S_\text{base}}\right) (i_{qs} + v_{ds} B_{sh}) \end{align*}\]

3rd-order Single Cage Induction Machine [SimplifiedSingleCageInductionMachine]

The following models approximates the stator fluxes dynamics of the 5th-order model by using algebraic equations.

\[\begin{align} \dot{\psi}_{qr} &= \Omega_b \left(v_{qr} - (\omega_\text{sys} - \omega_r) \psi_{dr} - R_r i_{qr} \right) \tag{3a} \\ \dot{\psi}_{dr} &= \Omega_b \left(v_{dr} + (\omega_\text{sys} - \omega_r) \psi_{qr} - R_r i_{dr}\right) \tag{3b} \\ \dot{\omega}_r &= \frac{1}{2H} (\tau_e - \tau_{m0}(A \omega_r^2 + B \omega_r + C)) \tag{3c} \end{align}\]


\[\begin{align*} v_{qs} &= V_i^\text{bus} \\ v_{ds} &= V_r^\text{bus} \\ v_{qr} = v_{dr} &= 0 \\ i_{qs} &= \frac{1}{R_s^2 + \omega_\text{sys}^2 X_p^2} \left( (R_s v_{qs} - \omega_\text{sys} X_p v_{ds}) - \left(R_s \omega_\text{sys} \frac{X_m}{X_{rr}} \psi_{dr} + \omega_\text{sys}^2 X_p \frac{X_m}{X_{rr}} \psi_{qr} \right) \right) \\ i_{ds} &= \frac{1}{R_s^2 + \omega_\text{sys}^2 X_p^2} \left( (R_s v_{ds} + \omega_\text{sys} X_p v_{qs}) - \left(-R_s \omega_\text{sys} \frac{X_m}{X_{rr}} \psi_{qr} + \omega_\text{sys}^2 X_p \frac{X_m}{X_{rr}} \psi_{dr} \right) \right) \\ i_{qr} &= \frac{1}{X_{rr}} (\psi_{qr} - X_m i_{qs}) \\ i_{dr} &= \frac{1}{X_{rr}} (\psi_{dr} - X_m i_{ds}) \\ \tau_e &= \psi_{qr} i_{dr} - \psi_{dr} i_{qr} \end{align*}\]

Finally, the withdrawed current from the bus is:

\[\begin{align*} I_r = \left(\frac{S_\text{motor}}{S_\text{base}}\right) (i_{ds} - v_{qs} B_{sh}) \\ I_i = \left(\frac{S_\text{motor}}{S_\text{base}}\right) (i_{qs} + v_{ds} B_{sh}) \end{align*}\]

Active Constant Power Load Model

The following 12-state model Active Load model that measures the AC side using a Phase-Lock-Loop (PLL) and regulates a DC voltage to supply a resistor $r_L$. This model induces a constant power load-like behavior as it tries to maintain a fixed DC voltage to supply $P = v_\text{DC}^2 / r_L$. The model is based on the following reference.

The complete model is given by:

\[\begin{align} \dot{\theta} &= \Omega_b (\omega_\text{pll} - \omega_s) \tag{4a} \\ \dot{\epsilon} &= v_\text{o}^q \tag{4b}\\ \omega_\text{pll} &= \omega^\star + k^p_\text{pll} v_\text{o}^q + k_\text{pll}^i \epsilon \tag{4c}\\ \dot{\zeta} &= v_\text{DC}^\star - v_\text{DC} \tag{4d} \\ i_\text{cv}^{d,\star} &= k_\text{DC}^p ( v_\text{DC}^\star - v_\text{DC}) + k_\text{DC}^i \zeta \tag{4e} \\ \frac{c_\text{DC}}{\Omega_b} \dot{v}_\text{DC} &= \frac{p_\text{cv}}{v_\text{DC}} - \frac{v_\text{DC}}{r_L} \tag{4f} \\ \dot{\gamma}_d &= i_\text{cv}^d - i_\text{cv}^{d,\star} \tag{4g}\\ \dot{\gamma}_q &= i_\text{cv}^q - i_\text{cv}^{q,\star} \tag{4h} \\ v_\text{cv}^{d,\star} &= k_\text{pc}( i_\text{cv}^d - i_\text{cv}^{d,\star}) + k_\text{ic} \gamma_d + \omega_\text{pll} l_f i_\text{cv}^q \tag{4i}\\ v_\text{cv}^{q,\star} &= k_\text{pc}( i_\text{cv}^q - i_\text{cv}^{q,\star}) + k_\text{ic} \gamma_q - \omega_\text{pll} l_f i_\text{cv}^d \tag{4j} \end{align}\]

Equations (4a)–(4c) describes the PLL dynamics to lock the active load to the grid. Equations (4d)-(4e) describes the DC Voltage Controller to steer the DC voltage to $v_\text{DC}^\star$, while equation (4f) describes the DC voltage dynamics at the capacitor assuming an ideal converter. Finally, equations (4g)–(4j) describes the dynamics of the AC Current Controller. Additionally six states are defined for the LCL filter in a similar fashion of GFM inverters.