Stress on Truss

In this example we'll plot an animation of the stress on some truss structure using GaphMakie.jl and NetworkDynamics.jl

using NetworkDynamics
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Graphs
using GraphMakie
using LinearAlgebra: norm, ⋅
using Printf
using CairoMakie

Definition of the dynamical system

Define dynamic model for NetworkDynamics

function edge_f!(e, v_s, v_d, (K, L), _)
    Δd = view(v_d, 1:2) - view(v_s, 1:2)
    nd = norm(Δd)
    F = K * ( L - nd )
    e[1:2] = F .* view(Δd, 1:2) ./ nd

function vertex_free!(du, u, edges, (M, γ, g), _)
    F = sum(edges) - γ * view(u, 3:4) + [0, -M*g]
    du[3:4] .= F ./ M
    du[1:2] = view(u, 3:4)

function vertex_fixed!(du, u, edges, _, _)
    du[1:2] .= 0.0

edge = StaticEdge(f = edge_f!, dim=2, coupling=:antisymmetric)
vertex_free = ODEVertex(f = vertex_free!, dim=4, sym=[:x, :y, :v, :w])
vertex_fix  = ODEVertex(f = vertex_fixed!, dim=2, sym=[:x, :y, :v, :w])

Set up graph topology and initial positions.

N = 5
dx = 1.0
shift = 0.2
g = SimpleGraph(2*N + 1)
for i in 1:N
    add_edge!(g, i, i+N); add_edge!(g, i, i+N)
    if i < N
        add_edge!(g, i+1, i+N); add_edge!(g, i, i+1); add_edge!(g, i+N, i+N+1)
add_edge!(g, 2N, 2N+1)
pos0 = zeros(Point2f, 2N + 1)
pos0[1:N] = [Point((i-1)dx,0) for i in 1:N]
pos0[N+1:2*N] = [Point(i*dx + shift, 1) for i in 1:N]
pos0[2N+1] = Point(N*dx + 1, -1)

fixed = [1,4] # set fixed vertices
nothing #hide

create networkdynamics object

vertices = ODEVertex[vertex_free for i in 1:nv(g)]
for i in fixed
    vertices[i] = vertex_fix # use the fixed vertex for the fixed
nd = network_dynamics(vertices, edge, g);
nothing #hide

write some auxiliary functions to map between state vector of DGL u and graph data

x_idxs = [findfirst(isequal(Symbol("x_$i")), nd.syms) for i in 1:nv(g)]

"Set positions `pos` inside dgl state `u`"
function set_pos!(u, pos)
    for (i, idx) in enumerate(x_idxs)
        u[idx] = pos[i][1]
        u[idx+1] = pos[i][2]

"Extract vector of Points from dgl state `u`"
function to_pos(u)
    pos = Vector{Point2f}(undef, nv(g))
    for (i, idx) in enumerate(x_idxs)
        pos[i] = Point(u[idx], u[idx+1])
    return pos

"Calculate load on edge for given state."
function get_load(u, p, t=0.0)
    gd_nd = nd(u, p, t, GetGD) # exposes underlying graph data struct
    force = Vector{Float64}(undef, ne(g))
    pos = to_pos(u)
    for (i,e) in enumerate(edges(g))
        edgeval = get_edge(gd_nd, i)
        fvec = Point(edgeval[1], edgeval[2])
        dir = pos[e.dst] .- pos[e.src]
        force[i] = sign(fvec ⋅ dir) * norm(fvec)
    return force
nothing #hide

Set parameters.

M = [10 for i in 1:nv(g)] # mass of the nodes
M[end] = 200 # heavy mass
gc = [9.81 for i in 1:nv(g)] # gravitational constant
γ = [200.0 for i in 1:nv(g)] # damping parameter
γ[end] = 100.0

L = [norm(pos0[e.src] - pos0[e.dst]) for e in edges(g)] # length of edges
K = [0.5e6 for i in 1:ne(g)] # spring constant of edges

# bundle parameters for NetworkDynamics
para = collect.((zip(M, γ, gc),
                 zip(K, L)))
nothing #hide

Set initial state and solve the system

u0 = zeros(length(nd.syms))
set_pos!(u0, pos0)

tspan = (0.0, 12.0)
prob = ODEProblem(nd, u0, tspan, para)
sol  = solve(prob, Tsit5());
nothing #hide

Plot the solution

fig = Figure(resolution=(1000,550))
fig[1,1] = title = Label(fig, "Stress on truss", textsize=30)
title.tellwidth = false

fig[2,1] = ax = Axis(fig)

# calculate some values for colorscaling
(fmin, fmax) = 0.3 .* extrema([(map(u->get_load(u, para), sol)...)...])
nlabels = [" " for i in 1:nv(g)]
nlabels[fixed] .= "Δ"
elabels = ["edge $i" for i in 1:ne(g)]
p = graphplot!(ax, g;
               elabels_side=Dict(ne(g) => :right),
               edge_color=[0.0 for i in 1:ne(g)],
hidespines!(ax); hidedecorations!(ax); p[:node_pos][]=to_pos(u0); ax.aspect = DataAspect()
limits!(ax, -0.1, pos0[end][1]+0.3, pos0[end][2]-0.5, 1.15)

# draw colorbar
fig[3,1] = cb = Colorbar(fig, p.plots[1], label = "Axial force", vertical=false)

T = tspan[2]
fps = 30
trange = range(0.0, sol.t[end], length=Int(T * fps))
record(fig, "truss.mp4", trange; framerate=fps) do t
    title.text = @sprintf "Stress on truss (t = %.2f )" t
    p[:node_pos][] = to_pos(sol(t))
    load = get_load(sol(t), para)
    p.elabels = [@sprintf("%.0f", l) for l in load]
    p.edge_color[] = load
nothing #hide

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