
Graph Utilities

These are utilities to facilitate the use of sparse matrices as graphs.

Same as the above, but now the graph is in adjacency list form

Computes the back indices in a graph in O(M+N). works if for every edge (u,v), (v,u) is also in the graph

Returns the quality of the cut for a given graph and a given cut set s. the result will be |outgoing edges| / min(|vertices in set|, |N - vertices in set|)

Similar to findnz, but also returns 0 entries that have an edge in the sparse matrix

For a symmetric matrix, this gives the correspondance between pairs of entries in an ijv. So, ai[ind] = aj[flip[ind]]. For example,

(ai,aj,av) = findnz(a);
fl = flipIndex(a)
ind = 10
@show backind = fl[10]
@show [ai[ind], aj[ind], av[ind]]
@show [ai[backind], aj[backind], av[backind]];

backind = fl[10] = 4
[ai[ind],aj[ind],av[ind]] = [2.0,4.0,0.7]
[ai[backind],aj[backind],av[backind]] = [4.0,2.0,0.7]

Computes the number of edges leaving s

Computes the volume of subset s in an unweighted graph G

Sets the value of a certain edge in a sparse graph; value can be 0 without the edges dissapearing


Finds the weighted degree of a vertex in the graph