
PowerSimulationsDynamics supports models with constant delays in a mass matrix formulation:

\[\begin{align} M\frac{dx(t)}{dt} = f(x(t), x(t-\tau_1), ... , x(t-\tau_N)) \end{align}\]

For more information on solving such models, refer to the documentation for DelayDiffEq.jl package.

The following models include time delays:


There is currently limited support for including models with time delays. The following limitations apply:

  • Only constant delays are supported (state dependent delays are not).
  • System models with delays must use MassMatrixModel formulation (ResidualModel is not currently compatible).
  • System models with delays are not compatible with small signal analysis tools.
  • The system formulation with delays is not compatible with automatic differentiation for calculating the gradient with respect to time. The setting autodiff=false should be set when passing the solver (e.g. MethodofSteps(Rodas5(autodiff=false))).