
Log data to MLFlow tracking server from Julia.


To install this Julia package run the following command in the julia REPL:

] add MLFlowLogger

Basic Usage

The main type in the package is MLFLogger. It behaves like any other standard logger in Julia like ConsoleLogger.

Once you have created a MLFLogger, you can use it as you would use any other logger in Julia:

  • You can set it to be your global logger with the function global_logger
  • You can set it to be the current logger in a scope with the function with_logger
  • You can combine it with other Loggers using LoggingExtras.jl, so that messages are logged to TensorBoard and to other backends at the same time.

Every MLFLogger has an internal counter to store the current step, which is initially set to 1. All the data logged with the same @log call will be logged with the same step, and then it will increment the internal counter by 1.

If you want to increase the counter by a different amount, or prevent it from increasing, you can log the additional message log_step_increment=N. The default behaviour corresponds to N=1. If you set N=0 the internal counter will not be modified.

See the example below:

using MLFlowLogger, Logging, Random

lg = MLFLogger(min_level=Logging.Info)

struct sample_struct first_field; other_field; end

with_logger(lg) do
    for i=1:100
        data_struct = sample_struct(i^2, i^1.5-0.3*i)

        @info "test" i=i j=i^2 dd=rand(10).+0.1*i 
        @info "test_2" i=i j=2^i log_step_increment=0
        @info "" my_weird_struct=data_struct   log_step_increment=0
        @debug "debug_msg" this_wont_show_up=i

Explicit Interface

In addition to the standard logging interface, it is possible to log data to Comet using the functions documented below. All the functions accept take as first argument a MLFLogger object and as the second argument a String as the tag under which the data will be logged.


function log_metric(lg::CLogger, name::AbstractString, value::Real; step::Int=nothing, epoch::Int=nothing)

Logs general scalar metrics.


function log_artifact(lg::MLFLogger, local_path, artifact_path)

Log a local file or directory as an artifact of the currently active run.

  • local_path: Path to the file to write
  • artifact_path: If provided, the directory to write to.
function log_image(lg::MLFLogger, key::AbstractString, obj::AbstractString; step=nothing)

Log a local image file as an artifact of the currently active run. If current step provided, adds it to the artifact directory path.

function log_metric(lg::CLogger, name::AbstractString, value::Real; step::Int=nothing, epoch::Int=nothing)

Logs general scalar metrics.


Returns a tuple with the name of the fields of the structure val that should be logged to This function should be overridden when you want to ignore some fields in a structure when logging it. The default behaviour is to return the same result as propertynames. See also: Base.propertynames