
Load geospatial tables from known file formats and convert the geometries to Meshes.jl geometries that are compatible with the GeoStats.jl ecosystem.

Geometries are loaded in pure Julia using packages such as Shapefile.jl and GeoJSON.jl. This means that there are no dependencies on heavy external libraries (e.g. GDAL).


The package provides a single load function to load data as a Tables.jl table that implements the Meshes.Data trait. This means that this table can be passed directly to GeoStats.jl as geospatial data:

julia> using GeoTables

julia> table = GeoTables.load("/path/to/file.shp")
4 GeoTable{2,Float64}
    └─ACRES (Union{Missing, Float64})
    └─Hectares (Union{Missing, Float64})
    └─MACROZONA (Union{Missing, String})
    └─PERIMETER (Union{Missing, Float64})
    └─area_m2 (Union{Missing, Float64})
  domain: 4 GeometrySet{2,Float64}

The result can be easily converted into any other table type:

using DataFrames

df = table |> DataFrame

and converted back to geospatial data with:

using GeoStats

df |> GeoData

Asking for help

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