
Planetary science data for atmospheric geophysical models

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Provides Atmosphere models based on Air Research and Development Command ARDC and the United States 1976 Standard Atmosphere US76 available also in English units ARDCE and US76E. Provided the local absolute sea level and gravitational acceleration, the Weather can be initialized based on temperature and pressure. Presets for the Standard atmosphere are provided: Earth1959, Earth1976, Earth1959English, Earth1976English. By default the 1959 model with metric units is used for Standard atmosphere, although a different year can be specified with environment variable STDATM and the default unit system can be specified with the GEOUNITS environment variable.

julia> using Geophysics

julia> h = 1000 # altitude, m

julia> gravity(h)

julia> temperature(h)

julia> pressure(h)

julia> sonicspeed(h)

Values which can be obtained at geometric altitude include gravity, temperature, pressure, density, and sonicspeed. In the future, more varieties of atmospheric models will be added for various planets along with winds aloft and turbulent gust distribution data. Weather data from internet sources may be imported in the future.
