
JSOSuite is a unique solution to access all the solvers available in the JuliaSmoothOptimizers organization.

All these solvers rely on the NLPModel API from NLPModels.jl for general nonlinear optimization problems of the form

\[\begin{aligned} \min \quad & f(x) \\ & c_L \leq c(x) \leq c_U \\ & c_A \leq Ax \leq l_A, \\ & \ell \leq x \leq u. \end{aligned}\]

The package JSOSuite exports a function minimize:

output = minimize(args...; kwargs...)

where the arguments define the problem, see Tutorial.

It is also possible to define an NLPModel or a JuMP model representing the problem, and then call minimize:

output = minimize(nlpmodel; kwargs...)
output = minimize(jump; kwargs...)

The NLPModel API is a general API for solvers to interact with models by providing flexible data types to represent the objective and constraint functions to evaluate their derivatives, and to provide essentially any information that a solver might request from a model. JuliaSmoothOrganization's website jso.dev or NLPModels.jl's documentation provide more tutorials on this topic.


JuliaSmoothOptimizers' compliant solvers accept any model compatible with the NLPModel API. See the Tutorial section for examples.

Depending on the origin of the problem several modeling tools are available. The following generic modeling tools are accepted:

  • JuMP models are internally made compatible with NLPModel via NLPModelsJuMP.jl;
  • Ampl models stored in a .nl file can be instantiated with AmplModel("name_of_file.nl") using AmplNLReader.jl;
  • QPSReader.jl reads linear problems in MPS format and quadratic problems in QPS format;
  • Models using automatic differentiation can be generated using ADNLPModels.jl;
  • Models with manually input derivatives can be defined using ManualNLPModels.jl.

It is also possible to define your NLPModel variant. Several examples are available within JuliaSmoothOptimizers' umbrella:

A nonlinear least squares problem is a special case with the objective function defined as $f(x) = \tfrac{1}{2}\|F(x)\|^2_2$. Although the problem can be solved using only $f$, knowing $F$ independently allows the development of more efficient methods. See the Nonlinear Least Squares for more on the special treatment of these problems.


The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, which is a structure containing the available information at the end of the execution, such as a solver status, the objective function value, the norm of the residuals, the elapsed time, etc.

It contains the following fields:

  • status: Indicates the output of the solver. Use show_statuses() for the full list;
  • solution: The final approximation returned by the solver (default: an uninitialized vector like nlp.meta.x0);
  • objective: The objective value at solution (default: Inf);
  • dual_feas: The dual feasibility norm at solution (default: Inf);
  • primal_feas: The primal feasibility norm at solution (default: 0.0 if unconstrained, Inf otherwise);
  • multipliers: The Lagrange multipliers wrt to the constraints (default: an uninitialized vector like nlp.meta.y0);
  • multipliers_L: The Lagrange multipliers wrt to the lower bounds on the variables (default: an uninitialized vector like nlp.meta.x0 if there are bounds, or a zero-length vector if not);
  • multipliers_U: The Lagrange multipliers wrt to the upper bounds on the variables (default: an uninitialized vector like nlp.meta.x0 if there are bounds, or a zero-length vector if not);
  • iter: The number of iterations computed by the solver (default: -1);
  • elapsed_time: The elapsed time computed by the solver (default: Inf);
  • solver_specific::Dict{Symbol,Any}: A solver specific dictionary.

The list of statuses is available via the function SolverCore.show_statuses:

using SolverCore
  :acceptable     => solved to within acceptable tolerances
  :exception      => unhandled exception
  :first_order    => first-order stationary
  :infeasible     => problem may be infeasible
  :max_eval       => maximum number of function evaluations
  :max_iter       => maximum iteration
  :max_time       => maximum elapsed time
  :neg_pred       => negative predicted reduction
  :not_desc       => not a descent direction
  :small_residual => small residual
  :small_step     => step too small
  :stalled        => stalled
  :unbounded      => objective function may be unbounded from below
  :unknown        => unknown
  :user           => user-requested stop

Keyword Arguments

All the keyword arguments are passed to the selected solver. Keywords available for all the solvers are given below:

  • atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance;
  • rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance;
  • max_time::Float64 = 300.0: maximum number of seconds;
  • max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations;
  • max_eval::Int = 10 000: maximum number of constraint and objective functions evaluations;
  • callback = (args...) -> nothing: callback called at each iteration;
  • verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details for every verbose iteration.

The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver.

The following are specific to nonlinear least squares:

  • Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual;
  • Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.

Further possible options are documented in each solver's documentation.


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If you want to ask a question not suited for a bug report, feel free to start a discussion here. This forum is for general discussion about this repository and the JuliaSmoothOptimizers, so questions about any of our packages are welcome.