
Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.Build StatusCoverage Statuscodecov.io

This is a collection of trivial functions to facilitate generating and exploring test coverage information for Julia packages locally, without using any remote/cloud services.


This package is not (yet) registered. You need to install it with


Generating HTML needs the genhtml utility, which is part of LCOV. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, use

sudo apt install lcov

Note that the code in this package assumes a reasonably recent lcov version when calling genhtml, ideally 1.13, but 1.12 should work too. This only checked when building this package, and does not prevent installation, only emits a warning. See the discussion of issue #1 for a workaround.


using LocalCoverage
generate_coverage(pkg)  # generate coverage information
open_coverage(pkg)      # open in a browser
clean_coverage(pkg)     # cleanup