
Draw a graph g using coordinates in layout to fit in a Luxor boundingbox.

Keyword arguments

boundingbox::BoundingBox        graph fits inside this BB
layout                          Point[] or function
margin                          default 30
edgelist                        draw only these edges

vertexfunction(vtx, coords) ->  draw vertices
edgefunction(edgenumber, edgesrc, edgedest, from, to) -> draw edges

Or use these individual keywords:

• vertexlabels   f               • edgelabels  f
• vertexshapes   f               • edgelines    f
• vertexshapesizes f             • edgelist
• vertexshaperotations f         • edgecurvature
• vertexstrokecolors f           • edgestrokecolors   f
• vertexstrokeweights f          • edgestrokeweights  f
• vertexfillcolors f             • edgedashpatterns
• vertexlabeltextcolors          • edgegaps
• vertexlabelfontsizes           • edgelabelrotations f
• vertexlabelfontfaces           • edgelabelcolors
• vertexlabelrotations
• vertexlabeloffsetangles
• vertexlabeloffsetdistances


  • the layout method or coordinates to be used. Examples:
layout = squaregrid

layout = shell

layout = vcat(
    between.(O + (-W/2, H), O + (W/2, H), range(0, 1, length=N)),
    between.(O + (-W/2, -H), O + (W/2, -H), range(0, 1, length=N)))

layout = stress

layout = (g) -> spectral(adjacency_matrix(g), dim=2)

layout = shell ∘ adjacency_matrix

layout = (g) -> sfdp(g, Ptype=Float64, dim=2, tol=0.05, C=0.4, K=2)

layout = Shell(nlist=[6:10,]) # inner shell for vertices 6 to 10

layout = squaregrid

the_positions = [(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in randompointarray(BoundingBox(), 50)[1:nv(G)]]
the_weights = rand(1:20, nv(G), nv(G))
layout=Stress(initialpos = the_positions,
    iterations = 30,
    weights = the_weights)

layout = Stress(iterations = 100, weights = M) # M is matrix of weights

layout = Spring(iterations = 200, initialtemp = 2.5)

Refer to the NetworkLayout.jl documentation for more.

Extended help

Functions to control every aspect of vertex and edge:

vertexfunction(vertex, coordinates) ->

A function vertexfunction(vertex, coordinates) that completely specifies the appearance of every vertex. None of the other vertex- keyword arguments will be used. Example:

vertexfunction = (v, c) -> ngon(c[v], 30, 6, 0, :fill)

edgefunction(edgenumber, edgesrc, edgedest, from, to) ->

A function edgefunction(edgenumber, from, to, edgesrc, edgedest) that completely specifies the appearance of every edge. None of the other edge- keyword arguments are used.

Vertex options

vertexfillcolors: Array | Colorant | :none | Function (vtx) -> the colors for vertex

vertexlabels: Array | Range " string "|:none | Function (vtx) -> return label for each vertex

The text labels for each vertex. Vertex labels are not drawn by default.

vertexshapes : Array | Range | :circle | :square | :none | Function (vtx) ->

Use shape for vertex. If function, vtx is vertex number, using current vertex rotation (vertextshaperotations), make your own graphic shapes. The function can override rotations and colors.

vertexshapesizes: Array | Range | Real | Function

The size of each vertex shape for :circle :square...

vertexshaperotations: Array | Range | Real | Function

the rotation of shapes,

vertexstrokecolors: Array | Colorant | :none | Function (vtx) -> colorant

vertexstrokeweights: Array | Range | :none | Function

vertexfillcolors: Array | Colorant | :none | Function (vtx) -> colorant







Edge options

edgelist: Array | Edge iterator

A list of Edges (Graphs.EdgeIterator) to be drawn. Takes prioity over edgelines.

edgelines: Array | Range | Int| :none | Function (edgenumber, edgesrc, edgedest, from, to) ->

Edge lines to be drawn.

edgelabels: Array | Range | Dict | Function (edgenumber, edgesrc, edgedest, from::Point, to::Point) ->


edgestrokecolors: Array | Colorant | Function (n, s, d, from, to)` -> colorant

Colors of edges. Function can be edgestrokecolors = (n, s, d, f, t) -> HSB(rescale(n, 1, ne(g), 0, 360), 0.9, 0.8))

edgestrokeweights Array | Range | Real | Function (n, s, d, from, to)` -> n

edgedashpatterns: Array of Arrays | Array

The dash pattern or an array of dash patterns for the edge lines. Dash patterns might be eg [[10, 30], [1]]. Numbers alternate between lines and spaces.


The gaps from vertex center to arrow tip


The colors of the label text

edgelabelrotations: A | Range | function edgelabelrotations = (n, s, d, f, t) -> angle

The rotation of the label text

