Package Reference


This library provides a @htl macro which implements interopolation that is aware of hypertext escape context.

EscapeProxy(io) - wrap an `io` to perform HTML escaping

This is a transparent proxy that performs HTML escaping so that objects that are printed are properly converted into valid HTML values. As a special case, objects wrapped with Bypass are not escaped, and bypass the proxy.


julia> ep = EscapeProxy(stdout);
julia> print(ep, "A&B")
julia> print(ep, Bypass("<tag/>"))

This object wraps a function produced by the @htl macro. This function prints a the evaluated to the given io. This object is also showable via "text/html" so it may be used in an HTML display context.


This object prints data unescaped within a <script> tag, wrapped in a ScriptProxy that guards against invalid script content.


This is a transparent proxy that ensures neither <!-- nor </script> occur in the output stream.


julia> gp = ScriptProxy(stdout);
julia> print(gp, "valid");
julia> print(gp, "</script>")
ERROR: "Content within a script tag must not contain `</script>`"

This object prints data unescaped within a <script> tag, wrapped in a StyleProxy that guards against invalid script content.


This is a transparent proxy that ensures neither <!-- nor </style> occur in the output stream.


julia> gp = StyleProxy(stdout);
julia> print(gp, "valid");
julia> print(gp, "</style>")
ERROR: "Content within a style tag must not contain `</style>`"

This method may be implemented to specify a printed representation suitable for use within a quoted attribute value.


This method may be implemented to specify a printed representation suitable for text/html output. AbstractString, Symbol and Number (including Bool) types are printed, with proper escaping.

A default implementation first looks to see if typeof(x) has implemented a way to show themselves as text/html, if so, this is used. Otherwise, the result is printed within a <span> tag, using a class that includes the module and type name. Hence, missing is serialized as: <span class="Base-Missing">missing</span>.


Take an interweaved set of Julia expressions and strings, tokenize the strings according to the HTML specification [1], wrapping the expressions with wrappers based upon the escaping context, and returning an expression that combines the result with an Result wrapper.

For these purposes, a Symbol is treated as an expression to be resolved; while a String is treated as a literal string that won't be escaped. Critically, interpolated strings to be escaped are represented as an Expr with head of :string.

There are tags, "script" and "style" which are rawtext, in these cases there is no escaping, and instead raise an exception if the appropriate ending tag is in substituted content.



For String names, this simply verifies that they pass the attribute name production, but are otherwise untouched.

For Symbol names, this converts snake_case Symbol objects to their kebab-case equivalent. So that keywords, such as for could be used, we strip leading underscores.

print_script(io, value)

Show value as "text/javascript" to the given io, this provides some baseline functionality for built-in data types.

- `nothing` becomes `undefined`
- `missing` becomes `null`
- `Bool` values are printed as `true` or `false`
- `AbstractString` and `Symbol` become a double-quoted string
- `AbstractVector` and `Tuple` become an array
- `Dict` and `NamedTuple` become a Javascript object, with
   keys converted to string values
- `AbstractFloat` and `Integer` are printed directly, where
  `NaN` remains `NaN` but `Inf` is printed as `Infinity`

The fallback behavior of print_script is to show the object as "text/javascript". The Javascript wrapper will take any string and let it be printed in this way.

print_script_lower(io, value)

Provides a hook to override print_script for custom Javascript runtimes, such as Pluto.jl, to provide their own value marshalling.

print_value(io, value)

This is the default translation of interpolated values within rawtext tags, such as <style> and attribute values.

  • The elements of a Tuple or AbstractArray object are printed, with a space between each item.

  • The Pair, NamedTuple, and Dict objects are treated as if they are CSS style elements, with a colon between key and value, each pair delimited by a semi-colon.

  • The Nothing object is treated as an empty string.

Otherwise, this method simply uses the standard print representation for the given object.


Attempt to speed up serialization of inside_tag by exploring the expression tree at macro expansion time.


This method may be implemented to specify a printed representation suitable for use within a quoted attribute value starting with on.

@htl string-expression

Create a Result object with string interpolation ($) that uses context-sensitive hypertext escaping. Before Julia 1.6, interpolated string literals, e.g. $("Strunk & White"), are treated as errors since they cannot be reliably detected (see Julia issue #38501).

@htl_str -> Result

Create a Result object with string interpolation ($) that uses context-sensitive hypertext escaping. Unlike the @htl macro, this string literal does not include escaping feature [1]. To include $ within user content one must write &#36;. Observe that &quot; and any other HTML ampersand escape sequence can be used as appropriate.

In this syntax, interpolation is extended beyond regular Julia strings to handle three additional cases: tuples, named tuples (for attributes), and generators. See Julia #38734 for the feature request so that this could also work within the @htl macro syntax.

[1] There are also a few edge cases, see @raw_str documentation and Julia #22926 for more detail.