HypertextLiteral Overview

This package provides a Julia macro, @htl, that constructs an object which could be rendered to MIME"text/html" displays. This macro supports interpolation sensible to the needs of HTML generation.

using HypertextLiteral

Template substitution works just as regular string interpolation, only that the results are properly escaped.

v = """Brown "M&M's"!""";

@htl "<span>$v</span>"
#-> <span>Brown &quot;M&amp;M&apos;s&quot;!</span>

Within a <script> tag, where ampersand escaping is not indicated, this same variable is provided a translation to Javascript.

@htl "<script>v = $v</script>"
#-> <script>v = "Brown \"M&M's\"!"</script>

Within attributes starting with on, values are translated to Javascript and then ampersand escaped.

@htl "<button onclick='alert($v)'>\nLook in the bowl...</button>"
<button onclick='alert(&quot;Brown \&quot;M&amp;M&apos;s\&quot;!&quot;)'>
Look in the bowl...</button>

Boolean attributes are supported.

@htl "<input type='checkbox' selected=$(false) disabled=$(true)></input>"
#-> <input type='checkbox' disabled=''></input>

Templates can be nested.

books = ["Who Gets What & Why", "Switch", "Governing The Commons"]

@htl "<ul>$(map(books) do b @htl("<li>$b") end)</ul>"
<ul><li>Who Gets What &amp; Why<li>Switch<li>Governing The Commons</ul>

Dictionaries are translated CSS style within attributes and the <style> tag. In this case, snake_case symbols become kebab-case.

style = Dict(:padding_left => "2em", :width => "20px")

@htl("<div style='font-size: 25px; $style'>...</div>")
#-> <div style='font-size: 25px; padding-left: 2em; width: 20px;'>...</div>

@htl "<style>input {$style}</style>"
#-> <style>input {padding-left: 2em; width: 20px;}</style>

Interpolation Summary

Native JuliaScript ContextAttribute ValueElement Content
[1, 2][1, 2]1 212
missingnullmissing<span class="Base-Missing">missing</span>
(a = 1, b = 2){"a": 1, "b": 2}a: 1; b: 2;<span class="Core-NamedTuple">(a = 1, b = 2)</span>

The automatic wrapping permits CSS to be used to style output. The following style will display missing as "N/A".

    span.Base-Missing {visibility: collapse;}
    span.Base-Missing::before {content: "N/A"; visibility: visible;}

If this default behavior is inconvenient:

  • coalesce() can be used to provide an alternative for missing;
  • something() provides a substitution for nothing; and
  • string() will bypass these type translations altogether.

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