Creating an Extractor

Extractor is responsible for converting json to Mill structures. The main design idea is that the extractor for a whole json is created by composing (sub-)extractors while reflecting the JSON structure. This composability is achieved by the commitment of each extractor returning a subtype of Mill.AbstractDataNode. Extractor can be any function, but to ensure a composability, it is should be a subtype of AbstractExtractor, which means all of them are implemented as functors (also because they contain parameters).

Manual creation of extractors

The simplest way to create a custom extractor is the compose it from provided extractor functions. Imagine for example json file as follows.

{"name": "Karl",
 "siblings": ["Gertruda", "Heike", "Fritz"],
 "hobby": ["running", "pingpong"],
 "age": 21

A corresponding extractor might look like

ex = ExtractDict(Dict(
	:name => ExtractString(),
	:siblings => ExtractArray(ExtractString()),
	:hobby => ExtractArray(ExtractCategorical(["running", "swimming","yoga"])),
	:age => ExtractScalar(),
  ├─────── age: Float32
  ├───── hobby: Array of
  │               └── Categorical d = 4
  ├────── name: String
  └── siblings: Array of
                  └── String

Notice, how the composability of extractors simplifies the desing and allow to reflect the same feature of JSON documents.

Applying the extractor ex on the above json yields the corresponding Mill structure.

s = JSON.parse("{\"name\" : \"Karl\",
 \"siblings\" : [\"Gertruda\", \"Heike\", \"Fritz\"],
 \"hobby\" : [\"running\", \"pingpong\"],
 \"age\" : 21
ProductNode with 1 obs
  ├─────── age: ArrayNode(1×1 Array with Float32 elements) with 1 obs
  ├───── hobby: BagNode with 1 obs
  │               └── ArrayNode(4×2 MaybeHotMatrix with Bool elements) with 2 obs
  └── siblings: BagNode with 1 obs
                  └── ArrayNode(2053×3 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 3 obs

The list of all extractors that we have found handy during our experiments and are part of JsonGrinder can be found in Extractors overview.

Semi-automatic creation of extractors

Manually creating extractors is boring and error-prone process. Function suggestextractor(schema) tries to simplify this, since creation of most of the extractors is straightforward, once the schema is known.

This is especially true for Dict and Arrays, while extractors for leaves can be tricky, as one needs to decide, if the leaf should be represented as a Scalar and String or as Categorical variable.

suggestextractor(schema, settings) uses a simple heuristic (described below) for choosing reasonable extractors, but it can make errors. It is therefore highly recommended to check the proposed extractor manually, if it makes sense. A typical error, especially if schema is created from a small number of samples, is that some variable is treated as a Categorical, while it should be String / Scalar.

Extractor for Dict can be configured to use either ExtractDict or ExtractKeyAsField based on properties number of keys in schema.

Extractor for Array is not configurable, as we do not feel the pressure to so, as there does not seems to be much to do.

JsonGrinder.suggestextractor(schema, settings = NamedTuple())

allows to pass following parameters inside the settings argument

  • scalar_extractors
  • keyasfield
  • mincountkey

scalar_extractors allows to pass your own heuristic and rules for handling scalars.

By default, it's settings = (; scalar_extractors = default_scalar_extractor()).

key_as_field is an Int parameter which configures how Dicts are extracted. If number of unique keys in dict is >= key_as_field, ExtractKeyAsField is used, otherwise ExtractDict is used.

By default, it's settings = (; key_as_field = 500).

minkountkey is an Int parameter which allows you to skip sparse keys in Dict to avoid creation of unnecessarily large model. minkountkey contains minimum number of observations of the key in schema to be included in extractor. All keys, whose updated field in schema for specific key is > minkountkey are included in resulting ExtractDict. This settings applies only to Dicts which are not consideted to be "key as field". If a certain Dict is considered to be extracted by ExtractKeyAsField, minkountkey does not apply to it.

By default, it's settings = (; minkountkey = 0), thus no keys are omitted by default.


scalar_extractors is a list of tuples, where the first is a condition and the second is a function creating the extractor in case of a true. The default heuristic is following and you can adjust according to your liking.

function default_scalar_extractor()
	(e -> length(keys(e)) <= 100 && (is_intable(e) || is_floatable(e)),
		e -> ExtractCategorical(keys(e))),
	(e -> is_intable(e),
		e -> extractscalar(Int32, e)),
	(e -> is_floatable(e),
	 	e -> extractscalar(FloatType, e)),
	# it's important that condition here would be lower than maxkeys
	(e -> (keys_len = length(keys(e)); keys_len / e.updated < 0.1 && keys_len < 10000 && !(is_intable(e) || is_floatable(e))),
		e -> ExtractCategorical(keys(e))),
	(e -> true,
		e -> extractscalar(unify_types(e), e)),]

Note that order matters here, as the extractors are suggested using following logic

for (c, ex) in get(settings, :scalar_extractors, default_scalar_extractor())
	c(e) && return ex(e)


Extractor suggested for ArrayEntry is most of the time ExtractArray converting Arrays to Mill.BagNodes. The exception is the case, when vectors are of the same length and their items are numbers. In this case, the suggestextractor returns ExtractVector, which treats convert the array to a Mill.ArrayNode, as we believe the array to represent a feature vector.


Extractor suggested for DictEntry is most of the time ExtractDict converting Dicts to ProductNodes. As mentioned above, there is an excetion. Sometimes, people use Dicts with names of keys being values. For example consider following two jsons

{"a.dll": ["f", "g", "h"],
 "b.dll": ["a", "b", "c"]}
{"c.dll": ["x", "y", "z"]}

in the case, keys ["a.dll","b.dll","c.dll"] are actually values (names of libraries), and arrays are values as well. The dictionary therefore contain an array. If this case is detected, it is suggested to use ExtractKeyAsField, which interprets the above JSON as

[{"key": "a.dll",
  "field": ["f", "g", "h"]},
 {"key": "b.dll",
 "field": ["a", "b", "c"]}
[{"key": "c.dll",
"field": ["x", "y", "z"]}]

To demonstrate difference between them, let's compare resulting Mill structures.

julia> s1 = JSON.parse("{\"a.dll\": [\"f\", \"g\", \"h\"],
        \"b.dll\": [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]}")
Dict{String,Any} with 2 entries:
  "b.dll" => Any["a", "b", "c"]
  "a.dll" => Any["f", "g", "h"]

julia> s2 = JSON.parse("{\"c.dll\": [\"x\", \"y\", \"z\"]}")
Dict{String,Any} with 1 entry:
  "c.dll" => Any["x", "y", "z"]

julia> ex_dict = ExtractDict(Dict(
       	Symbol("a.dll") => ExtractArray(ExtractString()),
       	Symbol("b.dll") => ExtractArray(ExtractString()),
       	Symbol("c.dll") => ExtractArray(ExtractString()),
  ├── a.dll: Array of
  │            └── String
  ├── b.dll: Array of
  │            └── String
  └── c.dll: Array of
               └── String

julia> ex_key_as_field = ExtractKeyAsField(
       	ExtractString(), ExtractArray(ExtractString()
  ├── String
  └── Array of
        └── String

julia> ex_dict(s1)
ProductNode with 1 obs
  ├── a.dll: BagNode with 1 obs
  │            └── ArrayNode(2053×3 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 3 obs
  ├── b.dll: BagNode with 1 obs
  │            └── ArrayNode(2053×3 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 3 obs
  └── c.dll: BagNode with 1 obs
               └── ArrayNode(2053×0 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 0 obs

julia> ex_key_as_field(s1)
BagNode with 1 obs
  └── ProductNode with 2 obs
        ├── item: BagNode with 2 obs
        │           ⋮
        └─── key: ArrayNode(2053×2 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 2 obs

julia> ex_dict(s2)
ProductNode with 1 obs
  ├── a.dll: BagNode with 1 obs
  │            └── ArrayNode(2053×0 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 0 obs
  ├── b.dll: BagNode with 1 obs
  │            └── ArrayNode(2053×0 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 0 obs
  └── c.dll: BagNode with 1 obs
               └── ArrayNode(2053×3 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 3 obs

julia> ex_key_as_field(s2)
BagNode with 1 obs
  └── ProductNode with 1 obs
        ├── item: BagNode with 1 obs
        │           ⋮
        └─── key: ArrayNode(2053×1 NGramMatrix with Int64 elements) with 1 obs

As we can see ExtractKeyAsField extracts data to more sensible structures in this case.

Modifying extractor

Passing different scalar_extractors

Let's demonstrate how can we set extraction of all strings to be MultiRepresentation of String and Categorical, where Categorical will have 20 most frequent values. In general, there are 2 approaches:

  • prepending your own extractors to default_scalar_extractor()
  • providing your own function independent on default_scalar_extractor()

The first case may look as follows:

# we import necessary functions
using JsonGrinder: is_intable, is_floatable, unify_types, extractscalar
# define a helper function
top_n_keys(e::Entry, n::Int) = map(x->x[1], sort(e.counts |> collect, by=x->x[2], rev=true)[begin:min(n, end)])
# we call the default extractor inside our
function string_multi_representation_scalar_extractor()
	(e -> unify_types(sch[:paper_id]) <: String,
		e -> MultipleRepresentation((
			ExtractCategorical(top_n_keys(e, 20)),
			extractscalar(unify_types(e), e)
	], JsonGrinder.default_scalar_extractor()))
# call the suggestextractor with out extractors
suggestextractor(sch, (; scalar_extractors = string_multi_representation_scalar_extractor()))

The second case may look as follows: Let's take contents default_scalar_extractor() function and modify it

# we import necessary functions
using JsonGrinder: is_intable, is_floatable, unify_types, extractscalar
# define a helper function
top_n_keys(e::Entry, n::Int) = map(x->x[1], sort(e.counts |> collect, by=x->x[2], rev=true)[begin:min(n, end)])
function string_multi_representation_scalar_extractor()
	(e -> length(keys(e)) <= 100 && (is_intable(e) || is_floatable(e)),
		e -> ExtractCategorical(keys(e))),
	(e -> is_intable(e),
		e -> extractscalar(Int32, e)),
	(e -> is_floatable(e),
	 	e -> extractscalar(FloatType, e)),
	# it's important that condition here would be lower than maxkeys
	(e -> (keys_len = length(keys(e)); keys_len / e.updated < 0.1 && keys_len < 10000 && !(is_intable(e) || is_floatable(e))),
		e -> ExtractCategorical(keys(e))),
	(e -> true,
		e -> MultipleRepresentation((
			ExtractCategorical(e, 20),
			extractscalar(unify_types(e), e)
# call the suggestextractor with out extractors
suggestextractor(sch, (; scalar_extractors = string_multi_representation_scalar_extractor()))

Note that in the first case, the condition for new extractor is evaluated first, but in the latter case, it's the latest condition, so it's used only when the previous ones are not met.

Manual modifications of extractor

Because the extractor can be quite big, by default the shows only structure to depth of 3 and 20 children for each element.

The full extractor can by seen by HierarchicalUtils.printtree(extractor). Usually edge-cases and complex cases are seen only on large schemas and extractors, which don't suit the documentation format. Thus the examination of schema and extractor, and manual modifications are in dedicated example examples/schema_examination.jl which creates schema and extractor based on data in examples/documents. We advice to check it out and try to run it by yourself.