Certifying Signaling Dimension

Formally, certifying the signaling dimension requires that a channel $\mathbf{P}\in\mathcal{P}^{X \to Y}$ is checked against all tight Bell inequalities bounding the signaling polytopes. In general cases, it is difficult derive these Bell inequalities and test them all. Despite this challenge, the signaling dimension can be bounded. We now provide methods that efficiently compute upper and lower bounds on the signaling dimension. For more details please refer to our work Certifying the Classical Simulation Cost of a Quantum Channel.


In most cases, it is not feasible to compute the exact signaling of a channel, however, loose lower and upper bounds can be determined with efficiency.

Lower Bounds

maximum_likelihood_lower_bound( P :: BellScenario.AbstractStrategy ) :: Int64

Uses maximum likelihood estimation to efficiently compute the lower bound of the signaling dimension. For a channel $\mathbf{P}\in\mathcal{P}^{X \to Y}$, the maximum likelihood lower bound on the signaling dimension is expressed,

\[\kappa(\mathbf{P}) \geq \sum_{y\in[Y]} \max_{x\in[X]} P(y|x).\]

Since the maximum_likelihood_facet is present on all signaling polytopes, a lower bound can always be found with efficiency.

ambiguous_lower_bound( P :: BellScenario.AbstractStrategy ) :: Int64

Returns the lower bound on the signaling dimension as witnessed by family of ambiguous_guessing_game Bell inequalities. The intersection of the family of ambiguous guessing games forms the ambiguous polytope $\mathcal{A}_{k,d}^{X\to Y}$ where a violation to this polytope means that $\kappa(\mathbf{P}) \geq d$. Hence this method computes the smallest $d$ such that $\mathbf{P}\in\mathcal{A}_{k,d}^{X\to Y}$ for all $k$. Formally, the following equality is violated if $\mathbf{P}\notin\mathcal{A}_{k,d}^{X \to Y}$

\[d \geq \max_{k\in[Y]}\max_{\sigma\in \Omega_{Y}} \sum_{y=1}^{k} \max_{x\in[X]} P(\sigma(y)|x) + \frac{1}{X - d + 1}\sum_{y=k+1}^{Y}\sum_{x\in [n]} P(\sigma(y)|x)\]

where $\Omega_{Y}$ is the set of all permutations of $[Y]$.

!!! "note" Note: Considering all permutations of $k$ guessing rows can be costly. This performance is greatly improved by sorting the rows of $\mathbf{P}$ by their difference max(row...) - sum(row)/(X - d + 1) in non-increasing order.

In general, it may not be necessary to consider the entire range of $k$. For more specialized cases we provide the following methods:

    P :: BellScenario.AbstractStrategy,
    k :: Int64
) :: Int64

Finds the ambiguous lower bound on $\kappa(\mathbf{P})$ for fixed $k$.

  • P - Channel $\mathbf{P}\in\mathcal{P}^{X\to Y}$, a column stochastic matrix.
  • k - The number of guessing rows.

A DomainError is thrown if:

  • k < 1
  • k > size(P)[1] (number of rows in P).
ambiguous_lower_bound(P :: BellScenario.Strategy, k_range :: UnitRange{Int64}) :: Int64

Returns the smallest integer d such that P is contained by all ambiguous polytopes with k in k_range.

A DomainError is thrown if k_range is not contained by the range [1:size(P,1)].

Upper Bounds

trivial_upper_bound( P :: BellScenario.AbstractStrategy ) :: Int64

The signaling dimension of channel cannot exceed the number of inputs or outputs. Therefore, the trivial upper bound for the signaling dimension of a channel $\mathbf{P}\in\mathcal{P}^{X \to Y}$ is simply,

\[\kappa(\mathbf{P}) \leq \min\{X,Y\}.\]

attains_trivial_upper_bound( P :: BellScenario.Strategy ) :: Bool

Returns true if the channel P attains the trivial_upper_bound. This method relies on the fact:

  • When $d = X - 1$, the signaling polytope $\mathcal{C}_d^{X \to Y}$ is only bound by maximum likelihood facets.
  • When $d = Y - 1$, the signaling polytope $\mathcal{C}_d^{X \to Y}$ is only bound by maximum likelihood and ambiguous facets.

Quantum Channel Certification

The signaling dimension is a device-independent metric which can be applied to quantum and classical channels alike. To certify a quantum channel, the signaling correlations must first be obtained. This can be done by selecting a set of input states $\Psi := \{\rho_x\}_{x\in\mathcal{X}}$ and using semi-definite programming to optimize the POVM. The objective function of the optimization is expressed as a BellScenario.BellGame.

The BellScenario.Nonlocality module performs the POVM optimization.

Code Example: Optimizing Quantum Measurements Against Maximum Likelihood Game

using BellScenario
using QBase

X = 3    # num inputs
Y = 3    # num outputs
d = 2    # qudit

scenario = LocalSignaling(X, Y, d)

# maximum likelihood game for the scenario
facet = BellGame([1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1], 2)

Ψ = States.trine_qubits

# performing semi-definite programming to find optimal POVM
optimization_dict = Nonlocality.optimize_measurement(scenario, facet, Ψ)
Dict{String,Any} with 5 entries:
  "scenario"  => LocalSignaling(3, 3, 2)
  "game"      => [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]
  "violation" => -1.54039e-8
  "povm"      => Array{Complex{Float64},2}[[0.666667+0.0im -4.63e-8+0.0im; -5.2…
  "states"    => QBase.States.Qubit[[1.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im],…

The output dictionary contains useful information regarding the optimization. The POVM can then be used to construct the quantum signaling correlations.

Π = Observables.POVM(optimization_dict["povm"])

quantum_strategy(Π, Ψ)
3×3 Strategy:
 0.666667  0.166667  0.166667
 0.166667  0.666667  0.166667
 0.166667  0.166667  0.666667