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Width-sensitive formatter for Julia code. Inspired by gofmt, refmt, and black. Built with CSTParser.


]add JuliaFormatter

Quick Start

julia> using JuliaFormatter

# Recursively formats all Julia files in the current directory
julia> format(".")

# Formats an individual file
julia> format_file("foo.jl")

# Formats a string (contents of a Julia file)
julia> format_text(str)


JuliaFormatter exports format_text, format_file and format:

    indent = 4,
    margin = 92,
    style::AbstractStyle = DefaultStyle(),
    always_for_in = false,
    whitespace_typedefs::Bool = false,
    whitespace_ops_in_indices::Bool = false,
    remove_extra_newlines::Bool = false,
    import_to_using::Bool = false,
    pipe_to_function_call::Bool = false,
    short_to_long_function_def::Bool = false,
    always_use_return::Bool = false,

    overwrite = true,
    verbose = false,


The text argument to format_text is a string containing the code to be formatted; the formatted code is retuned as a new string. The file argument to format_file is the path of a file to be formatted. The format function is either called with a singe string to format if it is a .jl file or to recuse into looking for .jl files if it is a directory. It can also be called with a collection of such paths to iterate over. The format_file and format functions will return true if the file(s) are already formatted (i.e. if no changes were made to the file(s)) and false if changes were required to format the file(s).

format calls format_file which in turn calls format_text.

JuliaFormatter should work on any valid Julia code. If JuliaFormatter cannot parse the code for any reason, it will throw an error pointing to the line that could not be parsed. If running format on multiple files, you may want to set verbose = true to print information about which file is being formatted.