jldopen(fname::AbstractString, mode::AbstractString)

Opens a JLD file at path fname.

"r": Open for reading only, failing if no file exists "r+": Open for reading and writing, failing if no file exists "w"/"w+": Open for reading and writing, overwriting the file if it already exists "a"/"a+": Open for reading and writing, creating a new file if none exists, but preserving the existing file if one is present

@load filename var1 [var2 ...]

Load one or more variables var1,... from JLD2 file filename into the current scope and return a vector of the loaded variable names.

For interactive use, the form @load "somefile.jld2" will load all variables from "somefile.jld2" into the current scope. This form only supports literal file names and should be avoided in more permanent code so that it's clear where the variables come from.


To load the variables hello and foo from the file example.jld2, use

@load "example.jld2" hello foo
@save filename var1 [var2 ...]

Write one or more variables var1,... from the current scope to a JLD2 file filename.

For interactive use you can save all variables in the current module's global scope using @save filename. More permanent code should prefer the explicit form to avoid saving unwanted variables.


To save the string hello and array xs to the JLD2 file example.jld2:

hello = "world"
xs = [1,2,3]
@save "example.jld2" hello foo

On-disk representation for data that is written as if it were of Julia type T, but is read as type S.


Represents an HDF5 global heap structure.

Group(f::JLDFile, name::AbstractString)

Construct an empty group named name at the top level of JLDFilef.

Group(g::Group, name::AbstractString)

Construct a group named name as a child of group g.


When writing data, we may need to enlarge the memory mapping, which would invalidate any memory addresses arising from the old mmap pointer. IndirectPointer holds a pointer to the startptr field of an MmapIO, and the offset relative to that pointer. It defers computing a memory address until converted to a Ptr{T}, so the memory mapping can be enlarged and addresses will remain valid.


A JLDWriteSession keeps track of references to serialized objects. If T is a Dict, h5offset maps an object ID (returned by calling objectid) to th RelOffset of the written dataset. If it is Union{}, then references are not tracked, and objects referenced multiple times are written multiple times.


A type encoding both the Julia type T and the on-disk (HDF5) representation ODR.


Represents an HDF5 relative offset. This differs from a file offset (used elsewhere) in that it is relative to the superblock base address. In practice, this means that FILE_HEADER_LENGTHhas been subtracted. fileoffset and h5offset convert between RelOffsets and file offsets.


constructrr(f::JLDFile, T::DataType, dt::CompoundType, attrs::Vector{ReadAttribute}, hard_failure::Bool=false)

Constructs a ReadRepresentation for a given type. This is the generic method for all types not specially handled below.

If hard_failure is true, then throw a TypeMappingException instead of attempting reconstruction. This helps in cases where we can't know if reconstructed parametric types will have a matching memory layout without first inspecting the memory layout.


Given a UnionAll type, recursively eliminates the where clauses

construct_array{T}(io::IO, ::Type{T}, ndims::Int)

Construct array by reading ndims dimensions from io. Assumes io has already been seeked to the correct position.

fileoffset(f::JLDFile, x::RelOffset)

Converts an offset x relative to the superblock of file f to an absolute offset.


Returns the size of a group payload, including link info, group info, and link messages, but not the object header. pairs is an iterator of String => RelOffset pairs. Provides space after the last object message for a continuation message.

h5offset(f::JLDFile, x::RelOffset)

Converts an absolute file offset x to an offset relative to the superblock of file f.


When a JLDFile is finalized, it is possible that the MmapIO has been munmapped, since Julia does not guarantee finalizer order. This means that the underlying file may be closed before we get a chance to write to it.


Returns the size of a link message, including message header.


Returns the size of several link messages. pairs is an iterator of String => RelOffset pairs.


Populate f.datatypes and f.jlh5types with all of the committed datatypes from a file. We need to do this before writing to make sure we reuse written datatypes.

lookup_offset(g::Group, name::AbstractString) -> RelOffset

Lookup the offset of a dataset in a group. Returns UNDEFINED_ADDRESS if the dataset is not present. Does not inspect unwritten_child_groups.

pathize(g::Group, name::AbstractString, create::Bool) -> Tuple{Group,String}

Converts a path to a group and name object. If create is true, any intermediate groups will be created, and the dataset name will be checked for uniqueness with existing names.


Check that a JLD file is actually writable, and throw an error if not. Sets the written flag on the file.

read_array!(v::Array, f::JLDFile, rr)

Fill the array v with the contents of JLDFile f at the current position, assuming a ReadRepresentation rr.

read_attr_data(f::JLDFile, attr::ReadAttribute, expected_datatype::H5Datatype,

Read data from an attribute, assuming a specific HDF5 datatype and ReadRepresentation. If the HDF5 datatype does not match, throws an UnsupportedFeatureException. This allows better type stability while simultaneously validating the data.

read_attr_data(f::JLDFile, attr::ReadAttribute)

Read data from an attribute.

read_compressed_array!(v::Array, f::JLDFile, rr, data_length::Int)

Fill the array v with the compressed contents of JLDFile f at the current position, assuming a ReadRepresentation rr and that the compressed data has length data_length.

read_data(f::JLDFile, dataspace::ReadDataspace, datatype_class::UInt8,
          datatype_offset::Int64, data_offset::Int64[, filter_id::UInt16,
          header_offset::RelOffset, attributes::Vector{ReadAttribute}])

Read data from a file. If datatype_class is typemax(UInt8), the datatype is assumed to be committed, and datatype_offset points to the offset of the committed datatype's header. Otherwise, datatype_offset points to the offset of the datatype attribute.

read_scalar(f::JLDFile, rr, header_offset::RelOffset)

Read raw data representing a scalar with read representation rr from the current position of JLDFile f. header_offset is the RelOffset of the object header, used to resolve cycles.

read_size(io::IO, flags::UInt8)

Loads a variable-length size according to flags Expects that the first two bits of flags mean: 0 The size of the Length of Link Name field is 1 byte. 1 The size of the Length of Link Name field is 2 bytes. 2 The size of the Length of Link Name field is 4 bytes. 3 The size of the Length of Link Name field is 8 bytes. Returns the size as an Int

save_group(g::Group) -> RelOffset

Stores a group to a file, updating it if it has already been saved. Returns UNDEFINED_ADDRESS if the group was already stored, or the offset of the new group otherwise.


Returns the length of the string represented by x.