Executing a Simulation

After constructing the System data from PowerSystems.jl with its dynamic components, a Simulation structure must be constructed. Check the API for Simulation and Simulation! for its construction and available arguments.

Once a Simulation is constructed and properly initialized, the execute! command is used to run the Simulation. If no perturbation was included, then a steady state simulation will be run over the time span defined. See the API of execute! for more details.


Solvers must be chosen accordingly depending on the type of model used in the Simulation. For example, a Residual model can be executed using Sundials IDA solver:

using Sundials
sim = Simulation(
    (0.0, 20.0),
execute!(sim, IDA())

Results can be explored using:

results = read_results(sim)

Similarly, a Mass Matrix model can be executed using Rodas4 solver.

using OrdinaryDiffEq
sim2 = Simulation(
    (0.0, 20.0),
execute!(sim2, Rodas4())

Exploring the Solution

Once a Simulation is executed and the results are stored via results = read_results(sim), the following functions can be used to explore the Simulation solution:

Show initial conditions

The function show_states_initial_value(results) can be used to display the initial condition of the voltages and dynamic states of each dynamic component.

Explore bus voltages

The function get_voltage_magnitude_series(results, BusNumber) can be used to obtain the voltage magnitude time series of the specified bus. Similarly, get_voltage_angle_series(results, BusNumber) can be used to obtain the voltage angle time series of the specified bus.

Explore output currents

The functions get_real_current_series(results, "DeviceName") and get_imaginary_current_series(results, "DeviceName") can be used to obtain the output current time series of the specified device.

Explore output power

The functions get_activepower_series(results, "DeviceName") and get_reactivepower_series(results, "DeviceName") can be used to obtain the output power time series of the specified device.

Explore dynamic states

The function get_state_series(results, ("DeviceName", :StateSymbol) can be used to obtain the specified state time series of the specified device.

Explore Reference Setpoints

The function get_setpoints(sim) can be used to obtain the reference setpoints of each dynamic device. Note: If a setpoint was changed via a perturbation, this function will return the modified setpoint.

Keyword Arguments

Any solver option available in DifferentialEquations.jl can be passed as keyword arguments in the execute! function. Please see the Common Solver Options in the DifferentialEquations.jl documentation for more details.

Most common solver options used are dtmax to control the maximum dt for adaptive timestepping. abstol and reltol are also commonly used to control the tolerance in the adaptive timestepping. saveat is also used to store the results at a specified time stamps. For example, the following code is valid to further specify your solver options:

execute!(sim, IDA(), dtmax = 0.01, abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-6, saveat = 0.01)

In addition, the keyword argument enable_progress_bar = false can be used to disable the progress bar.