API reference

LSHFunction API

LSHFunction(similarity, args...; kws...)

Construct the default LSHFunction subtype that corresponds to the similarity function similarity.


  • similarity: the similarity function you want to use. Can be any of the following:

    • cossim
    • inner_prod
    • jaccard
    • ℓ1
    • ℓ2
  • args...: arguments to pass on to the default LSHFunction constructor corresponding to similarity.

  • kws...: keyword parameters to pass on to the default LSHFunction constructor corresponding to similarity.


Returns a subtype of LSH.LSHFunction that hashes the similarity function similarity.


In the snippet below, we construct LSHFunctions.SimHash (the default hash function corresponding to cosine similarity) using LSHFunction():

julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(cossim);

julia> typeof(hashfn) <: LSHFunctions.SimHash <: LSHFunction

We can provide arguments and keyword parameters corresponding to the hash function that we construct:

julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(inner_prod, 100; dtype=Float64, maxnorm=10);

julia> n_hashes(hashfn) == 100 &&
       typeof(hashfn) <: SignALSH{Float64} &&
       hashfn.maxnorm == 10

See also: lsh_family


Return the default constructor or LSHFunction subtype used to construct a hash function for the similarity function similarity.

The main use of lsh_family is to make it easier to find the documentation for the hash function that's constructed when you call LSHFunction. For instance, if you want to know more about the arguments and keyword parameters that can be given to LSHFunction(inner_prod), you can run

julia> lsh_family(inner_prod)

help?> SignALSH


julia> lsh_family(cossim)

julia> lsh_family(ℓ1)

See also: LSHFunction


Returns the type of hash generated by a hash function.


julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(cossim);

julia> hashtype(hashfn)

julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(ℓ1);

julia> hashtype(hashfn)

Return the number of hashes computed by hashfn.


julia> hashfn = SimHash();

julia> n_hashes(hashfn)

julia> hashfn = SimHash(12);

julia> n_hashes(hashfn)

julia> hashes = hashfn(rand(25));

julia> length(hashes)

Returns the similarity function that hashfn hashes on.


  • hashfn::AbstractLSHFunction: the hash function whose similarity we would like to retrieve.


julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(cossim);

julia> similarity(hashfn) == cossim

julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(ℓ1);

julia> similarity(hashfn) == ℓ1
collision_probability(hashfn::H, sim;
                      n_hashes::Union{Symbol,Integer}=:auto) where {H <: LSHFunction}

Compute the probability of hash collision between two inputs with similarity sim for an LSHFunction of type H. This function returns the probability that n_hashes hashes simultaneously collide.


  • hashfn::LSHFunction: the LSHFunction for which we want to compute the probability of collision.
  • sim: a similarity (or vector of similarities), computed using the similarity function returned by similarity(hashfn).

Keyword arguments

  • n_hashes::Union{Symbol,Integer} (default: :auto): the number of hash functions to use to compute the probability of collision. If the probability that a single hash collides is p, then the probability that n_hashes hashes simultaneously collide is p^n_hashes. As a result,

    collision_probability(hashfn, sim; n_hashes=N)

    is the same as

    collision_probability(hashfn, sim; n_hashes=1).^N

    If n_hashes = :auto then this function will select the number of hashes to be n_hashes(hashfn) (using the n_hashes function from the LSHFunction API).


The probability that a single MinHash hash function causes a hash collision between inputs A and B is equal to jaccard(A,B):

julia> hashfn = MinHash();

julia> A = Set(["a", "b", "c"]);

julia> B = Set(["b", "c", "d"]);

julia> jaccard(A,B)

julia> collision_probability(hashfn, jaccard(A,B); n_hashes=1)

If our MinHash struct keeps track of N hash functions simultaneously, then the probability of collision is jaccard(A,B)^N:

julia> hashfn = MinHash(10);

julia> A = Set(["a", "b", "c"]);

julia> B = Set(["b", "c", "d"]);

julia> collision_probability(hashfn, jaccard(A,B)) ==
       collision_probability(hashfn, jaccard(A,B); n_hashes=10) ==
       collision_probability(hashfn, jaccard(A,B); n_hashes=1)^10

See also: n_hashes, similarity

collision_probability(hashfn::LSHFunction, x, y;
                      n_hashes::Union{Symbol,Integer} = :auto)

Computes the probability of a hash collision between two inputs x and y for a given hash function hashfn. This is the same as calling

collision_probability(hashfn, similarity(hashfn)(x,y); n_hashes=n_hashes)


The following snippet computes the probability of collision between two sets A and B for a single MinHash. For MinHash, this probability is just equal to the Jaccard similarity between A and B.

julia> hashfn = MinHash();

julia> A = Set(["a", "b", "c"]);

julia> B = Set(["a", "b", "c"]);

julia> similarity(hashfn) == jaccard

julia> collision_probability(hashfn, A, B) ==
       collision_probability(hashfn, jaccard(A,B)) ==

We can use the n_hashes argument to specify the probability that n_hashes MinHash hash functions simultaneously collide. If left unspecified, then we'll simply use n_hashes(hashfn) as the number of hash functions:

julia> hashfn = MinHash(10);

julia> A = Set(["a", "b", "c"]);

julia> B = Set(["a", "b", "c"]);

julia> collision_probability(hashfn, A, B) ==
       collision_probability(hashfn, A, B; n_hashes=10) ==
       collision_probability(hashfn, A, B; n_hashes=1)^10
abstract type SymmetricLSHFunction <: LSHFunction end

A symmetric locality-sensitive hashing function. A SymmetricLSHFunction uses the same hash function to insert items into a hash table as well as query the table for collisions. If hashfn is a SymmetricLSHFunction, you can compute the hash for an input x as hashfn(x).

See also: AsymmetricLSHFunction

abstract type AsymmetricLSHFunction <: LSHFunction end

An asymmetric locality-sensitive hashing function. An AsymmetricLSHFunction uses one hash function to insert items into a hash table, and a different hash function to query the table for collisions. If hashfn is an AsymmetricLSHFunction, you can compute the indexing hash for an input x with index_hash(hashfn,x), and the querying hash with query_hash(hashfn,x).

See also: SymmetricLSHFunction

Hash functions

SimHash(n_hashes::Integer = 1;
        dtype::DataType = Float32,
        resize_pow2::Bool = false)

Creates a locality-sensitive hash function for cosine similarity.


  • n_hashes::Integer (default: 1): the number of hash functions to generate.

Keyword parameters

  • dtype::DataType (default: Float32): the data type to use in the LSHFunctions.SimHash internals. For performance reasons you should pick dtype to match the type of the data you're hashing.
  • resize_pow2::Bool (default: false): affects the way in which the returned LSHFunctions.SimHash resizes to hash inputs of different sizes. If you think you'll be hashing inputs of many different sizes, it's more efficient to set resize_pow2 = true.


Construct a hash function by calling SimHash with the number of hash functions you want to generate:

julia> hashfn = SimHash(24);

julia> n_hashes(hashfn) == 24 &&
       similarity(hashfn) == cossim

You can then call hashfn(x) in order to compute hashes:

julia> hashfn = SimHash(32);

julia> x = randn(30);

julia> hashes = hashfn(x);


  • Moses S. Charikar. Similarity estimation techniques from rounding algorithms. In Proceedings of the Thiry-Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC '02, page 380–388, New York, NY, USA, 2002. Association for Computing Machinery. 10.1145/509907.509965.

See also: cossim

MinHash(n_hashes::Integer = 1;
        dtype::DataType = Any,
        symbols::Union{Vector,Set} = Set())

Construct a locality-sensitive hash function for Jaccard similarity.


  • n_hashes::Integer (default: 1): the number of hash functions to generate.

Keyword parameters

  • dtype::DataType (default: Any): the type of symbols in the sets you're hashing. This is overriden by the data type contained in symbols when symbols is non-empty.
  • symbols::Union{Vector,Set}: a Vector or Set containing all of the possible elements ("symbols") of the sets that you will be hashing. If left empty, MinHash will instead expand its dictionary when it sees new symbols (at small additional computational expense).


Construct a hash function to hash sets whose elements are integers between 1 and 50:

julia> hashfn = MinHash(40; symbols = Set(1:50));

julia> n_hashes(hashfn) == 40 && similarity(hashfn) == jaccard

julia> hashfn(Set([38, 14, 29, 48, 11]));

julia> hashfn([1, 1, 2, 3, 4]); # You can also hash Vectors

julia> hashfn(Set([100]))
ERROR: Symbol 100 not found

If you aren't sure ahead of time exactly what kinds of elements will be in the sets you're hashing, you can opt not to specify symbols, in which case MinHash will lazily update its hash functions as it encounters new symbols:

julia> hashfn = MinHash();

julia> hashfn(Set([1, 2, 3]));

julia> hashfn(Set(["a", "b", "c"]));

If you don't know what elements you'll encounter, but you know that they'll all be of a specific data type, you can specify the dtype argument for increased efficiency:

julia> hashfn = MinHash(10; dtype = String);

julia> hashfn(Set(["a", "b", "c"]));


  • Broder, A. On the resemblance and containment of documents. Compression and Complexity of Sequences: Proceedings, Positano, Amalfitan Coast, Salerno, Italy, June 11-13, 1997. doi:10.1109/SEQUEN.1997.666900.

See also: jaccard

    n_hashes::Integer = 1;
    dtype::DataType = Float32,
    r::Real = 1.0,
    resize_pow2::Bool = false

Constructs a locality-sensitive hash for $\ell^1$ distance ($\|x - y\|_1$), defined as

$\|x - y\|_1 = \sum_i |x_i - y_i|$


  • n_hashes::Integer (default: 1): the number of hash functions to generate.

Keyword parameters

  • dtype::DataType (default: Float32): the data type to use in the LSHFunctions.L1Hash internals. For performance reasons you should pick dtype to match the type of the data you're hashing.
  • r::Real (default: 1.0): a positive coefficient whose magnitude influences the collision rate. Larger values of r will increase the collision rate, even for distant points. See references for more information.
  • resize_pow2::Bool (default: false): affects the way in which the returned LSHFunctions.L1Hash resizes to hash inputs of different sizes. If you think you'll be hashing inputs of many different sizes, it's more efficient to set resize_pow2 = true.


Construct an L1Hash with the number of hash functions you want to generate:

julia> hashfn = L1Hash(128);

julia> hashfn.power == 1 &&
       n_hashes(hashfn) == 128 &&
       similarity(hashfn) == ℓ1

After creating a hash function, you can compute hashes with hashfn(x):

julia> hashfn = L1Hash(20);

julia> x = rand(4);

julia> hashes = hashfn(x);


  • Datar, Mayur & Indyk, Piotr & Immorlica, Nicole & Mirrokni, Vahab. (2004). Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on p-stable distributions. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry. 10.1145/997817.997857.

See also: ℓ1

    n_hashes::Integer = 1;
    dtype::DataType = Float32,
    r::Real = 1.0,
    resize_pow2::Bool = false

Constructs a locality-sensitive hash for $\ell^2$ distance ($\|x - y\|_2$), defined as

$\|x - y\|_2 = \left(\sum_i |x_i - y_i|^2\right)^{1/2}$


  • n_hashes::Integer (default: 1): the number of hash functions to generate.

Keyword parameters

  • dtype::DataType (default: Float32): the data type to use in the LSHFunctions.L2Hash internals. For performance reasons you should pick dtype to match the type of the data you're hashing.
  • r::Real (default: 1.0): a positive coefficient whose magnitude influences the collision rate. Larger values of r will increase the collision rate, even for distant points. See references for more information.
  • resize_pow2::Bool (default: false): affects the way in which the returned LSHFunctions.L2Hash resizes to hash inputs of different sizes. If you think you'll be hashing inputs of many different sizes, it's more efficient to set resize_pow2 = true.


Construct an L2Hash with the number of hash functions you want to generate:

julia> hashfn = L2Hash(128);

julia> hashfn.power == 2 &&
       n_hashes(hashfn) == 128 &&
       similarity(hashfn) == ℓ2

After creating a hash function, you can compute hashes with hashfn(x):

julia> hashfn = L2Hash(20);

julia> x = rand(4);

julia> hashes = hashfn(x);


  • Datar, Mayur & Indyk, Piotr & Immorlica, Nicole & Mirrokni, Vahab. (2004). Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on p-stable distributions. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry. 10.1145/997817.997857.

See also: ℓ2

SignALSH(n_hashes::Integer = 1,
         dtype::DataType = Float32,
         maxnorm::Union{Nothing,Real} = nothing,
         m::Integer = 3,
         resize_pow2::Bool = false)

Create a SignALSH hash function for hashing on inner product similarity.


  • n_hashes::Integer (default: 1): the number of hash functions to generate.

Keyword parameters

  • dtype::DataType (default: Float32): the data type to use in the LSHFunctions.SignALSH internals. For performance reasons you should pick dtype to match the type of the data you're hashing.
  • maxnorm::Union{Nothing,Real} (default: nothing): an upper bound on the $\ell^2$-norm of the data points.
Warning: maxnorm must be set

The maxnorm keyword parameter must be explicitly specified. If it is left unspecified (or set to nothing), SignALSH() will raise an error.

  • m::Integer (default: 3): parameter m that affects the probability of a hash collision.
  • resize_pow2::Bool (default: false): affects the way in which the returned LSHFunctions.SignALSH resizes to hash inputs of different sizes. If you think you'll be hashing inputs of many different sizes, it's more efficient to set resize_pow2 = true.


SignALSH is an AsymmetricLSHFunction, and hence hashes must be computed using index_hash and query_hash.

julia> hashfn = SignALSH(12; maxnorm=10);

julia> x = rand(4);

julia> ih = index_hash(hashfn, x); qh = query_hash(hashfn, x);

julia> length(ih) == length(qh) == 12

julia> typeof(ih) == typeof(qh) == BitArray{1}

You need to explicitly specify the maxnorm keyword parameter when constructing SignALSH, otherwise you will get an error.

julia> hashfn = SignALSH(12)
ERROR: maxnorm must be specified for SignALSH

You'll also get an error if you try to hash a vector that has norm greater than the maxnorm that you specified.

julia> hashfn = SignALSH(; maxnorm=1);

julia> index_hash(hashfn, ones(4))
ERROR: norm 2.0 exceeds maxnorm (1.0)


  • Anshumali Shrivastava and Ping Li. Improved Asymmetric Locality Sensitive Hashing (ALSH) for Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS). In Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, UAI'15, page 812–821, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2015. AUAI Press. 10.5555/3020847.3020931. arXiv:1405.5869

See also: inner_prod, ℓ2_norm

MIPSHash(n_hashes::Integer = 1;
         dtype::Datatype = Float32,
         maxnorm::Union{Nothing,Real} = nothing,
         scale::Real = 1,
         m::Integer = 3,
         resize_pow2::Bool = false)

Create a MIPSHash hash function for hashing on inner product similarity.


  • n_hashes::Integer (default: 1): the number of hash functions to generate.

Keyword parameters

  • dtype::DataType (default: Float32): the data type to use in the LSHFunctions.MIPSHash internals. For performance reasons you should pick dtype to match the type of the data you're hashing.
  • maxnorm::Union{Nothing,Real} (default: nothing): an upper bound on the $\ell^2$-norm of the data points.
Warning: maxnorm must be explicitly set

The maxnorm keyword parameter must be explicitly specified. If it is left unspecified (or set to nothing), MIPSHash() will raise an error.

  • scale::Real (default: 1): parameter that affects the probability of a hash collision. Large values of scale increases hash collision probability (even for inputs with low inner product similarity); small values of scale will decrease hash collision probability.


MIPSHash is an AsymmetricLSHFunction, and hence hashes must be computed using index_hash and query_hash.

julia> hashfn = MIPSHash(5; maxnorm=10);

julia> x = rand(4);

julia> ih = index_hash(hashfn, x); qh = query_hash(hashfn, x);

julia> length(ih) == length(qh) == 5

julia> typeof(ih) == typeof(qh) == Vector{Int32}

You need to explicitly specify the maxnorm keyword parameter when constructing MIPSHash, otherwise you will get an error.

julia> hashfn = MIPSHash(5)
ERROR: maxnorm must be specified for MIPSHash

You'll also get an error if you try to hash a vector that has norm greater than the maxnorm that you specified.

julia> hashfn = MIPSHash(; maxnorm=1);

julia> index_hash(hashfn, ones(4))
ERROR: norm 2.0 exceeds maxnorm (1.0)


  • Anshumali Shrivastava and Ping Li. Asymmetric LSH (ALSH) for Sublinear Time Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 2, NIPS'14, page 2321–2329, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2014. MIT Press. 10.5555/2969033.2969086. arXiv:1410.5410

See also: inner_prod, ℓ2_norm

Similarity functions

Lp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
L1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
L2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $ℓ^p$ distance between a pair of vectors $x$ and $y$. Identical to ℓp(x,y,p), ℓ1(x,y), and ℓ2(x,y), respectively.

See also: ℓp

Lp(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval, p)
L1(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)
L2(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^p$ distance between two functions, given by

$L^p(f,g) \coloneqq \|f - g\|_p = \left(\int_a^b \left|f(x) - g(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm} dx\right)^{1/p}$


Below we compute the $L^1$, $L^2$, and $L^3$ distances between $f(x) = x^2 + 1$ and $g(x) = 2x$ over the interval $[0,1]$. The distances are computed by evaluating the integral

$\left(\int_0^1 \left|f(x) - g(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p} = \left(\int_0^1 \left|x^2 - 2x + 1\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p} = \left(\int_0^1 (x - 1)^{2p} \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p}$

for $p = 1$, $p = 2$, and $p = 3$.

julia> f(x) = x^2 + 1; g(x) = 2x;

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 1);

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 1) ≈ L1(f, g, interval) ≈ 3^(-1)

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 2) ≈ L2(f, g, interval) ≈ 5^(-1/2)

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 3) ≈ 7^(-1/3)

See also: Lp_norm, ℓp

Lp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
L1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
L2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $ℓ^p$ distance between a pair of vectors $x$ and $y$. Identical to ℓp(x,y,p), ℓ1(x,y), and ℓ2(x,y), respectively.

See also: ℓp

Lp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a vector $x$. Identical to ℓp_norm(x,p), ℓ1_norm(x), and ℓ2_norm(x), respectively.

See also: ℓp_norm

Lp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a vector $x$. Identical to ℓp_norm(x,p), ℓ1_norm(x), and ℓ2_norm(x), respectively.

See also: ℓp_norm

Lp_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval, p::Real=2)
L1_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)
L2_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^p$ function-space norm of a function $f$, which is given by the equation

$\|f\|_p = \left(\int_a^b \left|f(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm} dx\right)^{1/p}$

L1_norm(f, interval) is the same as Lp_norm(f, interval, 1), and L2_norm(f, interval) is the same as Lp_norm(f, interval, 2).


julia> f(x) = x;

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 1);

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 1) ≈ L1_norm(f, interval) ≈ 2^(-1/1)

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 2) ≈ L2_norm(f, interval) ≈ 3^(-1/2)

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 3) ≈ 4^(-1/3)
Lp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
L1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
L2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $ℓ^p$ distance between a pair of vectors $x$ and $y$. Identical to ℓp(x,y,p), ℓ1(x,y), and ℓ2(x,y), respectively.

See also: ℓp

Lp(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval, p)
L1(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)
L2(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^p$ distance between two functions, given by

$L^p(f,g) \coloneqq \|f - g\|_p = \left(\int_a^b \left|f(x) - g(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm} dx\right)^{1/p}$


Below we compute the $L^1$, $L^2$, and $L^3$ distances between $f(x) = x^2 + 1$ and $g(x) = 2x$ over the interval $[0,1]$. The distances are computed by evaluating the integral

$\left(\int_0^1 \left|f(x) - g(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p} = \left(\int_0^1 \left|x^2 - 2x + 1\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p} = \left(\int_0^1 (x - 1)^{2p} \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p}$

for $p = 1$, $p = 2$, and $p = 3$.

julia> f(x) = x^2 + 1; g(x) = 2x;

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 1);

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 1) ≈ L1(f, g, interval) ≈ 3^(-1)

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 2) ≈ L2(f, g, interval) ≈ 5^(-1/2)

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 3) ≈ 7^(-1/3)

See also: Lp_norm, ℓp

Lp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
L1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
L2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $ℓ^p$ distance between a pair of vectors $x$ and $y$. Identical to ℓp(x,y,p), ℓ1(x,y), and ℓ2(x,y), respectively.

See also: ℓp

Lp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a vector $x$. Identical to ℓp_norm(x,p), ℓ1_norm(x), and ℓ2_norm(x), respectively.

See also: ℓp_norm

Lp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a vector $x$. Identical to ℓp_norm(x,p), ℓ1_norm(x), and ℓ2_norm(x), respectively.

See also: ℓp_norm

Lp_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval, p::Real=2)
L1_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)
L2_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^p$ function-space norm of a function $f$, which is given by the equation

$\|f\|_p = \left(\int_a^b \left|f(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm} dx\right)^{1/p}$

L1_norm(f, interval) is the same as Lp_norm(f, interval, 1), and L2_norm(f, interval) is the same as Lp_norm(f, interval, 2).


julia> f(x) = x;

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 1);

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 1) ≈ L1_norm(f, interval) ≈ 2^(-1/1)

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 2) ≈ L2_norm(f, interval) ≈ 3^(-1/2)

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 3) ≈ 4^(-1/3)
Lp(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval, p)
L1(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)
L2(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^p$ distance between two functions, given by

$L^p(f,g) \coloneqq \|f - g\|_p = \left(\int_a^b \left|f(x) - g(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm} dx\right)^{1/p}$


Below we compute the $L^1$, $L^2$, and $L^3$ distances between $f(x) = x^2 + 1$ and $g(x) = 2x$ over the interval $[0,1]$. The distances are computed by evaluating the integral

$\left(\int_0^1 \left|f(x) - g(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p} = \left(\int_0^1 \left|x^2 - 2x + 1\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p} = \left(\int_0^1 (x - 1)^{2p} \hspace{0.15cm}dx\right)^{1/p}$

for $p = 1$, $p = 2$, and $p = 3$.

julia> f(x) = x^2 + 1; g(x) = 2x;

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 1);

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 1) ≈ L1(f, g, interval) ≈ 3^(-1)

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 2) ≈ L2(f, g, interval) ≈ 5^(-1/2)

julia> Lp(f, g, interval, 3) ≈ 7^(-1/3)

See also: Lp_norm, ℓp

Lp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
L1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
L2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $ℓ^p$ distance between a pair of vectors $x$ and $y$. Identical to ℓp(x,y,p), ℓ1(x,y), and ℓ2(x,y), respectively.

See also: ℓp

Lp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a vector $x$. Identical to ℓp_norm(x,p), ℓ1_norm(x), and ℓ2_norm(x), respectively.

See also: ℓp_norm

Lp_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval, p::Real=2)
L1_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)
L2_norm(f, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^p$ function-space norm of a function $f$, which is given by the equation

$\|f\|_p = \left(\int_a^b \left|f(x)\right|^p \hspace{0.15cm} dx\right)^{1/p}$

L1_norm(f, interval) is the same as Lp_norm(f, interval, 1), and L2_norm(f, interval) is the same as Lp_norm(f, interval, 2).


julia> f(x) = x;

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 1);

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 1) ≈ L1_norm(f, interval) ≈ 2^(-1/1)

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 2) ≈ L2_norm(f, interval) ≈ 3^(-1/2)

julia> Lp_norm(f, interval, 3) ≈ 4^(-1/3)

Computes the cosine similarity between two inputs $x$ and $y$. Cosine similarity is defined as

$\text{cossim}(x,y) = \frac{\left\langle x,y\right\rangle}{\|x\|\cdot\|y\|}$

where $\left\langle\cdot,\cdot\right\rangle$ is an inner product (e.g. dot product) and $\|\cdot\|$ is its derived norm. This is roughly interpreted as being related to the angle between the inputs $x$ and $y$: when $x$ and $y$ have low angle between them, cossim(x,y) is high (close to $1$). When $x$ and $y$ have large angle between them, cossim(x,y) is low (close to $-1$).


  • x and y: two inputs for which dot(x,y), norm(x), and norm(y) are defined.


julia> using LinearAlgebra: dot, norm;

julia> x, y = rand(4), rand(4);

julia> cossim(x,y) == dot(x,y) / (norm(x) * norm(y))

julia> z = rand(5);

julia> cossim(x,z)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("dot product arguments have lengths 4 and 5")

See also: SimHash

inner_prod(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $\ell^2$ inner product (dot product)

$\left\langle x, y\right\rangle = \sum_i x_iy_i$


julia> using LinearAlgebra: dot;

julia> x, y = randn(4), randn(4);

julia> inner_prod(x,y) ≈ dot(x,y)
inner_prod(f, g, interval::LSHFunctions.RealInterval)

Computes the $L^2$ inner product

$\left\langle f, g\right\rangle = \int_a^b f(x)g(x) \hspace{0.15cm} dx$

where the interval we're integrating over is specified by the interval argument.


julia> f(x) = cos(x); g(x) = sin(x);

julia> inner_prod(f, g, @interval(0 ≤ x ≤ π/2)) ≈ 1/2
jaccard(A::Set, B::Set) :: Float64

Computes the Jaccard similarity between sets $A$ and $B$, which is defined as

$\text{Jaccard}(A,B) = \frac{\left|A \cap B\right|}{\left|A \cup B\right|}$


  • A::Set, B::Set: the two sets with which to compute Jaccard similarity.


Float64: the Jaccard similarity between sets A and B, which is between 0 and 1.


julia> A, B = Set([1, 2, 3]), Set([2, 3, 4]);

julia> jaccard(A,B)

julia> jaccard(A,B) == length(A ∩ B) / length(A ∪ B)

See also: MinHash

ℓp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
ℓ1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
ℓ2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $\ell^p$ distance between a pair of vectors, given by

$\ell^p(x,y) \coloneqq \|x - y\|_p = \left(\sum_i \left|x_i - y_i\right|^p\right)^{1/p}$

ℓ1(x,y) is the same as ℓp(x,y,1), and ℓ2(x,y) is the same as ℓp(x,y,2).


julia> x = [1, 2, 3];

julia> y = [4, 5, 6];

julia> ℓp(x,y,2) == (abs(1-4)^2 + abs(2-5)^2 + abs(3-6)^2)^(1/2)

julia> ℓp(x,y,3) == (abs(1-4)^3 + abs(2-5)^3 + abs(3-6)^3)^(1/3)

See also: ℓp_norm, L1Hash, L2Hash

ℓp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a point $x$, defined as

$\|x\|_p = \left(\sum_i \left|x_i\right|^p\right)^{1/p}$


julia> x = randn(4);

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 1) ≈ ℓ1_norm(x) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^1, x) |> sum)^(1/1)

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 2) ≈ ℓ2_norm(x) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^2, x) |> sum)^(1/2)

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 3) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^3, x) |> sum)^(1/3)

See also: ℓp, Lp_norm

ℓp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
ℓ1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
ℓ2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $\ell^p$ distance between a pair of vectors, given by

$\ell^p(x,y) \coloneqq \|x - y\|_p = \left(\sum_i \left|x_i - y_i\right|^p\right)^{1/p}$

ℓ1(x,y) is the same as ℓp(x,y,1), and ℓ2(x,y) is the same as ℓp(x,y,2).


julia> x = [1, 2, 3];

julia> y = [4, 5, 6];

julia> ℓp(x,y,2) == (abs(1-4)^2 + abs(2-5)^2 + abs(3-6)^2)^(1/2)

julia> ℓp(x,y,3) == (abs(1-4)^3 + abs(2-5)^3 + abs(3-6)^3)^(1/3)

See also: ℓp_norm, L1Hash, L2Hash

ℓp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a point $x$, defined as

$\|x\|_p = \left(\sum_i \left|x_i\right|^p\right)^{1/p}$


julia> x = randn(4);

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 1) ≈ ℓ1_norm(x) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^1, x) |> sum)^(1/1)

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 2) ≈ ℓ2_norm(x) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^2, x) |> sum)^(1/2)

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 3) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^3, x) |> sum)^(1/3)

See also: ℓp, Lp_norm

ℓp(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
ℓ1(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)
ℓ2(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector)

Computes the $\ell^p$ distance between a pair of vectors, given by

$\ell^p(x,y) \coloneqq \|x - y\|_p = \left(\sum_i \left|x_i - y_i\right|^p\right)^{1/p}$

ℓ1(x,y) is the same as ℓp(x,y,1), and ℓ2(x,y) is the same as ℓp(x,y,2).


julia> x = [1, 2, 3];

julia> y = [4, 5, 6];

julia> ℓp(x,y,2) == (abs(1-4)^2 + abs(2-5)^2 + abs(3-6)^2)^(1/2)

julia> ℓp(x,y,3) == (abs(1-4)^3 + abs(2-5)^3 + abs(3-6)^3)^(1/3)

See also: ℓp_norm, L1Hash, L2Hash

ℓp_norm(x::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)

Compute the $\ell^p$ norm of a point $x$, defined as

$\|x\|_p = \left(\sum_i \left|x_i\right|^p\right)^{1/p}$


julia> x = randn(4);

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 1) ≈ ℓ1_norm(x) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^1, x) |> sum)^(1/1)

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 2) ≈ ℓ2_norm(x) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^2, x) |> sum)^(1/2)

julia> ℓp_norm(x, 3) ≈ (map(u -> abs(u)^3, x) |> sum)^(1/3)

See also: ℓp, Lp_norm

Hashing in function spaces

MonteCarloHash(sim, ω, args...; volume=1.0, n_samples=1024, kws...)

Samples a hash function from an LSH family for the similarity sim defined over the function space $L^p_{\mu}(\Omega)$. sim may be one of the following:

  • L1
  • L2
  • cossim

Given an input function $f\in L^p_{\mu}(\Omega)$, MonteCarloHash works by sampling $f$ at some randomly-selected points in $\Omega$, and then hashing those samples.


  • sim: the similarity statistic you want to hash on.
  • ω: a function that takes no inputs and samples a single point from $\Omega$. Alternatively, it can be viewed as a random variable with probability measure
\[\frac{\mu}{\text{vol}_{\mu}(\Omega)} = \frac{\mu}{\int_{\Omega} d\mu}\]
  • args...: arguments to pass on when building the LSHFunction instance underlying the returned MonteCarloHash struct.
  • volume::Real (default: 1.0): the volume of the space $\Omega$, defined as
\[\text{vol}_{\mu}(\Omega) = \int_{\Omega} d\mu\]
  • n_samples::Integer (default: 1024): the number of points to sample from each function that is hashed by the MonteCarloHash. Larger values of n_samples tend to capture the input function better and will thus be more likely to achieve desirable collision probabilities.
  • kws...: keyword arguments to pass on when building the LSHFunction instance underlying the returned MonteCarloHash struct.


Create a hash function for cosine similarity for functions in $L^2([-1,1])$:

julia> μ() = 2*rand()-1;   # μ samples a random point from [-1,1]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(cossim, μ, 50; volume=2.0);

julia> n_hashes(hashfn)

julia> similarity(hashfn) == cossim

julia> hashtype(hashfn)

Create a hash function for $L^2$ distance in the function space $L^2([0,2\pi])$. Hash the functions f(x) = cos(x) and f(x) = x/(2π) using the returned MonteCarloHash.

julia> μ() = 2π * rand(); # μ samples a random point from [0,2π]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(L2, μ, 3; volume=2π);

julia> hashfn(cos)
3-element Array{Int32,1}:

julia> hashfn(x -> x/(2π))
3-element Array{Int32,1}:

Create a hash function with a different number of sample points.

julia> μ() = rand();  # Samples a random point from [0,1]

julia> hashfn = MonteCarloHash(cossim, μ; volume=1.0, n_samples=512);

julia> length(hashfn.sample_points)

See also: ChebHash

ChebHash(sim, args...; interval=LSHFunctions.RealInterval{Int64}(-1, 1, true, true), kws...)

Samples a hash function from an LSH family for the similarity sim defined over the function space $L^p_{\mu}(\Omega)$. sim may be one of the following:

  • L2
  • cossim

ChebHash works by approximating a function by Chebyshev polynomials. You can choose the degree of the approximation to trade between speed and generating desirable hash collision probabilities.

ChebHash limitations

ChebHash can only hash function spaces of the form $L^2([a,b])$, where $[a,b]$ is an interval on the real line. For a more versatile option, checkout out MonteCarloHash.


  • sim: the similarity function you want to hash on.
  • args...: arguments to pass on when building the LSHFunction instance underlying the returned ChebHash struct.
  • kws...: keyword arguments to pass on when building the LSHFunction instance underlying the returned ChebHash struct.


Create a hash function for cosine similarity for functions in $L^2([-1,1])$:

julia> hashfn = ChebHash(cossim, 50; interval=@interval(-1 ≤ x ≤ 1));

julia> n_hashes(hashfn)

julia> similarity(hashfn) == cossim

julia> hashtype(hashfn)

Create a hash function for $L^2$ distance defined over $L^2([0,2\pi])$. Hash the functions f(x) = cos(x) and f(x) = x/(2π) using the returned ChebHash:

julia> hashfn = ChebHash(L2, 3; interval=@interval(0 ≤ x ≤ 2π));

julia> hashfn(cos)
3-element Array{Int32,1}:

julia> hashfn(x -> x/(2π))
3-element Array{Int32,1}:

See also: MonteCarloHash



Construct a new LSHFunctions.RealInterval representing an interval on the real line from an expression such as

0 ≤ x < 1

The returned expression constructs an LSHFunctions.RealInterval encoding the lower and upper bounds on the interval, as well as whether the ends are opened or closed.


You can construct an interval using the following syntax:

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x < 1);

There are usually multiple ways of constructing the same interval. For instance, each of the expressions below are equivalent ways of constructing the interval [-1,1].

julia> @interval(-1 ≤  x ≤  1) ==
       @interval(-1 <= x <= 1) ==
       @interval(-1 ≤  y ≤  1) ==
       @interval( 1 ≥  x ≥ -1)

You can even create intervals with Inf or -Inf at the endpoints, e.g. @interval(-Inf < x < Inf).

There are two primary operations you can run on an interval: testing for membership and intersection. You can test whether or not x is in an interval using x ∈ interval, as shown below.

julia> interval = @interval(0 ≤ x < 1);

julia> 0 ∈ interval && 1 ∉ interval

julia> 0 in interval    # This syntax also works

You can also intersect two intervals using the operator (or by using intersect(interval_1, interval_2)).

julia> @interval(0 ≤ x < 1) ∩ @interval(1/2 < x ≤ 1) == @interval(1/2 < x < 1)

See also: RealInterval

Private interface

struct RealInterval{T<:Real}

Encodes an interval of the real line, such as [-1,1] or [0,Inf).


  • lower::T: lower bound on the interval.
  • upper::T: upper bound on the interval.
  • closed_below::Bool: whether or not the interval is closed below.
  • closed_above::Bool: whether or not the interval is closed above.


The following snippet constructs RealInterval represeting the interval [0,1)

julia> interval = LSHFunctions.RealInterval(0, 1, true, false);

It's generally easier to construct an interval using the @interval macro. Check out the documentation for @interval for more information.

See also: @interval


Returns true if interval is empty (i.e. there doesn't exist an x for which x ∈ interval is true), and false otherwise.


Return the width of a RealInterval (i.e. the difference between its upper and lower bounds.

register_similarity!(similarity, hashfn)

Register hashfn to the LSH module as the default locality-sensitive hash function to use for similarity function similarity. This makes it possible to construct a new hash function for similarity with LSHFunction(similarity, args...; kws...).


  • similarity: the similarity function to register.
  • hashfn: the default locality-sensitive hash function that similarity should be associated with.


Create a custom implementation of cosine similarity called my_cossim, and associate it with SimHash:

julia> using LinearAlgebra: dot, norm

julia> my_cossim(x,y) = dot(x,y) / (norm(x) * norm(y));

julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(my_cossim);
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching LSHFunction(::typeof(my_cossim))

julia> LSHFunctions.@register_similarity!(my_cossim, SimHash);

julia> hashfn = LSHFunction(my_cossim);

julia> isa(hashfn, SimHash)