HiddenFiles.jl Documentation

Adding HiddenFiles.jl

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("HiddenFiles") Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General` Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git` Resolving package versions... Updating `~/.julia/packages/HiddenFiles/8GvDw/docs/Project.toml` [d01c2003] ~ HiddenFiles v0.1.1 `~/.julia/packages/HiddenFiles/8GvDw` โ‡’ v0.1.1 Updating `~/.julia/packages/HiddenFiles/8GvDw/docs/Manifest.toml` [d01c2003] ~ HiddenFiles v0.1.1 `~/.julia/packages/HiddenFiles/8GvDw` โ‡’ v0.1.1


Main.HiddenFiles.ishidden โ€” Function

Check if a file or directory is hidden.

On Unix-like systems, a file or directory is hidden if it starts with a full stop/period (U+002e). On Windows systems, this function will parse file attributes to determine if the given file or directory is hidden.


On Unix-like systems, in order to correctly determine if the file begins with a full stop, we must first expand the path to its real path.


On operating systems deriving from BSD (i.e., *BSD, macOS), this function will also check the st_flags field from stat to check if the UF_HIDDEN flag has been set.


On macOS, any file or directory within a package or a bundle will also be considered hidden.