

GenomicAnnotations is a package for reading, modifying, and writing genomic annotations in the GenBank and GFF3 file formats.


pkg> add GenomicAnnotations


GenBank and GFF3 files are read with readgbk(input) and readgff(input), which return vectors of Records. input can be an IOStream or a file path. GZipped data can be read by setting the keyword gunzip to true, which is done automatically if a filename ending in ".gz" is passed as input. If we're only interested in the first chromosome in example.gbk we only need to store the first record.

chr = readgbk("test/example.gbk")[1]

Another way to read files is to use the corresponding Reader directly:

open(GenBank.Reader, "test/example.gbk") do reader
    for record in reader

Records have five fields, name, header, genes, genedata, and sequence. The name is read from the header, which is stored as a string. The annotation data is stored in genedata, but generally you should use genes to access that data. For example, it can be used to iterate over annotations, and to modify them.

for gene in chr.genes
    gene.locus_tag = "$($(gene.locus_tag)"

chr.genes[2].locus_tag = "test123"

The Locus of a Gene retrieved with locus(gene). The Locus itself is immutable, but can be updated with locus!(gene, newlocus). For simplicity, position(gene) is shorthand for locus(gene).position.

# Create a new Locus, copying all fields of the old one but shifting the position by 1
oldloc = locus(gene)
locus!(gene, Locus(oldloc.position .+ 1, oldloc.strand, oldloc.complete_left, oldloc.complete_right, oldloc.order, oldloc.join))

# Access the genomic positions of all genes

The macro @genes can be used to filter through the annotations (see @genes). The keyword gene is used to refer to the individual Genes. @genes can also be used to modify annotations.

@genes(chr, length(gene) > 300) # Returns all features longer than 300 nt

Gene sequences can be accessed with sequence(gene). For example, the following code will write the translated sequences of all protein-coding genes in chr to a file:

using BioSequences
using FASTX
open(FASTA.Writer, "proteins.fasta") do w
    for gene in @genes(chr, CDS)
        aaseq = GenomicAnnotations.sequence(gene; translate = true)
        write(w, FASTA.Record(gene.locus_tag, get(:product, ""), aaseq))

Genes can be added using addgene!, and sort! can be used to make sure that the resulting annotations are in the correct order for printing. delete! is used to remove genes.

newgene = addgene!(chr, "regulatory", 670:677)
newgene.locus_tag = "reg02"

# Genes can be deleted. This works for all genes where `:pseudo` is `true`, and ignores genes where it is `false` or `missing`
delete!(@genes(chr, :pseudo))
# Delete all genes 60 nt or shorter
delete!(@genes(chr, length(gene) <= 60))

Individual genes, and Vector{Gene}s are printed in GBK format. To include the GBK header and the nucleotide sequence, write(::GenBank.Writer, chr) can be used to write them to a file. Use GFF.Writer instead to print the annotations as GFF3, in which case the GenBank header is lost.

println(@genes(chr, CDS))

open(GenBank.Writer, "updated.gbk") do w
    write(w, chr)