Plot recipes

Plot recipes

A plot recipe is a quicklook visualization procedure aimed at reducing the amount of repetitive code to generate a plot. More specifically, a recipe is a function that convert data from the "Julia world" into a form suitable to be ingested in Gnuplot.jl, namely a scalar (or a vector of) Gnuplot.PlotElement object(s). The latter contain informations on how to create a plot, or a part of it, and can be used directly as arguments in a @gp or @gsp call.

There are two kinds of recipes:

An implicit recipe is invoked whenever the data type of an argument to @gp or @gsp is not among the allowed ones (see @gp() documentation). If a suitable recipe do not exists an error is raised. On the other hand, an explicit recipe needs to be invoked by the user, and the output passed directly to @gp or @gsp.

Although recipes provides very efficient tools for data exploration, their use typically hide the details of plot generation. As a consequence they provide less flexibility than the approaches described in Basic usage and Advanced usage.

Currently, the Gnuplot.jl package provides no built-in explicit recipe. The implicit recipes are implemented in recipes.jl.

Explicit recipe (example)

To generate a plot using the data contained in a DataFrame object we need, beside the data itself, the name of the columns to use for the X and Y coordinates. The following example shows how to implement an explicit recipe to plot a DataFrame object:

using RDatasets, DataFrames, Gnuplot
import Gnuplot: PlotElement, DatasetText

function plotdf(df::DataFrame, colx::Symbol, coly::Symbol; group=nothing)
    if isnothing(group)
        return PlotElement(data=DatasetText(df[:, colx], df[:, coly]),
                           plot="w p notit",
                           xlab=string(colx), ylab=string(coly))

    out = Vector{Gnuplot.PlotElement}()
    push!(out, PlotElement(;xlab=string(colx), ylab=string(coly)))
    for g in sort(unique(df[:, group]))
        i = findall(df[:, group] .== g)
        if length(i) > 0
            push!(out, PlotElement(data=DatasetText(df[i, colx], df[i, coly]),
                                   plot="w p t '$g'"))
    return out

# Load a DataFrame and convert it to a PlotElement
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
@gp plotdf(iris, :SepalLength, :SepalWidth, group=:Species)
saveas("recipes001") # hide

Histogram recipes

The object returned by the hist() function can be readily visualized by means of implicit recipes defined on the Gnuplot.Histogram1D and Gnuplot.Histogram2D types:

x = randn(1000);
@gp hist(x)

x = randn(10_000);
y = randn(10_000);
@gp hist(x, y)

Contour lines recipes

The object returned by the contourlines() function can be readily visualized by means of implicit recipes defined on the Gnuplot.IsoContourLines types:

x = randn(10_000);
y = randn(10_000);
h = hist(x, y)
clines = contourlines(h, "levels discrete 10, 30, 60, 90");
@gp clines
saveas("recipes002b") # hide

Image recipes

The Gnuplot.jl package provides implicit recipes to display images in the following formats:

To use these recipes simply pass an image to @gp, e.g.:

using TestImages
img = testimage("lighthouse");
@gp img
saveas("recipes007b") # hide

All such recipes are defined as:

function recipe(M::Matrix{ColorTypes.RGB{T}}, opt="flipy")

with only one mandatory argument. In order to exploit the optional keyword we can explicitly invoke the recipe as follows:

img = testimage("walkbridge");
@gp palette(:gray) recipe(img, "flipy rot=15deg")
saveas("recipes007c") # hide

Note that we used both a palette (:gray, see Palettes and line types) and a custom rotation angle.

The flipy option is necessary for proper visualization (see discussion in Plot matrix as images).