Magnetic liquid droplet in magnetic field

Magnetic liquid droplet in magnetic field

The behaviour of droplets under the action of magnetic fields of different configurations is an important issue in many fields, including microfluidics (Seeman et al. 2012), mechanics of tissues (Douezan et al. 2011; Frasca et al. 2014), studies of dynamic self-assembly (Timonen et al. 2013) and many others. After the successful synthesis of magnetic fluids in the late sixties by (Rosensweig 1985) an exciting story about droplets of magnetic fluid began. At first the elongation of the droplets in an external field was observed and explained by Arhipenko et al. (1978). Later on, different droplet configurations were experimentally observed in high frequency rotating field which were subject to our numerical study in [1].

Here I present the basic ingridients to reproduce the results of the paper with the new tools SurfaceTopology, LaplaceBIE and ElTopo (optional).

using LinearAlgebra
using GeometryTypes
using SurfaceTopology
using LaplaceBIE
using AbstractPlotting, GLMakie
# using ElTopo

The calculation requires normal vector and vertex areas methods. Latter one gives area of 1/3 of the vertex ring so the sum is area of the droplet.

function normals(vertices,topology)
    n = Point{3,Float64}[]
    for v in 1:length(vertices)
        s = Point(0,0,0)
        for (v1,v2) in EdgeRing(v,topology)
            s += cross(vertices[v1],vertices[v2])
        normal = s ./ norm(s)
    return n

function vertexareas(points,topology)
    vareas = zeros(Float64,length(points))
    for face in Faces(topology)
        v1,v2,v3 = face
        area = norm(cross(points[v3]-points[v1],points[v2]-points[v1])) /2
        vareas[v1] += area/3
        vareas[v2] += area/3
        vareas[v3] += area/3
    return vareas

Theese are tools to keep track if the calculation is sensible. Since we are working in incompresable fluid the volume needs to be constant and the energy of the droplet decreases until equilibrium is reached.

function surfacevolume(points,topology)
    normal0 = [0,0,1]
    s = 0
    for face in Faces(topology)
        y1 = points[face[1]]
        y2 = points[face[2]]
        y3 = points[face[3]]

        normaly = cross(y2-y1,y3-y1)
        normaly /= norm(normaly)

        area = norm(cross(y2-y1,y3-y1))/2
        areaproj = dot(normaly,normal0)*area
        volume = dot(y1 + y2 + y3,normal0)/3*areaproj

        s += volume
    return s

function energy(points,normals,faces,psi,mup,gammap,H0)
    vareas = vertexareas(points,faces)
    Area = sum(vareas)

    s = 0
    for xkey in 1:length(points)
        s += psi[xkey]*dot(H0,normals[xkey]) * vareas[xkey]

    Es = gammap * Area
    Em = 1/8/pi * (1 - mup) * s

    return Es+Em

For calculating the equilibrium of the droplet we use a curvatureless algorithm for a vicous droplet developed by Zinchenko 1997. He found a way to calculate velocity generated by a surface tension without explicitly calculating the curvature which makes it easier to implement and from some tests also more stable. A following method accepts surface defined by points, normals and faces (or topology) and surface force as well surface tension γ and viscosity η (which only affects scaling of time).

function stokesvelocity(points,normals,faces,forcen,etaP,gammap)
    vareas = vertexareas(points,faces)
    velocityn = zeros(Float64,length(points))

    for xkey in 1:length(points)

        x = points[xkey]
        nx = normals[xkey]
        fx = forcen[xkey]

        s = 0
        for ykey in 1:length(points)
            if ykey==xkey

            y = points[ykey]
            ny = normals[ykey]
            fy = forcen[ykey]

            ### Need to check a missing 2
            s += vareas[ykey]*1 ./8/pi/etaP* dot(y-x,nx+ny)/norm(y-x)^3*(1-3*dot(y-x,nx)*dot(y-x,ny)/norm(y-x)^2) * gammap
            s += vareas[ykey]*1 ./8/pi/etaP* ( dot(nx,ny)/norm(x-y) + dot(nx,x -y)*dot(ny,x-y)/norm(x-y)^3 )*(fy - fx)
        velocityn[xkey] = s
    return velocityn

Now having methods defined, we can include a sphere and proceed with calculation.

msh = unitsphere(2)
vertices, faces = msh.vertices, msh.faces

# Now let's do something fun. Visualize the process with Makie in real time.
x = Node(msh)
y = lift(x->x,x)

scene = Scene(show_axis=false)

wireframe!(scene,y,linewidth = 3f0)
mesh!(scene,y, color = :white, shading = false)


# Initial parameters
H0 = [4.,0.,0.]
etap = 1.
gammap = 1.
μ = 10.

t = 0.
Δt = 0.1
N = 100
volume0 = surfacevolume(vertices,faces)

record(scene, "mdrop.gif", 1:N) do i # for i in 1:N
    n = normals(vertices,faces)

    psi = surfacepotential(vertices,n,faces,μ,H0)
    P∇ψ = tangentderivatives(vertices,n,faces,psi)
    Hn = normalderivatives(vertices,n,faces,P∇ψ,μ,H0)

    E = energy(vertices,n,faces,psi,μ,gammap,H0)
    rV = surfacevolume(vertices,faces)/volume0
    @show E,rV

    Ht = [norm(j) for j in P∇ψ]

The force generated (M⋅∇)H which includes jump of magnetization at the surface and force comming from the whoole bulk.

    tensorn = μ*(μ-1)/8/pi * Hn.^2 + (μ-1)/8/pi * Ht.^2

    vn = stokesvelocity(vertices,n,faces,tensorn,etap,gammap)

    vertices .+= n .* vn * Δt

    msh = HomogenousMesh(vertices,faces)

    ### ElTopo stabilization
    # par = SurfTrack(allow_vertex_movement=true)
    # msh = stabilize(msh,par)


    global vertices, faces = msh.vertices, msh.faces
    global t += Δt


Erdmanis, J. & Kitenbergs, G. & Perzynski, R. & Cebers, A. (2017) Magnetic micro-droplet in rotating field: numerical simulation and comparison with experiment