--- # https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-home-page layout: home hero: name: "YAXArrays.jl" text: "Yet another xarray-like Julia package" tagline: A package for operating on out-of-core labeled arrays, based on stores like NetCDF, Zarr or GDAL. image: src: /logo.png alt: VitePress actions: - theme: alt text: Get Started link: /get_started - theme: alt text: View on Github link: https://github.com/JuliaDataCubes/YAXArrays.jl - theme: alt text: API reference link: /api features: - title: Flexible I/O capabilities details: Open and operate on NetCDF and Zarr datasets directly. Or bring in data from other sources with ArchGDAL.jl, GRIBDatasets.jl, GeoJSON.jl, HDF5.jl, Shapefile.jl, GeoParquet.jl, etc. link: /UserGuide/openZarr - title: Interoperability details: Well integrated with Julia's ecosystem, i.e., distributed operations are native. And plotting with Makie.jl is well supported. - title: Named dimensions and GroupBy(in memory) details: Apply operations over named dimensions, select values by labels and integers as well as efficient split-apply-combine operations with groupby via DimensionalData.jl. link: /UserGuide/group_by - title: Efficiency details: Efficient mapslices(x) and mapCube operations on huge multiple arrays, optimized for high-latency data access (object storage, compressed datasets).