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HiGHS.jl is a wrapper for the HiGHS linear solver.

It has two components:

The C API can be accessed via HiGHS.Highs_xxx functions, where the names and arguments are identical to the C API.


Install HiGHS as follows:

import Pkg

In addition to installing the HiGHS.jl package, this will also download and install the HiGHS binaries. (You do not need to install HiGHS separately.)

Issues and feedback

To report a problem (e.g., incorrect results, or a crash of the solver), or make a suggestion for how to improve HiGHS, please file a GitHub issue.

If you use HiGHS from JuMP, use JuMP.write_to_file(model, "filename.mps") to write your model an MPS file, then upload the MPS file to https://gist.github.com and provide a link to the gist in the GitHub issue.

Use with JuMP

Pass HiGHS.Optimizer to JuMP.Model to create a JuMP model with HiGHS as the optimizer. Set options using set_optimizer_attribute.

using JuMP
import HiGHS
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "presolve", "on")
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "time_limit", 60.0)


To print the list of options supported by HiGHS, do:

using HiGHS
model = HiGHS.Optimizer()
Highs_writeOptions(model, "options.txt")
println(read("options.txt", String))

The current option list is:

# Presolve option: "off", "choose" or "on"
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: "choose"]
presolve = choose

# Solver option: "simplex", "choose" or "ipm"
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: "choose"]
solver = choose

# Parallel option: "off", "choose" or "on"
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: "choose"]
parallel = choose

# Time limit
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, inf], default: inf]
time_limit = inf

# Compute cost, bound, RHS and basic solution ranging: "off" or "on"
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: "off"]
ranging = off

# Limit on cost coefficient: values larger than this will be treated as infinite
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e+15, inf], default: 1e+20]
infinite_cost = 1e+20

# Limit on |constraint bound|: values larger than this will be treated as infinite
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e+15, inf], default: 1e+20]
infinite_bound = 1e+20

# Lower limit on |matrix entries|: values smaller than this will be treated as zero
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-12, inf], default: 1e-09]
small_matrix_value = 1e-09

# Upper limit on |matrix entries|: values larger than this will be treated as infinite
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1, inf], default: 1e+15]
large_matrix_value = 1e+15

# Primal feasibility tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-10, inf], default: 1e-07]
primal_feasibility_tolerance = 1e-07

# Dual feasibility tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-10, inf], default: 1e-07]
dual_feasibility_tolerance = 1e-07

# IPM optimality tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-12, inf], default: 1e-08]
ipm_optimality_tolerance = 1e-08

# Objective bound for termination
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [-inf, inf], default: inf]
objective_bound = inf

# Objective target for termination
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [-inf, inf], default: -inf]
objective_target = -inf

# random seed used in HiGHS
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 0]
random_seed = 0

# number of threads used by HiGHS (0: automatic)
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 0]
threads = 0

# Debugging level in HiGHS
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 3}, default: 0]
highs_debug_level = 0

# Analysis level in HiGHS
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 63}, default: 0]
highs_analysis_level = 0

# Strategy for simplex solver 0 => Choose; 1 => Dual (serial); 2 => Dual (PAMI); 3 => Dual (SIP); 4 => Primal
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 4}, default: 1]
simplex_strategy = 1

# Simplex scaling strategy: off / choose / equilibration / forced equilibration / max value 0 / max value 1 (0/1/2/3/4/5)
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 5}, default: 1]
simplex_scale_strategy = 1

# Strategy for simplex crash: off / LTSSF / Bixby (0/1/2)
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 9}, default: 0]
simplex_crash_strategy = 0

# Strategy for simplex dual edge weights: Choose / Dantzig / Devex / Steepest Edge (-1/0/1/2)
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {-1, 2}, default: -1]
simplex_dual_edge_weight_strategy = -1

# Strategy for simplex primal edge weights: Choose / Dantzig / Devex / Steepest Edge (-1/0/1/2)
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {-1, 2}, default: -1]
simplex_primal_edge_weight_strategy = -1

# Iteration limit for simplex solver
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 2147483647]
simplex_iteration_limit = 2147483647

# Limit on the number of simplex UPDATE operations
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 5000]
simplex_update_limit = 5000

# Iteration limit for IPM solver
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 2147483647]
ipm_iteration_limit = 2147483647

# Minimum level of concurrency in parallel simplex
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {1, 8}, default: 1]
simplex_min_concurrency = 1

# Maximum level of concurrency in parallel simplex
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {1, 8}, default: 8]
simplex_max_concurrency = 8

# Enables or disables solver output
# [type: bool, advanced: false, range: {false, true}, default: true]
output_flag = true

# Enables or disables console logging
# [type: bool, advanced: false, range: {false, true}, default: true]
log_to_console = true

# Solution file
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: ""]
solution_file = ""

# Log file
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: ""]
log_file = ""

# Write the primal and dual solution to a file
# [type: bool, advanced: false, range: {false, true}, default: false]
write_solution_to_file = false

# Write the solution in style: 0=>Raw (computer-readable); 1=>Pretty (human-readable) 
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2}, default: 0]
write_solution_style = 0

# Write model file
# [type: string, advanced: false, default: ""]
write_model_file = "" 

# Write the model to a file
# [type: bool, advanced: false, range: {false, true}, default: false]
write_model_to_file = false

# Whether symmetry should be detected
# [type: bool, advanced: false, range: {false, true}, default: true]
mip_detect_symmetry = true

# MIP solver max number of nodes
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 2147483647]
mip_max_nodes = 2147483647

# MIP solver max number of nodes where estimate is above cutoff bound
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 2147483647]
mip_max_stall_nodes = 2147483647

# MIP solver max number of leave nodes
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 2147483647]
mip_max_leaves = 2147483647

# limit on the number of improving solutions found to stop the MIP solver prematurely
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {1, 2147483647}, default: 2147483647]
mip_max_improving_sols = 2147483647

# maximal age of dynamic LP rows before they are removed from the LP relaxation
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 32767}, default: 10]
mip_lp_age_limit = 10

# maximal age of rows in the cutpool before they are deleted
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 1000}, default: 30]
mip_pool_age_limit = 30

# soft limit on the number of rows in the cutpool for dynamic age adjustment
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {1, 2147483647}, default: 10000]
mip_pool_soft_limit = 10000

# minimal number of observations before pseudo costs are considered reliable
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 8]
mip_pscost_minreliable = 8

# minimal number of entries in the cliquetable before neighborhood queries of the conflict graph use parallel processing
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 100000]
mip_min_cliquetable_entries_for_parallelism = 100000

# MIP solver reporting level
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: false, range: {0, 2}, default: 1]
mip_report_level = 1

# MIP feasibility tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-10, inf], default: 1e-06]
mip_feasibility_tolerance = 1e-06

# effort spent for MIP heuristics
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, 1], default: 0.05]
mip_heuristic_effort = 0.05

# tolerance on relative gap, |ub-lb|/|ub|, to determine whether optimality has been reached for a MIP instance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, inf], default: 0.0001]
mip_rel_gap = 0.0001

# tolerance on absolute gap of MIP, |ub-lb|, to determine whether optimality has been reached for a MIP instance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, inf], default: 1e-06]
mip_abs_gap = 1e-06

# Output development messages: 0 => none; 1 => info; 2 => verbose
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 3}, default: 0]
log_dev_level = 0

# Run the crossover routine for IPX
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
run_crossover = true

# Allow ModelStatus::kUnboundedOrInfeasible
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: false]
allow_unbounded_or_infeasible = false

# Use relaxed implied bounds from presolve
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: false]
use_implied_bounds_from_presolve = false

# Prevents LP presolve steps for which postsolve cannot maintain a basis
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
lp_presolve_requires_basis_postsolve = true

# Use the free format MPS file reader
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
mps_parser_type_free = true

# For multiple N-rows in MPS files: delete rows / delete entries / keep rows (-1/0/1)
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {-1, 1}, default: -1]
keep_n_rows = -1

# Scaling factor for costs
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {-20, 20}, default: 0]
cost_scale_factor = 0

# Largest power-of-two factor permitted when scaling the constraint matrix
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 30}, default: 20]
allowed_matrix_scale_factor = 20

# Largest power-of-two factor permitted when scaling the costs
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 20}, default: 0]
allowed_cost_scale_factor = 0

# Strategy for dualising before simplex
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {-1, 1}, default: -1]
simplex_dualise_strategy = -1

# Strategy for permuting before simplex
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {-1, 1}, default: -1]
simplex_permute_strategy = -1

# Max level of dual simplex cleanup
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 1]
max_dual_simplex_cleanup_level = 1

# Max level of dual simplex phase 1 cleanup
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 2]
max_dual_simplex_phase1_cleanup_level = 2

# Strategy for PRICE in simplex
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 3}, default: 3]
simplex_price_strategy = 3

# Strategy for solving unscaled LP in simplex
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 2}, default: 1]
simplex_unscaled_solution_strategy = 1

# Perform initial basis condition check in simplex
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
simplex_initial_condition_check = true

# No unnecessary refactorization on simplex rebuild
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
no_unnecessary_rebuild_refactor = true

# Tolerance on initial basis condition in simplex
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [1, inf], default: 1e+14]
simplex_initial_condition_tolerance = 1e+14

# Tolerance on solution error when considering refactorization on simplex rebuild
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [-inf, inf], default: 1e-08]
rebuild_refactor_solution_error_tolerance = 1e-08

# Tolerance on dual steepest edge weight errors
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [0, inf], default: inf]
dual_steepest_edge_weight_error_tolerance = inf

# Threshold on dual steepest edge weight errors for Devex switch
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [1, inf], default: 10]
dual_steepest_edge_weight_log_error_threshold = 10.0

# Dual simplex cost perturbation multiplier: 0 => no perturbation
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [0, inf], default: 1]
dual_simplex_cost_perturbation_multiplier = 1.0

# Primal simplex bound perturbation multiplier: 0 => no perturbation
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [0, inf], default: 1]
primal_simplex_bound_perturbation_multiplier = 1.0

# Dual simplex pivot growth tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [1e-12, inf], default: 1e-09]
dual_simplex_pivot_growth_tolerance = 1e-09

# Matrix factorization pivot threshold for substitutions in presolve
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [0.0008, 0.5], default: 0.01]
presolve_pivot_threshold = 0.01

# Maximal fillin allowed for substitutions in presolve
# [type: HighsInt, advanced: true, range: {0, 2147483647}, default: 10]
presolve_substitution_maxfillin = 10

# Matrix factorization pivot threshold
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [0.0008, 0.5], default: 0.1]
factor_pivot_threshold = 0.1

# Matrix factorization pivot tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [0, 1], default: 1e-10]
factor_pivot_tolerance = 1e-10

# Tolerance to be satisfied before IPM crossover will start
# [type: double, advanced: true, range: [1e-12, inf], default: 1e-08]
start_crossover_tolerance = 1e-08

# Use original HFactor logic for sparse vs hyper-sparse TRANs
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
use_original_HFactor_logic = true

# Check whether LP is candidate for LiDSE
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
less_infeasible_DSE_check = true

# Use LiDSE if LP has right properties
# [type: bool, advanced: true, range: {false, true}, default: true]
less_infeasible_DSE_choose_row = true