Other tutorials

If you are interested in learning how to work with YAXArrays for different use cases you can follow along one of the following tutorials.

  • Currently the overview tutorial is located at ESDLTutorials Repository
  • You can find further tutorial videos at the EO College. Beware that the syntax in the video tutorials might be slightly changed.
  • the other tutorials are still work in progress.

General overview of the functionality of YAXArrays

This tutorial provides a broad overview about the features of YAXArrays.

Table-style iteration over YAXArrays

Work in progress

Sometimes you want to combine the data that is represented in the data cube with other datasets, which are best described as a data frame. In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Tables.jl interface to iterate over the data in the YAXArray.

Combining multiple tiff files into a zarr based datacube