
In addition to a DataSet, a DataModel contains the model as a function model(x,p) and its derivative dmodel(x,p) where x denotes the x value of the data and p is a vector of parameters on which the model depends. Crucially, dmodel contains the derivatives of the model with respect to the parameters p, not the x values.


The DataSet type is a container for datapoints. It holds 3 vectors x, y, sigma where the components of sigma quantify the error bars associated with each measurement.


The HyperCube type has the fields vals::Vector{Vector}, which stores the intervals which define the hypercube and dim::Int, which gives the dimension. Overall it just offers a convenient and standardized way of passing domains for integration or plotting between functions without having to check that these domains are sensible every time. Examples for constructing HyperCubes:

HyperCube(collect([-7,7.] for i in 1:3))

The HyperCube type is closely related to the LowerUpper type and they can be easily converted into each other. Examples for quantities that can be computed from and operations involving HyperCube objects:


The LowerUpper type has a field L and a field U which respectively store the lower and upper boundaries of an N-dimensional Hypercube. It is very closely related to (and stores the same information as) the HyperCube type. Examples for constructing LowerUppers:


Examples for quantities that can be computed from and operations involving LowerUpper objects:


Calculates the Akaike Information Criterion given a parameter configuration p.

ChristoffelSymbol(DM::DataModel, point::Vector; BigCalc::Bool=false)
ChristoffelSymbol(Metric::Function, point::Vector; BigCalc::Bool=false)

Calculates the Christoffel symbol at a point p though finite differencing of the Metric. Accurate to ≈ 3e-11. BigCalc=true increases accuracy through BigFloat calculation.

ComputeGeodesic(DM::DataModel,InitialPos::Vector,InitialVel::Vector, Endtime::Float64=50.;
                                Boundaries::Union{Function,Nothing}=nothing, tol::Real=1e-11, meth=Tsit5())

Constructs geodesic with given initial position and velocity. It is possible to specify a boolean-valued function Boundaries(u,t,int), which terminates the integration process it returns false.


Probability volume outside of a confidence interval of level n⋅σ where σ is the standard deviation of a normal distribution.


Probability volume contained in a confidence interval of level n⋅σ where σ is the standard deviation of a normal distribution.

DataSpaceDist(DM::DataModel,v::Vector) -> Real

Calculates the euclidean distance between a point v in the data space and the data.

DistanceAlongGeodesic(Metric::Function,sol::ODESolution,L::Real; tol=1e-14)

Calculates at which parameter value of the geodesic sol the length L is reached.

EvaluateEach(sols::Vector{Q}, Ts::Vector) where Q <: ODESolution

Evalues a family sols of geodesics on a set of parameters Ts. sols[1] is evaluated at Ts[1], sols[2] is evaluated at Ts[2] and so on. The second half of the values respresenting the velocities is automatically truncated.

FindMLE(DM::DataModel,start::Union{Bool,Vector}=false; Big::Bool=false)

Finds the maximum likelihood parameter configuration given a DataModel and optionally a starting configuration. Big=true will return the value as a BigFloat.

FisherMetric(DM::DataModel, p::Vector{<:Real})

Computes the Fisher metric given a DataModel and a parameter configuration p under the assumption that the likelihood $L$ is a multivariate normal distribution.

\[g_{ab} = -\int_{\mathcal{D}} \mathrm{d}^N y \, L(y,\theta) \, \frac{\partial^2 \, \mathrm{ln}(L)}{\partial \theta^a \, \partial \theta^b}\]

where $\theta$ corresponds to the parameters p.

GeodesicBetween(Metric::Function,P::Vector{<:Real},Q::Vector{<:Real}; tol::Real=1e-10, meth=Tsit5())

Computes a geodesic between two given points on the parameter manifold and an expression for the metric.

GeodesicCrossing(DM::DataModel,sol::ODESolution,Conf::Real=ConfVol(1); tol=1e-15)

Gives the parameter value of the geodesic sol at which the confidence level Conf is crossed.

GeodesicDistance(Metric::Function,P::Vector{<:Real},Q::Vector{<:Real}; tol::Real=1e-10, meth=Tsit5())

Computes the length of a geodesic connecting the points P and Q.

GeodesicLength(Metric::Function,sol::ODESolution, Endrange::Real=0.; fullSol::Bool=false, tol=1e-14)

Calculates the length of a geodesic sol using the Metric up to parameter value Endrange.

KullbackLeibler(p::Function,q::Function,Domain::HyperCube=HyperCube([[-15,15]]); tol=1e-15, N::Int=Int(3e7), Carlo::Bool=(Domain.dim!=1))

Computes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two probability distributions p and q over the Domain. If Carlo=true, this is done using a Monte Carlo Simulation with N samples. If the Domain is one-dimensional, the calculation is performed without Monte Carlo to a tolerance of ≈ tol.

\[D_{\text{KL}} = \int \mathrm{d}^m y \, p(y) \, \mathrm{ln} \bigg( \frac{p(y)}{q(y)} \bigg)\]

Calculates KL divergence under assumption of normal error distribution around data.

function NormalDist(DM::DataModel,p::Vector) -> Distribution

Constructs either Normal or MvNormal type from Distributions.jl using data and a parameter configuration. This makes the assumption, that the errors associated with the data are normal.

OrthVF(DM::DataModel, p::Vector{<:Real}; Auto::Bool=false) -> Vector

Calculates a direction (in parameter space) in which the value of the log-likelihood does not change, given a parameter configuration p. Auto=true uses automatic differentiation to calculate the score.

OrthVF(DM::DataModel, PL::Plane, p::Vector{<:Real}; Auto::Bool=false) -> Vector

Calculates a direction (in parameter space) in which the value of the log-likelihood does not change, given a parameter configuration p. If a Plane is specified, the direction will be projected onto it. Auto=true uses automatic differentiation to calculate the score.


Plots ellipse corresponding to a given covariance matrix which may additionally be offset by a vector MLE.

PointwiseConfidenceBand(DM::DataModel,sol::ODESolution,domain::HyperCube; N::Int=200)

Given a confidence interval sol, the pointwise confidence band around the model prediction is computed for x values in domain by evaluating the model on the boundary of the confidence interval.

Pullback(DM::DataModel, G::AbstractArray{<:Real,2}, point::Vector)

Pull-back of a (0,2)-tensor G to the parameter manifold.

Pullback(DM::DataModel, omega::Vector{<:Real}, point::Vector) -> Vector

Pull-back of a covector to the parameter manifold.

Pushforward(DM::DataModel, X::Vector, point::Vector)

Calculates the push-forward of a vector X from the parameter manifold to the data space.

Ricci(Metric::Function, point::Vector; BigCalc::Bool=false)

Calculates the Ricci tensor by finite differencing of Metric. BigCalc=true increases accuracy through BigFloat calculation.

RicciScalar(Metric::Function, point::Vector; BigCalc::Bool=false)

Calculates the Ricci Scalar by finite differencing of the Metric. BigCalc=true increases accuracy through BigFloat calculation.

Riemann(Metric::Function, point::Vector; BigCalc::Bool=false)

Calculates the Riemann tensor by finite differencing of the Metric. BigCalc=true increases accuracy through BigFloat calculation.

Rsquared(DM::DataModel,Fit::LsqFit.LsqFitResult) -> Real

Calculates the R² value of the fit result Fit.

SaveConfidence(sols::Vector,N::Int=500; sigdigits::Int=7,adaptive::Bool=true)

Returns DataFrame of N points of each ODESolution in sols. Different points correspond to different rows whereas the columns correspond to different components.

SaveDataSet(DS::DataSet; sigdigits::Int=0)

Returns a DataFrame whose columns respectively constitute the x-values, y-values and standard distributions associated with the data points. For sigdigits > 0 the values are rounded to the specified number of significant digits.

SaveGeodesics(sols::Vector,N::Int=500; sigdigits::Int=7,adaptive::Bool=true)

Returns DataFrame of N points of each ODESolution in sols. Different points correspond to different rows whereas the columns correspond to different components. Since the solution objects for geodesics contain the velocity as the second half of the components, only the first half of the components is saved.

Score(DM::DataModel,p::Vector{<:Real}; Auto::Bool=false)

Calculates the gradient of the log-likelihood with respect to a set of parameters p. Auto=true uses automatic differentiation.

Truncated(sol::ODESolution) -> Function

Given a geodesic sol, the second half of the components which represent the velocity are truncated off. The result gives the position of the geodesic as a function of the parameter. However, since it is no longer of type ODESolution, one no longer has access to the fields sol.t, sol.u and so on.

WilksTest(DM::DataModel, p::Vector{<:Real},MLE::Vector{<:Real},ConfVol=ConfVol(1)) -> Bool

Checks whether a given parameter configuration p is within a confidence interval of level ConfVol using Wilks' theorem. This makes the assumption, that the likelihood has the form of a normal distribution, which is asymptotically correct in the limit that the number of datapoints is infinite.

WilksTestPrepared(DM::DataModel, p::Vector{<:Real}, LogLikeMLE::Real, ConfVol=ConfVol(1)) -> Bool

Checks whether a given parameter configuration p is within a confidence interval of level ConfVol using Wilks' theorem. This makes the assumption, that the likelihood has the form of a normal distribution, which is asymptotically correct in the limit that the number of datapoints is infinite. To simplify the calculation, LogLikeMLE accepts the value of the log-likelihood evaluated at the MLE.


Calculates the Likelihood given a DataModel and a parameter configuration p.

loglikelihood(DM::DataModel, p::Vector)

Calculates the logarithm of the Likelihood given a DataModel and a parameter configuration p.