LibCEED.jl Docs

Documentation for the LibCEED.jl Julia interface to the libCEED library.

For further information, see also the libCEED documentation.

Several short examples are included to demonstrate the functionality.


The LibCEED.jl package can be installed with Julia's package manager by running ] add LibCEED. This will automatically install a pre-built binary of the libCEED library. If you require features of a specific build of libCEED (e.g. CUDA/GPU support, specific compiler flags, etc.) then you should compile your own version of the libCEED library, and configure LibCEED.jl to use this binary as described in the Configuring LibCEED.jl section.

The pre-built libCEED binaries do not support CUDA backends

The pre-built binaries automatically installed by LibCEED.jl (through the libCEED_jll package) are not built with CUDA support. If you want to run libCEED on the GPU, you will have to build libCEED from source and configure LibCEED.jl as described in the Configuring LibCEED.jl section.

Configuring LibCEED.jl

By default, LibCEED.jl will use the pre-built libCEED binaries provided by the libCEED_jll package. If you wish to use a different libCEED binary (e.g. one built from source), LibCEED.jl can be configured using the JULIA_LIBCEED_LIB environment variable set to the absolute path of the libCEED dynamic library. For the configuration to take effect, LibCEED.jl must be built with this environment variable, for example:

% JULIA_LIBCEED_LIB=/path/to/ julia
julia> # press ] to enter package manager
(env) pkg> build LibCEED

or, equivalently,

julia> withenv("JULIA_LIBCEED_LIB" => "/path/to/") do"LibCEED")

Features of the high-level interface for libCEED

User Q-functions

With LibCEED.jl, it is much easier to write dimension-independent user-defined Q-functions that automatically work on the GPU. See the related documentation for more information.

Safe access to CeedVector objects

When accessing CeedVector objects, the C interface requires the user to manually call CeedVectorGetArray, paired with CeedVectorRestoreArray. If the user wants read-only access, then the user must call CeedVectorGetArrayRead, paired with CeedVectorRestoreArrayRead. This can possibly be bug-prone, because the user may forget to restore the array, or may match the Read version to get the array with non-Read version to restore the array (or vice versa).

In LibCEED.jl, this difficulty is mitigated using the witharray function and @witharray macro. There are also read-only versions, witharray_read and @witharray_read. When using this functionality, it is impossible to forget to restore the array, and the correct version is always paired properly.

For example, in ex1-volume, the following C code

// Compute and print the sum of the entries of 'v' giving the mesh volume.
const CeedScalar *v_host;
CeedVectorGetArrayRead(v, CEED_MEM_HOST, &v_host);
CeedScalar vol = 0.;
for (CeedInt i = 0; i < sol_size; i++) {
  vol += v_host[i];
CeedVectorRestoreArrayRead(v, &v_host);

is replaced with the following equivalent Julia code

# Compute and print the sum of the entries of 'v' giving the mesh volume.
vol = witharray_read(sum, v, MEM_HOST)

In ex2-surface, the following C code

// Initialize 'u' with sum of coordinates, x+y+z.
CeedScalar *u_host;
const CeedScalar *x_host;
CeedVectorGetArray(u, CEED_MEM_HOST, &u_host);
CeedVectorGetArrayRead(mesh_coords, CEED_MEM_HOST, &x_host);
for (CeedInt i = 0; i < sol_size; i++) {
  u_host[i] = 0;
  for (CeedInt d = 0; d < dim; d++)
    u_host[i] += x_host[i+d*sol_size];
CeedVectorRestoreArray(u, &u_host);
CeedVectorRestoreArrayRead(mesh_coords, &x_host);

is replaced with the following equivalent Julia code

@witharray_read(x_host=mesh_coords, size=(mesh_size÷dim, dim),
    @witharray(u_host=u, size=(sol_size,1),
        sum!(u_host, x_host)))

The macro version can provide better performance if a closure is required, and allow for convenient reshaping of the vector into equivalently sized matrices or tensors.

Ceed objects


C interface