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This package offers a set of basic tools to compute quantities of interest in information geometry and statistical analysis. Among these are (log-)likelihoods, Fisher Metrics, Kullback-Leibler divergences, Geodesics, Riemann and Ricci curvature tensors and so on. In particular, this package allows the user to efficiently compute the exact boundary of confidence intervals of a non-linear statistical model given a dataset.

An explanation of how these methods work can be found in my Master's Thesis.


The DataSet and DataModel types represent containers to store datasets and models and conveniently pass them to functions. Some elementary examples:

DS = DataSet([1,2,3.],[4,5,6.5],[0.5,0.45,0.6])
model(x,p) = p[1] .* x .+ p[2]
DM = DataModel(DS,model)

Calculating Kullback-Leibler divergences

Using the distribution types defined in Distributions.jl, this package implements a variety of schemes for the numerical evaluation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between distributions over a specified domain:

  • For univariate distributions, the integral is rephrased in the form of an ordinary differential equation and solved with the sophisticated solvers provided by DifferentialEquations.jl.
  • For multivariate distributions, Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate the integral.
  • In many cases where closed-form expressions for the Kullback-Leibler are known. These include: Normal, Cauchy, Exponential, Weibull, Gamma

Examples of use:


Future Plans for this package

InformationGeometry.jl is a loose collection of code which I wrote especially to perform calculations in the specific context of my Master's Thesis. As such, it was not originally written as a module but instead mostly optimized to fit my personal needs. Now that my thesis is finished, I plan on revising the internals of this package to improve performance and significantly extend its functionality. In addition, I will do my best to provide detailed documentation and examples of how to use this package over the coming weeks.


  • Fisher Metrics: Allow for non-normal error distributions by interpolating and deriving the Kullback-Leibler divergence over a domain
  • Parallelism: Improve support for parallel computations of geodesics, curvature tensors and so on
  • Divergences: Discrete distributions, more user control over parallelization for Monte Carlo, Importance Sampling
  • Plotting: Improve capabilities for high-dimensional models
  • Documentation: More docstrings, show concrete examples / write guide
  • Interface: Standardize the user-facing keyword arguments
  • Benchmarks: Provide benchmarks for how InformationGeometry.jl compares to conventional inference methods
  • Optimisation: Use IntervalArithmetic