
Images.jl is an open-source image processing library for Julia.

Project organization

Images.jl is increasingly becoming an "umbrella package" that exports a set of packages which are useful for common image processing tasks. Most of these packages are hosted at JuliaImages, JuliaArrays, JuliaIO, JuliaGraphics, and JuliaMath.

Getting Help

You can join the Julia community by joining slack (get an invite from, zulip, and/or discourse. For questions and discussions related to the JuliaImages ecosystem, you can open an discussion; issues are reserved to bug reports and feature tracking. Any question about the documentation is considered an issue, hence if you have any questions please feel free to ask it in the documentation repo.


See for details on how to get started contributing to JuliaImages.

We are a welcoming and supportive community made up of volunteer developers. All participants are expected to abide by the Julia Community Standards.


Elements of this package descend from "image.jl" that once lived in Julia's extras/ directory. That file had several authors, of which the primary were Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Kroboth, Tim Holy, Mike Nolta, and Stefan Karpinski. This repository has been quite heavily reworked; please see the "contributors" tab above and on many of the other repositories at JuliaImages and elsewhere.