JuliaCall API Reference


juliacall.Main - Constant

The Julia `Main` module, as a [`ModuleValue`](#juliacall.ModuleValue).

In interactive scripts, you can use this as the main entry-point to JuliaCall:
from juliacall import Main as jl
jl.println("Hello, world!")

In packages, use [`newmodule`](#juliacall.newmodule) instead.

The modules Base, Core and PythonCall are also available.


juliacall.convert - Function

convert(T, x)

Convert `x` to a Julia object of type `T`.

You can use this to pass an argument to a Julia function of a specific type.
juliacall.newmodule - Function


A new module with the given name.

Wrapper types

Apart from a few fundamental immutable types, all Julia values are by default converted into Python to some AnyValue object, which wraps the original value, but giving it a Pythonic interface.

Subclasses of AnyValue provide additional Python semantics. For example a Julia vector is converted to a VectorValue which satisfies the Python sequence interface and behaves very similar to a list.

There is also a RawValue object, which gives a stricter "Julia-only" interface, documented below. These types all inherit from ValueBase:

juliacall.AnyValue - Class

Wraps any Julia object, giving it some basic Python semantics. Subtypes provide extra

Supports `repr(x)`, `str(x)`, attributes (`x.attr`), calling (`x(a,b)`), iteration,
comparisons, `len(x)`, `a in x`, `dir(x)`.

Calling, indexing, attribute access, etc. will convert the result to a Python object
according to [this table](@ref jl2py). This is typically a builtin Python type (for
immutables) or a subtype of `AnyValue`.

Attribute access can be used to access Julia properties as well as normal class members. In
the case of a name clash, the class member will take precedence. For convenience with Julia
naming conventions, `_b` at the end of an attribute is replaced with `!` and `_bb` is
replaced with `!!`.

###### Members
- `_jl_raw()`: Convert to a [`RawValue`](#juliacall.RawValue). (See also [`pyjlraw`](@ref).)
- `_jl_display()`: Display the object using Julia's display mechanism.
- `_jl_help()`: Display help for the object.
juliacall.NumberValue - Class

This wraps any Julia `Number` value. It is a subclass of `numbers.Number` and behaves
similar to other Python numbers.

There are also subtypes `ComplexValue`, `RealValue`, `RationalValue`, `IntegerValue` which
wrap values of the corresponding Julia types, and are subclasses of the corresponding
`numbers` ABC.
juliacall.ArrayValue - Class

This wraps any Julia `AbstractArray` value. It is a subclass of

It supports zero-up indexing, and can be indexed with integers or slices. Slicing returns a
view of the original array.

If the array is strided and its eltype is supported (i.e. `Bool`, `IntXX`, `UIntXX`,
`FloatXX`, `Complex{FloatXX}`, `Ptr{Cvoid}` or `Tuple` or `NamedTuple` of these) then it
supports the buffer protocol and the numpy array interface. This means that
`numpy.asarray(this)` will yield a view of the original array, so mutations are visible on
the original.

Otherwise, the numpy `__array__` method is supported, and this returns an array of Python
objects converted from the contents of the array. In this case, `numpy.asarray(this)` is a
copy of the original array.

###### Members
- `ndim`: The number of dimensions.
- `shape`: Tuple of lengths in each dimension.
- `copy()`: A copy of the array.
- `reshape(shape)`: A reshaped view of the array.
- `to_numpy(dtype=None, copy=True, order="K")`: Convert to a numpy array.
juliacall.VectorValue - Class

This wraps any Julia `AbstractVector` value. It is a subclass of `juliacall.ArrayValue` and
`collections.abc.MutableSequence` and behaves similar to a Python `list`.

###### Members
- `resize(size)`: Change the length of the vector.
- `sort(reverse=False, key=None)`: Sort the vector in-place.
- `reverse()`: Reverse the vector.
- `clear()`: Empty the vector.
- `insert(index, value)`: Insert the value at the given index.
- `append(value)`: Append the value to the end of the vector.
- `extend(values)`: Append the values to the end of the vector.
- `pop(index=-1)`: Remove and return the item at the given index.
- `remove(value)`: Remove the first item equal to the value.
- `index(value)`: The index of the first item equal to the value.
- `count(value)`: The number of items equal to the value.
juliacall.DictValue - Class
This wraps any Julia `AbstractDict` value. It is a subclass of `collections.abc.Mapping` and
behaves similar to a Python `dict`.
juliacall.SetValue - Class
This wraps any Julia `AbstractSet` value. It is a subclass of `collections.abc.Set` and
behaves similar to a Python `set`.
juliacall.IOValue - Class

This wraps any Julia `IO` value. It is a subclass of `io.IOBase` and behaves like Python

There are also subtypes `BinaryIOValue` and `TextIOValue`, which are subclasses of
`io.BufferedIOBase` (buffered bytes) and `io.TextIOBase` (text).
juliacall.ModuleValue - Class
This wraps any Julia `Module` value.

It is the same as [`AnyValue`](#juliacall.AnyValue) except for one additional convenience
- `seval([module=self], code)`: Evaluates the given code (a string) in the given module.
juliacall.TypeValue - Class

This wraps any Julia `Type` value.

It is the same as [`AnyValue`](#juliacall.AnyValue) except that indexing is used to access
Julia's "curly" syntax for specifying parametric types:

from juliacall import Main as jl
# equivalent to Vector{Int}() in Julia
juliacall.RawValue - Class

Wraps any Julia value with a rigid interface suitable for generic programming.

Supports `repr(x)`, `str(x)`, attributes (`x.attr`), calling (`x(a,b)`), `len(x)`, `dir(x)`.

This is very similar to [`AnyValue`](#juliacall.AnyValue) except that indexing, calling,
etc. will always return a `RawValue`.

Indexing with a tuple corresponds to indexing in Julia with multiple values. To index with a
single tuple, it will need to be wrapped in another tuple.

###### Members
- `_jl_any()`: Convert to a [`AnyValue`](#juliacall.AnyValue) (or subclass). (See also