
Frameworks extending Lux

  • Boltz.jl – Prebuilt deep learning models for image classification tasks
  • DeepEquilibriumNetworks.jl – Continuous and Discrete Deep Equilibrium Networks
  • DiffEqFlux.jl – Neural Differential Equations, Continuous Normalizing Flows, etc.

Extended Julia Ecosystem

As you might have noticed we don't do much apart from Neural Networks. All other parts of the DL training/evaluation pipeline should be offloaded to:

Automatic Differentiation

  • Zygote.jl – Currently the default and recommended AD library
  • Enzyme.jl – Experimental Support (but will most likely become the future default)
  • ForwardDiff.jl – For forward mode AD support
  • ReverseDiff.jl – Tape based reverse mode AD (mostly untested)

Data Manipulation and Loading

Distributed DataParallel Training

Neural Network Primitives


Parameter Manipulation


Testing Utilities

Training Visualization & Logging