Migrating from Flux to Lux

For the core library layers like Dense, Conv, etc. we have intentionlly kept the API very similar to Flux. In most cases, replacing using Flux with using Lux should be enough to get you started. We cover the additional changes that you will have to make in the following example.

=== "Lux" ```julia hl_lines="1 7 9 11" using Lux, Random, NNlib, Zygote model = Chain(Dense(2 => 4), BatchNorm(4, relu), Dense(4 => 2)) rng = Random.default_rng() x = randn(rng, 2, 4) ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model) model(x, ps, st) gradient(ps -> sum(first(model(x, ps, st))), ps) ``` === "Flux" ```julia using Flux, Random, NNlib, Zygote model = Chain(Dense(2 => 4), BatchNorm(4, relu), Dense(4 => 2)) rng = Random.default_rng() x = randn(rng, 2, 4) model(x) gradient(model -> sum(model(x)), model) ```

Implementing Custom Layers

Flux and Lux operate under extremely different design philosophies regarding how layers should be implemented. A summary of the differences would be:

  • Flux stores everything in a single struct and relies on Functors.@functor and Flux.trainable to distinguish between trainable and non-trainable parameters.

  • Lux relies on the user to define Lux.initialparameters and Lux.initialstates to distinguish between trainable parameters (called "parameters") and non-trainable parameters (called "states"). Additionally Lux layers define the model architecture, hence device transfer utilities like gpu, cpu, etc. cannot be applied on Lux layers, instead they need to be applied on the parameters and states.

Let's work through a concrete example to demonstrate this. We will implement a very simple layer that computes $A \times B \times x$ where $A$ is not trainable and $B$ is trainable.

=== "Lux" ```julia using Lux, Random, NNlib, Zygote struct LuxLinear <: Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer init_A init_B end function LuxLinear(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) # Storing Arrays or any mutable structure inside a Lux Layer is not recommended # instead we will convert this to a function to perform lazy initialization return LuxLinear(() -> copy(A), () -> copy(B)) end # `B` is a parameter Lux.initialparameters(rng::AbstractRNG, layer::LuxLinear) = (B=layer.init_B(),) # `A` is a state Lux.initialstates(rng::AbstractRNG, layer::LuxLinear) = (A=layer.init_A(),) (l::LuxLinear)(x, ps, st) = st.A * ps.B * x, st ``` === "Flux" ```julia using Flux, Random, NNlib, Zygote, Optimisers struct FluxLinear A B end # `A` is not trainable Optimisers.trainable(f::FluxLinear) = (B=f.B,) # Needed so that both `A` and `B` can be transfered between devices Flux.@functor FluxLinear (l::FluxLinear)(x) = l.A * l.B * x ```

Now let us run the model.

=== "Lux" ```julia hl_lines="2 5 7 9" rng = Random.default_rng() model = LuxLinear(randn(rng, 2, 4), randn(rng, 4, 2)) x = randn(rng, 2, 1) ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model) model(x, ps, st) gradient(ps -> sum(first(model(x, ps, st))), ps) ``` === "Flux" ```julia rng = Random.default_rng() model = FluxLinear(randn(rng, 2, 4), randn(rng, 4, 2)) x = randn(rng, 2, 1) model(x) gradient(model -> sum(model(x)), model) ```

To reiterate some of the important points:

  • Don't store mutables like Arrays inside a Lux Layer.
  • Parameters and States should be constructured inside the respective initial* functions.

Certain Important Implementation Details

Training/Inference Mode

Flux supports a mode called :auto which automatically decides if the user is training the model or running inference. This is the default mode for Flux.BatchNorm, Flux.GroupNorm, Flux.Dropout, etc. Lux doesn't support this mode (specifically to keep code simple and do exactly what the user wants), hence our default mode is training. This can be changed using Lux.testmode.

Can't access functions like relu, sigmoid, etc?

Unlike Flux we don't reexport functionality from NNlib, all you need to do to fix this is add using NNlib.

Missing some common layers from Flux

Lux is a very new framework, as such we haven't implemented all Layers that are a part of Flux. We are tracking the missing features in this issue, and hope to have them implemented soon. If you really need those functionality check out the next section.

Can we still use Flux Layers?

We don't recommend this method, but here is a way to compose Flux with Lux.

using Lux, NNlib, Random, Optimisers
import Flux

# Layer Implementation
struct FluxCompatLayer{L,I} <: Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer

function FluxCompatLayer(flayer)
    p, re = Optimisers.destructure(flayer)
    p_ = copy(p)
    return FluxCompatLayer(re, () -> p_)

Lux.initialparameters(rng::AbstractRNG, l::FluxCompatLayer) = (p=l.init_parameters(),)

(f::FluxCompatLayer)(x, ps, st) = f.layer(ps.p)(x), st

# Running the model
fmodel = Flux.Chain(Flux.Dense(3 => 4, relu), Flux.Dense(4 => 1))

lmodel = FluxCompatLayer(fmodel)

rng = Random.default_rng()
x = randn(rng, 3, 1)

ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, lmodel)

lmodel(x, ps, st)[1] == fmodel(x)