
get_datasets(; datasets=["S2_10m.json", "spectral.json"], data_loc=joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "data"))

Download predefined datasets from a specified remote location and save them to a local directory.

Keyword Arguments

  • datasets::Array{String,1}: A list of dataset filenames to download. Defaults to ["S2_10m.json", "spectral.json"].
  • data_loc::String: The local directory path where the downloaded datasets will be saved. Defaults to a data directory located one level up from the script's directory.


This function iterates over a list of dataset filenames, downloads each dataset from a predefined remote URL, and saves them into a specified local directory. The remote URL is currently hardcoded to download specifically the "S2_10m.json" file for any given dataset in the list. Adjust the function or its usage accordingly if different URLs are needed for different datasets.


get_datasets()  # Downloads the default datasets to the default location

get_datasets(; datasets=["custom_dataset.json"], data_loc="path/to/custom/directory")

This is particularly useful for setting up local environments with necessary data files for further processing or analysis.

load_dataset(dataset::String) -> YAXArray
load_dataset(dataset::String) -> DataFrame

Load a specified dataset and convert it into either a YAXArray or a DataFrame, depending on the loaded packages.


  • dataset::String: The name of the dataset to load. Currently supports "sentinel" and "spectral".


  • If YAXArrays is loaded in the namespace, returns a YAXArray object containing the loaded dataset, with dimensions labeled as :x, :y, and :bands. The spatial dimensions (:x and :y) are assumed to have a size of 300 each, and the :bands dimension includes ["B02", "B03", "B04", "B08"] bands.
  • If DataFrames is loaded in the namespace, returns a DataFrame with the dataset loaded into it.


Throws an error if the dataset argument does not match one of the predefined dataset names.


# Load dataset as YAXArray
yax_ds = SpectralIndices.load_dataset("sentinel")

# Load dataset as DataFrame
df_ds = SpectralIndices.load_dataset("spectral")

The current implementation expects the JSON files ("S2_10m.json" for "sentinel" and "spectral.json" for "spectral") to follow a specific format: a vector of vectors where each inner vector represents a band's data in a 300x300 spatial grid for the YAXArray version, or a suitable structure that can be directly converted into a DataFrame for the DataFrame version. The files are already provided for examples in the package in the folder data.