
Returns a DataFrame containing 44 English negators, modals, and adverbs

The NMA words come from a list developed by Saif Mohammad: http://saifmohammad.com/WebPages/SCL.html#NMA


  • DataFrame with a single column word, each row containing a stopword.


julia> first(nma_words, 5)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ word       modifier 
     │ String     String   
   1 │ cannot     negator
   2 │ could not  negator
   3 │ did not    negator
   4 │ does not   negator
   5 │ had no     negator

Returns a DataFrame containing English stopwords.

The stopwords come from the Languages.jl package: https://github.com/JuliaText/Languages.jl/blob/master/data/stopwords/English.txt.


  • DataFrame with a single column word, each row containing a stopword.


julia> first(get_stopwords(), 5)
5×1 DataFrame
 Row │ word   
     │ String 
   1 │ a
   2 │ about
   3 │ above
   4 │ across
   5 │ after

Returns a DataFrame of the corpus with 1 row per document


  • corpus: The corpus to be converted into a DataFrame with appropriate metadata for each document in the corpus.


  • A DataFrame of the corpus with 1 row per document


@bind_tf_idf(df, term_col, document_col, n)

Calculates TF-IDF values for the specified columns of df.


  • df: The input DataFrame.
  • term_col: The column containing terms.
  • document_col: The column containing document identifiers.
  • n: The column containing term frequencies.


  • A new DataFrame containing TF, IDF, and TF-IDF values.


julia> using DataFrames;
       df = DataFrame(
              doc_id = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3],
              term = ["apple", "banana", "apple", "cherry", "banana", "date"],
              n = [1, 4, 6, 4, 9, 8]

julia> @bind_tf_idf(df, doc_id, term, n)
6×6 DataFrame
 Row │ doc_id  term    n      tf        idf       tf_idf   
     │ Int64   String  Int64  Float64   Float64   Float64  
   1 │      1  apple       1  0.142857  0.693147  0.099021
   2 │      1  banana      4  0.307692  0.693147  0.213276
   3 │      2  apple       6  0.857143  0.693147  0.594126
   4 │      2  cherry      4  1.0       0.693147  0.693147
   5 │      3  banana      9  0.692308  0.693147  0.479871
   6 │      3  date        8  1.0       0.693147  0.693147
@unnest_characters(df, output_col, input_col, to_lower = false, strip_non_alphanum = true)

Splits the text in input_col of df into separate characters, outputting the result to output_col.


  • df: The input DataFrame.
  • output_col: The name of the output column to store the characters.
  • input_col: The name of the input column containing text.
  • to_lower: An optional boolean that defaults to false which indicates whether to convert text to lowercase before splitting.
  • strip_non_alphanum: Optional boolean that defualts to true, which strips non alphanumeric characters


  • A new DataFrame with the text split into characters.


julia> using DataFrames;
       df = DataFrame(
              text = ["The quick.", "Nice."],
              doc = [1, 2]);

julia> @unnest_characters(df, term, text, to_lower = false, strip_non_alphanum = false)
15×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    term 
     │ Int64  Char 
   1 │     1  T
   2 │     1  h
   3 │     1  e
   4 │     1
   5 │     1  q
   6 │     1  u
   7 │     1  i
   8 │     1  c
   9 │     1  k
  10 │     1  .
  11 │     2  N
  12 │     2  i
  13 │     2  c
  14 │     2  e
  15 │     2  .

julia> @unnest_characters(df, term, text, to_lower = true)
13×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    term 
     │ Int64  Char 
   1 │     1  t
   2 │     1  h
   3 │     1  e
   4 │     1
   5 │     1  q
   6 │     1  u
   7 │     1  i
   8 │     1  c
   9 │     1  k
  10 │     2  n
  11 │     2  i
  12 │     2  c
  13 │     2  e
@unnest_ngrams(df, output_col, input_col, n, to_lower = false)

Creates n-grams from the text in input_col of df, outputting the result to output_col.


  • df: The input DataFrame.
  • output_col: The name of the output column to store the n-grams.
  • input_col: The name of the input column containing text.
  • n: The size of the n-grams.
  • to_lower: An optional boolean that defaults to false which indicates whether to convert text to lowercase before splitting.
  • strip_non_alphanum: Optional boolean that defualts to true, which strips non alphanumeric characters


  • A new DataFrame with the n-grams.


julia> using DataFrames;
       df = DataFrame(
              text = ["The quick brown fox jumps.",
                      "The sun rises in the east."],
                      doc = [1, 2]

julia> @unnest_ngrams(df, term, text, 2, to_lower = false)
9×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    term        
     │ Int64  String      
   1 │     1  The quick
   2 │     1  quick brown
   3 │     1  brown fox
   4 │     1  fox jumps
   5 │     2  The sun
   6 │     2  sun rises
   7 │     2  rises in
   8 │     2  in the
   9 │     2  the east

julia> @unnest_ngrams(df, term, text, 2)
9×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    term        
     │ Int64  String      
   1 │     1  The quick
   2 │     1  quick brown
   3 │     1  brown fox
   4 │     1  fox jumps
   5 │     2  The sun
   6 │     2  sun rises
   7 │     2  rises in
   8 │     2  in the
   9 │     2  the east   
@unnest_regex(df, output_col, input_col, pattern = "\s+", to_lower = false)

Splits the text in input_col of df based on a regex pattern, outputting the result to output_col.


  • df: The input DataFrame.
  • output_col: The name of the output column to store the result.
  • input_col: The name of the input column containing text to split.
  • pattern: The regex pattern to use for splitting text.
  • to_lower: An optional boolean that defaults to false which indicates whether to convert text to lowercase before splitting.
  • strip_non_alphanum: Optional boolean that defualts to true, which strips non alphanumeric characters


  • A new DataFrame with the text split based on the regex pattern.


julia> using DataFrames;
       df = DataFrame(
              text = ["The quick brown fox jumps.",
                      "One column and the one row?"],
                      doc = [1, 2]

julia> @unnest_regex(df, word, text, "the")
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    word                      
     │ Int64  SubStrin…                 
   1 │     1  The quick brown fox jumps
   2 │     2  One column and
   3 │     2  one row

julia> @unnest_regex(df, word, text, "the", to_lower = true, strip_non_alphanum = false)
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    word                   
     │ Int64  SubStrin…              
   1 │     1  quick brown fox jumps.
   2 │     2  one column and
   3 │     2  one row?
@unnest_tokens(df, output_col, input_col, to_lower = false)

Tokenizes the text in input_col of df into separate words, outputting the result to output_col.


  • df: The input DataFrame.
  • output_col: The name of the output column to store the tokens.
  • input_col: The name of the input column containing text to tokenize.
  • to_lower: An optional boolean that defaults to false which indicates whether to convert text to lowercase before splitting.
  • strip_non_alphanum: Optional boolean that defualts to true, which strips non alphanumeric characters


  • A new DataFrame with the tokenized text.


julia> using DataFrames;
       df = DataFrame(
              text = ["The quick brown fox jumps.",
                      "One column and the one row?"],
                      doc = [1, 2]

julia> @unnest_tokens(df, word, text, strip_non_alphanum = false)
11×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    word      
     │ Int64  SubStrin… 
   1 │     1  The
   2 │     1  quick
   3 │     1  brown
   4 │     1  fox
   5 │     1  jumps.
   6 │     2  One
   7 │     2  column
   8 │     2  and
   9 │     2  the
  10 │     2  one
  11 │     2  row?

julia> @unnest_tokens(df, word, text, to_lower = true)
11×2 DataFrame
 Row │ doc    word      
     │ Int64  SubStrin… 
   1 │     1  the
   2 │     1  quick
   3 │     1  brown
   4 │     1  fox
   5 │     1  jumps
   6 │     2  one
   7 │     2  column
   8 │     2  and
   9 │     2  the
  10 │     2  one
  11 │     2  row