Luxor and Cairo

The aim of Luxor is to provide an easy to use "scripting-like" interface to Cairo.jl.


Luxor.jl doesn't implement every function provided in Cairo.jl. Cairo.jl doesn't implement every function provided by the Cairo API.

As an example of the difference between Luxor and Cairo, compare the two scripts below. Below left is one of the original example files in the Cairo.jl repository. On the right is a fairly literal conversion into a Luxor script.

luxor and cairo

They both produce this image:

sample arc

For convenience, and to provide a simpler interface, Luxor introduces Points and dispenses with Contexts.

Both Cairo and Luxor use the same coordinate system (although the Luxor @- macros position the 0/0 origin at the center of the canvas). So although Cairo has to calculate the midpoint of the drawing in line 13, Luxor has to calculate the position of the top left corner in line 28.

A slighty more Luxor-idiomatic version of the code would be:

using Luxor

@png begin
    background(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)

    arc(centerpt, 100, π/4, π, :stroke)

    setcolor(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6)

    circle(centerpt, 10.0, :fill)

    poly([polar(100, π), O, polar(100, π/4)], :stroke)

    text(Libc.strftime(time()), boxtopleft(BoundingBox()) + (0,12))

end 256 256 "/tmp/sample_arc_luxor_2.png"

If you want to know more about how drawing in Cairo (and by extension, Luxor) works, refer to the Cairo documentation.